Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Allison Harper, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9268 8014 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Simon Bosher. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Active Pompey Neighbourhoods PDF 205 KB Purpose In accordance with the Council’s Transport Strategy, and extensive consultation, experimental traffic restrictions are proposed for Bramble Road and Talbot Road, along with traffic calming measures (speed cushions and one flat topped hump) on Francis Avenue, Orchard Road, Talbot Road, Sutherland Road and Fawcett Road to create an Active Pompey Neighbourhood (APN).
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Agrees to issue scheme approval for traffic and waiting restrictions on Talbot Road and Bramble Road as illustrated on the drawings in Appendix A;
2) Agrees to implement the scheme in Recommendation 2.1 under an experimental traffic management order made under the provisions of Sections 9, 10, 124, Schedule 1 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA 1984)[1] and that the notices of making for the Experimental Traffic Orders contain the statements specified in Schedule 5 of the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;
3) Agrees that any valid objections received during the statutory objection period are considered by way of a written report to the Cabinet Member of Transport before a decision is reached on whether or not any of the provisions of the experimental order will be made permanent;
4) Agrees that, after consultation with Hampshire Constabulary any modifications to any experimental order which renders it less restrictive may be authorised by the Cabinet Member for Transport without the requirement to re-advertise the order under section 10(2) of the said act;
5) Agrees to undertake a non-statutory consultation exercise with local stakeholders prior to any decision being made on moving to a permanent traffic order;
6) Notes that the APN Spaces for greening will be initially filled with planters. It is the aspiration that should the experimental traffic order be made permanent these are turned into raingardens;
7) Notes the representations during the statutory speed hump consultation and approve officer's recommendations for installation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Hannah Sillince, Strategic Transport Lead presented the report. In accordance with the Council's Transport Strategy and following extensive consultation, experimental traffic restrictions are proposed for Bramble Road and Talbot Road, along with traffic calming measures such as speed cushions and one flat topped hump, on Francis Avenue, Orchard Road, Talbot Road, Sutherland Road and Fawcett Road to create an Active Pompey Neighbourhood (APN).
Deputations Deputations were made by:
· Councillor Suzy Horton in favour. · Ainsley Brooks in favour.
Deputations are not minuted but can be viewed here.
Members' Questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· The number of contacts was for doors knocked. If nobody answered the door, then leaflets detailing the scheme were left with details of contacts in the council.
· In relation to the greening elements, the plan would be to get residents involved in the planning and maintenance of the elements, but the responsibility would remain with Portsmouth City Council.
· The process for agreeing the greening elements would be the same as for the scheme itself. There would be the need for clear direction on what anyone volunteering would be expected to do and the level of commitment required. PCC would provide oversight. There is an emerging greening strategy in the council and Transport would work in partnership with this.
Members' Comments Members were impressed by the level of consultation for the scheme and noted it is important to ascertain residents' views.
Members noted that one-way streets can sometimes lead to an increase in speeding incidents and that councillors and the police should ensure this does not happen when they are implemented.
Decision The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Agreed to issue scheme approval for traffic and waiting restrictions on Talbot Road and Bramble Road as illustrated on the drawings in Appendix A;
2. Agreed to implement the scheme under an experimental traffic management order made under the provisions of Sections 9, 10, 124, Schedule 1 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA 1984) and that the notices of making for the Experimental Traffic Orders contain the statements specified in Schedule 5 of the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;
3. Agreed that any valid objections received during the statutory objection period are considered by way of a written report to the Cabinet Member for Transport before a decision is reached on whether or not any of the provisions of the experimental order will be made permanent.
4. Agreed that, after consultation with Hampshire Constabulary any modifications to any experimental order which renders it less restrictive may be authorised by the Cabinet Member for Transport without the requirement to re-advertise the order under section 10(2) of the said act;
5. Agreed to undertake a non-statutory consultation exercise with local stakeholders prior to any decision being made on moving to a permanent traffic order;
6. Noted that the APN Spaces for greening will be initially filled with planters. It is the aspiration that should the experimental ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
London Road Taxi Rank - Experimental Traffic Regulation Order 87/2022 PDF 136 KB Purpose This report considers responses to the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) in operation since 5 August 2022 for the trial of a 22 hour (9am to 7am), two-car, taxi rank located at the southern end of the southbound bus lane on London Road, close to the junction with Laburnum Grove. A plan showing the trial taxi rank is included with this report as Appendix A.
RECOMMENDED -that theCabinet Memberfor Transport:
1) Considers the responses received to ETRO 87/2022 during the six-month consultation period from March to September 2022;
2) Approves making permanent the provisions of ETRO 87 2022 for the continuation of a 22-hour, two car, taxi rank on London Road southbound (near to its junction with Laburnum Grove);
3) Notes the existing night-time (7pm - 7am) taxi rank and associated shelter will remain.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Gareth James, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the report, the purpose of which was to consider responses to the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) in operation since 5 August 2022 for the trial of a 22 hour (9am to 7am) two-car, taxi rank located at the southern end of the southbound bus lane on London Road, close to the junction with Laburnum Grove. A plan showing the taxi rank was included in the report at Appendix A.
There were no questions or comments regarding this thorough and comprehensive report.
Decision The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Considered the responses received to ETRO 87/2022 during the six-month consultation period from March to September 2022;
2. Approved making permanent the provisions of ETRO 87/2022 for the continuation of a 22-hour, two-car taxi rank on London Road southbound (near to its junction with Laburnum Grove);
3. Noted the existing night-time (7pm - 7am) taxi rank and associated shelter will remain.
Local Traffic Plan Safer Routes to School 2023 - 2024 PDF 193 KB Purpose of report To consider the locations proposed for safer routes to school measures as part of the Safer Improvements LTP 2023/24 programme.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Transport approves the spend from the Local Transport Plan 4 - Safer Routes to School budget to be spent at the following locations:
• Burrfields Road • Multiple locations - School Zigzag and Lining Updates • Allaway Avenue • Additional Sites of Interest Additional documents:
Minutes: Michelle Love, Safer Travel Manager presented the report, the purpose of which was to consider the locations proposed for safer routes to school measures as part of the Safer Improvements LTP 2023/24 programme.
Members' Questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· In Burrfields Road, a raised table is not being implemented partially due to budget restrictions but also to use a staged approach based on the usage. The current scheme is considered appropriate but will be monitored and changed if needed.
· In Allaway Avenue, the only non-raised crossing had been in place for 12 years and the design was considered sufficient at that time because of the amount of traffic and pedestrian footfall. Both of these have now increased so it was prudent to mitigate against the foreseeable increase in pupil numbers at the nearby school, and make the changes now.
· The markings as detailed on page 127, figure 1, were the prescribed length when put in place but regulations have evolved over time leading to parts being unenforceable. The plan is to remedy this situation and are in the planned scheme of works.
Decision The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Approved the spend from the Local Transport Plan 4 - Safer Routes to School budget to be spent at the following locations: · Burrfields Road · Multiple locations - School zigzag and lining updates · Allaway Avenue · Additional sites of interest
Purpose of report To consider the public response to the proposed disabled bays in St Barbara Way, Shearer Road and St Augustine Road, Portsmouth.
In this report, TRO means traffic regulation order.
Appendix A: The public proposal notices for TRO 232/2023 and TRO 242/2023 Appendix B: Public views submitted Appendix C: Integrated Impact Assessment Appendix D: Map of proposed and existing disabled bays
RECOMMENDED that in relation to the proposal promoted under TROs 232B/2023 and 242B/2023, the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Approves the implementation of the Disabled Persons' Parking Bays in St Barbara Way (o/s block 26-36), Shearer Road (o/s 118) and St Augustine Road (o/s 207).
2) Notes that the remainder of TRO 232/2023 came into operation under TRO 232A/2023 on 22 September and TRO 242/2023 will come into operation under TRO 242A/2023 on 20 November, due to no objections being received to those proposals. Therefore, any proposals approved following this report will be brought into operation under TROs 232B/2023 and 242B/2023.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Denise Bastow, Parking Office Manager, presented the report the purpose of which was to consider the public response to the proposed disabled bays in St Barbara Way, Shearer Road and St Augustine Road, Portsmouth. She noted that, with regard to the existing bays in Shearer Road that had been mentioned by the objector, a works order had been placed to remark those existing bays as they did not leave a usable parking space in between. This would be rectified in the work order commencing on 20 November. There was no need to change the TRO to do this.
Deputations A written deputation via email from Ms Luxton-Kierle, the applicant, in favour of TRO 242B/2023 for Shearer Road, was distributed.
Members's questions. In response to Members questions, officers clarified:
· When a person has died, moved, or no longer has a car, the disabled bays are painted over and return to a normal parking area for use by all residents.
Decision The Cabinet Member for Transport :
1. Approved the implementation of the Disabled Persons' parking bays in St Barbara Way (outside block 26 - 36), Shearer Road (outside 118) and St Augustine Road (outside 207);
2. Noted that the remainder of TRO 232B/2023 came into operation under TRO 232A/2023 on 22 September and TRO 242/2023 will come into operation under TRO242A/2023 on 20 November, due to no objections being received to those proposals. Therefore, any proposals approved following this report will be brought into operation under TROs 232B/2023 and 242B/2023
Update on the plan to withdraw the London One Day Travelcard from January 2024 PDF 113 KB Purpose: To update the Cabinet Member for Transport on progress of the plan by the Mayor of London to withdraw the One Day Travelcard from January 2024.
Minutes: Simon Bell, Principal Public Transport Officer, presented the report, the purpose of which was to update the Transport Cabinet on progress of the plan by the Mayor of London to withdraw the One Day Travelcard from January 2024. The decision had been made to retain the Travelcard on 23 October 2023.
Members were pleased that the decision had been made to retain the Travelcard.
Decision The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report which was for information only.