In accordance with the Council’s Transport Strategy, and extensive consultation, experimental traffic restrictions are proposed for Bramble Road and Talbot Road, along with traffic calming measures (speed cushions and one flat topped hump) on Francis Avenue, Orchard Road, Talbot Road, Sutherland Road and Fawcett Road to create an Active Pompey Neighbourhood (APN).
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Agrees to issue scheme approval for traffic and waiting restrictions on Talbot Road and Bramble Road as illustrated on the drawings in Appendix A;
2) Agrees to implement the scheme in Recommendation 2.1 under an experimental traffic management order made under the provisions of Sections 9, 10, 124, Schedule 1 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA 1984)[1] and that the notices of making for the Experimental Traffic Orders contain the statements specified in Schedule 5 of the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;
3) Agrees that any valid objections received during the statutory objection period are considered by way of a written report to the Cabinet Member of Transport before a decision is reached on whether or not any of the provisions of the experimental order will be made permanent;
4) Agrees that, after consultation with Hampshire Constabulary any modifications to any experimental order which renders it less restrictive may be authorised by the Cabinet Member for Transport without the requirement to re-advertise the order under section 10(2) of the said act;
5) Agrees to undertake a non-statutory consultation exercise with local stakeholders prior to any decision being made on moving to a permanent traffic order;
6) Notes that the APN Spaces for greening will be initially filled with planters. It is the aspiration that should the experimental traffic order be made permanent these are turned into raingardens;
7) Notes the representations during the statutory speed hump consultation and approve officer's recommendations for installation.
Hannah Sillince, Strategic Transport Lead presented the report. In accordance with the Council's Transport Strategy and following extensive consultation, experimental traffic restrictions are proposed for Bramble Road and Talbot Road, along with traffic calming measures such as speed cushions and one flat topped hump, on Francis Avenue, Orchard Road, Talbot Road, Sutherland Road and Fawcett Road to create an Active Pompey Neighbourhood (APN).
Deputations were made by:
· Councillor Suzy Horton in favour.
· Ainsley Brooks in favour.
Deputations are not minuted but can be viewed here.
Members' Questions
In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· The number of contacts was for doors knocked. If nobody answered the door, then leaflets detailing the scheme were left with details of contacts in the council.
· In relation to the greening elements, the plan would be to get residents involved in the planning and maintenance of the elements, but the responsibility would remain with Portsmouth City Council.
· The process for agreeing the greening elements would be the same as for the scheme itself. There would be the need for clear direction on what anyone volunteering would be expected to do and the level of commitment required. PCC would provide oversight. There is an emerging greening strategy in the council and Transport would work in partnership with this.
Members' Comments
Members were impressed by the level of consultation for the scheme and noted it is important to ascertain residents' views.
Members noted that one-way streets can sometimes lead to an increase in speeding incidents and that councillors and the police should ensure this does not happen when they are implemented.
The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Agreed to issue scheme approval for traffic and waiting restrictions on Talbot Road and Bramble Road as illustrated on the drawings in Appendix A;
2. Agreed to implement the scheme under an experimental traffic management order made under the provisions of Sections 9, 10, 124, Schedule 1 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (RTRA 1984) and that the notices of making for the Experimental Traffic Orders contain the statements specified in Schedule 5 of the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;
3. Agreed that any valid objections received during the statutory objection period are considered by way of a written report to the Cabinet Member for Transport before a decision is reached on whether or not any of the provisions of the experimental order will be made permanent.
4. Agreed that, after consultation with Hampshire Constabulary any modifications to any experimental order which renders it less restrictive may be authorised by the Cabinet Member for Transport without the requirement to re-advertise the order under section 10(2) of the said act;
5. Agreed to undertake a non-statutory consultation exercise with local stakeholders prior to any decision being made on moving to a permanent traffic order;
6. Noted that the APN Spaces for greening will be initially filled with planters. It is the aspiration that should the experimental traffic order be made permanent these are turned into raingardens;
7. Noted the representations during the statutory speed hump consultation and approved officer's recommendations for installation.
Supporting documents: