Issue - decisions

Doyle Avenue Development of Council Homes

30/07/2019 - Doyle Avenue Development of Council Homes

(1)          the Cabinet Member for Housing approved the following:


(i)           Capital Expenditure amounting to £4.2m:

              a development of 16 units (a mixture of flats and houses) on the Doyle Avenue Site at a total cost of £4.2m


(ii)          to fund the £4.2m of Capital Expenditure, with unsupported borrowing of £2.94m and Right to Buy receipts of £1.26m


(iii)         that subject to the requirements of recommendation (iv), authority be delegated to the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building in consultation with the Head of Finance & S151 Officer to amend the composition and spending profile of the proposed schemes in order to meet planning and design requirements.


(iv)         that a financial appraisal approved by the Head of Finance & S151 Officer must be completed prior to the commencement of any scheme, that confirms that the proposed scheme remains viable and provides an overall benefit to the 30 year HRA Business Plan


(2)          the Cabinet Member for Housing approved immediate consultation with relevant stakeholders to ensure the community are engaged and informed about this development.