Issue - decisions

Private Hire Vehicle Trial in Bus Lanes

07/07/2022 - Private Hire Vehicle Trial in Bus Lanes



The Cabinet Member for Traffic & Transportation:


(i)             Approved a trial to allow access for Portsmouth City Council Licensed Private Hire Vehicles to use a limited number of five bus lanes in Portsmouth for a minimum of 3 months including;

·       Cavell Drive,

·       Marketway,

·       Mile End Road,

·       Bishop Crispian Way,

·       And Queen Street.


(ii)           Has delegated authority to immediately cease any or all of the five trial locations if safety issues become apparent;


(iii)         Delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation and the Section 151 Officer to release funding to undertake the monitoring and evaluation of this trial as the details are developed, this will be funded from the Parking Reserve;


(iv)         Noted that consultation and engagement will continue with the Licensing Committee and working group as the trial develops;


(v)           Noted that a report will be brought back to Traffic & Transportation within 6 months of the trial launch to provide an update on the trial progression and next steps.