Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary, Full Council - Tuesday, 19th March, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: James Harris  Email:


No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from Councillor Steve Pitt.


Deputations from the Public under Standing Order No 24.

Deputations by members of the public may be made on any item where a decision is going to be taken. The request should be made in writing to the contact officer ( by 12 noon of the working day before the meeting (so Monday 18 March 2024 for this meeting), and must include the purpose of the deputation (for example, for or against the recommendations). Email requests are accepted.


The Lord Mayor advised that no deputation requests had been received for this meeting.


Granting of the Freedom of the City on Honorary Alderman Frank Jonas BEM

That in pursuance of Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972:-


(i)    The Council acknowledges and declares its thanks to the service that Honorary Alderman Frank Jonas BEM has given to our city and in recognition of such, he be formally granted the Freedom of the City of Portsmouth;


(ii)  This resolution be engrossed on vellum and sealed with the common seal for presentation; and


(iii) Arrangements be made for the presentation of this resolution and the formal admission to the Freedom of the City.


It was:


Proposed by Councillor Simon Bosher


Seconded by Councillor Suzy Horton and jointly supported by Councillor Charlotte Gerada, Councillor George Madgwick and Councillor Cal Corkery.


That Honorary Alderman Frank Jonas BEM be formally admitted to the roll of Honorary Freemen of the City of Portsmouth. 


Councillor Simon Bosher spoke to the proposal, detailing the service which Honorary Alderman had given to the council whilst a councillor and continued to give as an honorary alderman.


Following the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED.


It was therefore RESOLVED that Honorary Alderman Frank Jonas BEM be formally admitted to the roll of Honorary Freemen of the City of Portsmouth.