Election results for Portsmouth North

Parliamentary General Election - Thursday, 7th May, 2015

Portsmouth North - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Penny Mary Mordaunt The Conservative Party Candidate 21343 47% Elected
John Ferrett Labour Party 10806 24% Not elected
Mike Fitzgerald UK Independence Party 8660 19% Not elected
Darren Sanders Liberal Democrat 2828 6% Not elected
Gavin Mark Ellis The Green Party 1450 3% Not elected
Jon Woods Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 231 1% Not elected
Steven George George The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party 72 0% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 45390
Electorate 73105
Share of the votes (%)
Penny Mary Mordaunt 47% Elected
John Ferrett 24% Not elected
Mike Fitzgerald 19% Not elected
Darren Sanders 6% Not elected
Gavin Mark Ellis 3% Not elected
Jon Woods 1% Not elected
Steven George George 0% Not elected