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About vCards

Download contact details as a vCard

Councillor Yinka Adeniran

Click the following link to download an electronic contact card, or vCard, containing the contact details for Councillor Yinka Adeniran.


VCards can be read by many email programs, PDAs, and mobile telephones, and can be an easy way to save contact details.

When you click the link, you will be prompted to Open or Save the vCard. If you send your emails using a recent version of Microsoft Outlook, you can choose Open to read the contents of the vCard directly into your email program.

If your email program cannot directly open a vCard from the web, selecting the Open option may generate an error message, or ask you to choose a program to open the file with. In this instance, try again, selecting the Save option to save the vCard to a file. Your email program may allow you to import the contact details from this file. Refer to your program's online help for assistance.