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Issue - decisions

MG Parking Zone

30/10/2020 - TRO 49/2020: Proposed MG Festing Grove area residents' parking zone.

That the MG Festing Grove area parking zone proposed under TRO 49/2020 is implemented as advertised, with the following caveats:

(i)  That the double yellow lines proposed in Culver Road are deleted and not introduced (Part D2 of the public proposal notice); instead the residents' parking bays are extended in their place;


(ii) That the intention is noted to include the properties listed below in this parking zone (MG Festing Grove area), instead of the adjacent proposed MH Westfield Road area parking zone, for practical reasons and in response to residents' concerns:


- Odd-numbered properties 279-291 Highland Road

- 1-12 Highcourt, 293 Highland Road.