Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall
Contact: Stewart Agland Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interests under Standing Order 13(2)(b) |
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12 February 2019 PDF 394 KB Additional documents: |
Communications and apologies for absence |
Deputations from the Public under Standing Order No 24 |
Questions from the Public under Standing Order 25 |
Appointments |
Urgent Business |
Recommendations from the Cabinet Meeting held on 26 February 2019 PDF 287 KB To receive and consider the attached open report and recommendations by the Cabinet held on 26 February 2019. The exempt appendices which went to Cabinet are not included as they do not relate to the recommendations before Council. Additional documents: |
Recommendations from the Cabinet Meeting held on 12 March 2019 PDF 332 KB To receive and consider the attached report from Cabinet held on 12 March (recommendation to follow). Additional documents:
Treasury Management Policy 2019/20 PDF 182 KB To receive and consider the attached report from Cabinet held on 12 March (recommendation to follow). Additional documents:
Modern Slavery Statement PDF 192 KB To receive and consider the attached report from Cabinet held on 12 March (recommendation to follow). Additional documents: |
To receive and consider the attached report and recommendations by the Planning, Regeneration & Economic Development portfolio meeting held on 26 February 2019. Additional documents: |
Recommendations from the Meeting of Employment Committee held on 26 February 2019 PDF 126 KB To receive and consider the attached report and recommendations by Employment Committee held on 26 February 2019. Additional documents: |
Recommendations from the Governance & Audit & Standards Committee held on 8 March 2019 PDF 216 KB To receive and consider the attached report and recommendation from Governance & Audit & Standards Committee held on 8 March. Additional documents: |
Appointment of Monitoring Officer PDF 98 KB To receive and consider the attached report from the Chief Executive. |
Notices of Motion: Process information Standing Order (32(d)) requires a vote by members before each motion to determine whether or not the motion is to be debated at the meeting or stand referred to the Cabinet or relevant Committee (including Scrutiny) to report back to a future meeting. |
Notices of Motion |
Proposal to Declare a Climate Emergency in Portsmouth Proposed by Councillor Judith Smyth Seconded by Councillor Thomas Coles
We are in the middle of a climate emergency which poses a threat to our health, our planet and our children’s and grandchildren’s future. (Sadiq Khan London Mayor)
The UK exceeded the scientifically agreed safe level of CO2 in the atmosphere (350ppm) sometime in the late 1990s. Since then we have been gambling with the lives of future generations and other species. Today we have reached the point where, even if we stopped all production of fossil fuelled cars, buses, trains, ships and planes and built no more gas or coal power stations, we would still only have a 64% chance of keeping below the 1.5°C target agreed in Paris in 2015. [1] [2] [3] [4]
In Portsmouth we have very high levels of air pollution on some streets where people live, cycle and walk exposing people to dangerous chemicals. Children are particularly vulnerable. We have also had several breaches to sea defences and are vulnerable to flooding.
48 UK local authorities have declared a climate emergency including Cornwall, the Forest of Dean, Bristol, Lambeth, Nottingham, Lancaster, Brighton and Hove, and Milton Keynes [5]. 72 cities around the world have also declared a climate emergency committing resources to address this emergency [6].
A climate emergency declared by a local authority can be a powerful catalyst for community wide action when paired with a clear action plan. There is no time to waste if we are to avoid the consequences of a rise in global warming above 1.5°C.
We propose that Portsmouth City council asks the Cabinet to Declare a Climate emergency to give a compelling lead to citizens, businesses and other partners of the urgency to reduce our carbon footprint to zero by 2030.
Portsmouth City council has started this journey. CO2 emissions in Portsmouth have reduced from 1243.5 kilotons in 2005 to 817.9 kilotons in 2016 and the City council has recognised that to avoid the worst impacts of climate change further reductions are needed. [7] [8] Several separate initiatives are underway. For example, electric car charging points, tree planting, investment in the new plastics recycling plant required to recycle more plastics jointly with Hampshire and Southampton by constructing a new Integra plant and the ‘cough, cough’ campaign together with reduction of carbon footprint of council premises and services.
However, this is somewhat disjointed and too slow. What is needed is action. Working with local business and other partners we need to develop and agree an ambitious city-wide strategy and clear action plans leading to rapid action which is openly monitored, well led and well governed. We need to enthuse and involve citizens, including young people, in generating ideas and support for green policies, plans and action. We can lead the way as a Green City.
Portsmouth City council will ask the Cabinet to:
1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ then ask partners to sign up including local business, schools and community groups. 2. Pledge to achieve net zero carbon emissions in the Portsmouth by 2030, considering, both production and consumption of emissions according to the Standard provided by the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol 6.
3. Require the Leader of the Council to report back to the Council within six months with an action plan, detailing how the Council will work with partners across the City and with central government to ensure that Portsmouth’s net carbon emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions as defined by the GHG Protocol) are reduced to zero by 2030.
4. Provide an annual report on Portsmouth GHG emissions, what is working and what is more challenging and progress towards achieving net zero-carbon emissions.
5. Require the Chief Executive to establish a ‘Portsmouth Climate Change Board’ before the end of July 2019, equivalent to that of Manchester, to underpin our efforts to decarbonise Portsmouth.
6. Write to the government requesting (a) additional powers and funding to make the 2030 target possible and (b) that ministers work with local government and other governments to ensure that the UK maximizes carbon reduction by 2030 in line with the overriding need to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C.
7. Develop and implement a community engagement plan to i) fully inform residents about the need for urgent action on climate change ii) offer a vision of a healthier, more child friendly and greener city that is a model of best practice iii) mobilise residents in the delivery of the action plan [1]Hansen J, Sato M, Kharecha P, Beerling D, Berner R, et al. (2008) Target Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim? The Open Atmospheric Science Journal 2: 217–231. [2]Hansen J, Kharecha P, Sato M, Masson-Delmotte V, Ackerman F, Beerling DJ, et al. (2013) Assessing “Dangerous Climate Change”: Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People, Future Generations and Nature. PLoS ONE 8(12): e81648. [3]IPCC, (2018) Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, H.-O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, S. Connors, J.B.R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M.I. Gomis, E. Lonnoy, Maycock, M. Tignor, and T. Waterfield (eds.)]. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 32 pp. [4]Campaign against Climate Change. (2019). Councils declaring climate emergency: new hope for climate action?, from [5]C40 Cities. (2019). Deadline 2020., from [6]Greenhouse Gas Protocol.(2019). GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. [Bhatia, P., Cummis, C., Brown, A., Rich, D., Drauker, L., Lahd, H.] Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Washington, USA. [7]Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.(2018) Local Authority Carbon Dioxide Emissions Estimates 2016. London: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. [8]Portsmouth City Council. (2019). Climate change - Portsmouth's priorities., from |
Council Housing Proposed by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson Seconded by Councillor Suzy Horton
The City Council recognises that having a decent place to live, and one that families can afford, is hugely important.
The City Council notes the loss of council housing over the last forty years and the retreat from house building by councils.
The City Council has an ambition to increase the amount of council housing available to Portsmouth residents. The City Council welcomes the long overdue Government decision to remove the cap on borrowing for the building of council housing. The City Council asks the Cabinet to look at how this new freedom can be used to accelerate the building of new council housing.
The city council does not support the view expressed by the Deputy Leader of the Conservative Group that the building of new social housing can only be done with a subsidy. Figures from within the city council says that there could be large scale building of new council homes within Portsmouth, and the land the city council owns outside Portsmouth, to help address the huge need and demand for good quality council housing at social rents. It requests the Cabinet to come forward with concrete plans to do this. |
Paulsgrove Splash Pool Proposed by Councillor Gemma New Seconded by Councillor Jo Hooper
Paulsgrove splash pool was left for very many years to rot. It was untouched and unkempt, derelict and unused. Just locked away, out of sight with many excuses made to the people of Paulsgrove for why it was closed.
Paulsgrove splash pool, was missed and unable to be enjoyed by the community of Paulsgrove and people naturally asked why.
Under the administration of Portsmouth Conservatives, Paulsgrove Splash Pool was given a new lease of life. Repairs and maintenance were carried out until May 2018, when we were finally able to reopen up this much missed facility back to the community of Paulsgrove.
This is a much loved and gladly welcomed facility that is also used to its full capacity too. Residents of Paulsgrove are extremely pleased to have the splash pool back in use once again.
In Feb 2019, our budget was voted down. In our budget, it allowed for some equipment for Paulsgrove Splash Pool. Equipment such as picnic benches and parasol's.
Therefore the council requests the cabinet members for Culture and Leisure & Housing, work with the Paulsgrove Councillors to find a solution to provide this equipment for Paulsgrove Splash Pool from either the Housing Revenue Account or any in-year capital underspends in Culture & Leisure. |
The MA Parking Zone Proposed by Councillor Luke Stubbs Seconded by Councillor Donna Jones
The recent introduction of the MB and MC parking zones has had a significant impact on neighbouring streets. One area particularly affected is the long-established MA zone, covering Beatrice Road and Leopold Street. During the hours of operation of the MC zone, between 4 and 6pm, these roads fill up with vehicles that can no longer park in that zone. This means local people have nowhere to leave their cars when they get home from work.
Council regrets this situation and calls on the Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation to bring an urgent report to her decision meeting detailing how these problems could be mitigated. |
Portsmouth Stray Dog Kennel Service Proposed by Councillor Robert New Seconded by Councillor Hannah Hockaday
“Portsmouth’s stray dog kennel service is one of the best in the country. This service is provided to Portsmouth and the surrounding area by Portsmouth City Council. The service provided by a small team, which is focused on protecting and re-home dogs, is outstanding.
The Portsmouth City Stray Dog Kennels are nationally recognised. The RSPCA have awarded the kennels their “Gold Service Award” three years in a row; this is something Members should be proud of.
Portsmouth City Council wishes to formally recognise the outstanding work being carried out by the staff who run the dog kennels and place our thanks on record. The council also requests that the cabinet member for Environment and Community Safety writes to members of the city council confirming his intention to continue to expand partnership links, as Cllr Robert New did whilst the Cabinet member in previous years, with organisations such as Battersea Cats and Dog Home. This organisation has assisted Portsmouth City Council in re-homing ‘hard to place’ dogs and other animals many of whom have suffered abuse or who are scared of people, especially those used for ‘baiting’ and as protection dogs for criminals such as drug dealers. These partnerships have ensured that dogs have found a ‘forever home’ rather than being put to sleep. Portsmouth City Council should be proud of these success stories.
Finally the council requests that the cabinet member considers the creation of a ‘Dog Friendly City Charter’, including exploring better use of enclosed parks, better use of Southsea beach for owners and dogs and continue with the expansion of dog waste bins across the city” |
Dignity in Social Care - Improving Social Care Services and Jobs Proposed by Councillor George Fielding Seconded by Councillor Judith Smyth
This Council notes with alarm the continuing crisis of social care underfunding that makes it hard for local authorities and provider organisations to ensure decent jobs and quality services.
This Council supports in principle the provisions of UNISON’s Ethical & Residential care charters. The Council asks the Cabinet to implement the charters at the earliest practicable opportunity, recognising that some aspects of the charters may require additional funding.
This Council welcomes the additional short term funding that the government pledged for social care in the 2017 budget but notes that this does not go far enough and does not represent a sustainable solution.
This Council welcomes UNISON’s campaign initiative which aims to expand union membership within the sector to give care workers the support and confidence to lead the public-facing campaign to increase central government funding, improve employee relations and raise standards within the sector.
This Council asks the Cabinet to encourage those careproviders that we currently commission or purchase provision from and to ask the Cabinet to require those care providers that we commission or purchase provision from in future to:-
1) Respect the right of care staff to organise a union in their workplace and do nothing to undermine the reasonable efforts of staff to organise a union.
2) Allow access to accredited union representatives and officials for membership recruitment activity. Provider organisations should engage positively with union requests for access to staff and, where necessary, agree arrangements that do not disrupt service delivery
3) Pursue a partnership approach to employment relations. We would expect the provider to engage constructively with the union including a recognition and facilities agreement to underpin collective working.
4) Work with the providers and unions to pursue our shared objective of achieving the provisions of the UNISON Ethical and Residential Care Charters
The Council will ask the Cabinet to write to all current providers of council-commissioned care services at the earliest opportunity to advise them of our expectation that they will comply positively with the above points (1-4). These principles will be enshrined in our future commissioning processes and procedures. |
Permanent Flag Representation in the Council Chamber Proposed by Councillor Scott Payter-Harris Seconded by Councillor Ian Lyon
In stark contrast to many other local councils in the UK and around the world, Portsmouth’s council chamber does not currently have any fixed flag representation of the city we represent as well as the country to which we are all loyal. We propose that from the next Council Meeting, we have permanently displayed in the chamber a ‘triple crown’ of 3 flags; namely:
• A flag/crest of the city in the centre • The Union Flag on one side • The Royal Navy’s Ensign on the other side
These flags individually and together represent the Council’s commitment to Portsmouth’s residents whom we are elected to serve; our nation as a whole; and our recognition of the importance of the Royal Navy to the city.’
To enable this, the Resources Portfolio holder be asked to meet the cost of this from the Resources Portfolio Reserve. |
Library Service Proposed Councillor Robert New Seconded Councillor Swann
"World Book Day was held on the 7th March 2019. Many schools across the city including schools in Copnor celebrated the annual awareness day of books and literature, which also celebrates the incredible authors who create the literature content and the characters who stay with us for life.
Over the past four years, against national austerity where other councils were closing libraries, we saw a manifesto pledge implemented to protect and expand library services with increased opening hours and no library was closed. Former councillor Linda Symes worked hard with officers to create a new revenue stream by way of Waterfront Gifts, whose profits support the library service.
Reading, and reading books is important for early development and can often open the minds of young people. You can travel the world in the book, you can travel the cosmos. It allows you to dream. To visualise words into imagery and aspirations. You can fly through the skies on the back of Drogon the dragon with Daenerys Targaryen in Essos, or fight against giant squids with Captain Nemo onboard the submarine Nautilus, or immerse yourself in the murky underhand deceptions and plots of Westminster in the House of Cards.
Council also places on record their thanks to Victorious Festival for their amazing support to children across the city and our library services with their gift of £12,000 per year to help libraries to buy books. When children read, they are inspired, they aspire, they dream big and think big.
We ask that council request that the Cabinet continues the work to enhance the library service and that where possible and appropriate, library services are expanded into areas that currently do not have their own library, such as wards like Copnor. Furthermore, we ask Cabinet that any future council developments in areas such as Copnor, that it should consider the creation of small library spaces/service in any such developments for the community to access and enjoy." |
St James' Hospital Proposed by Councillor Donna Jones Seconded by Councillor Luke Stubbs
“Portsmouth City Council recognises the importance of the development of St James’ Hospital in Milton and the potential impact the development could have on the local community. It has been widely reported that the area at Velder Avenue, very close to this site is one of the worst air pollution sites in the city. The council also notes the pressure on school places and medical facilities in the area.
The city notes that in order to achieve the best outcome for the people of Milton and the surrounding areas, all political parties on the city council must work together. Cross party working is essential when there is a minority administration that does not enjoy the support of a ‘supply and confidence agreement’.
NHS Property Services have confirmed their intention to proceed with the highest and most comprehensive bid for the St James’ hospital site. They have also notified that contracts have been agreed and a completion date set for the summer. With this in mind, the council requests that the Leader of the council release the previously withheld business case for St James’ Hospital to opposition leaders and shadow spokesperson for Planning, Regeneration & Economic Development so they can better understand the aspiration of the city council with regards this site. The reason for the request is to ensure that should there be any change to the legal purchase of the site, the business case has full and cross party support, ensuring all angles are covered therefore giving Portsmouth City Council a greater chance of acquiring parts of the site in the future. We, the members of Portsmouth City Council wish to work together in a cross party way and encourage the leader of the council to support this open and democratic way of working by sharing the private and withheld business case for this important site.” |
Questions from Members under Standing Order No 17 PDF 136 KB |