Issue - decisions

Vehicle Crossover Policy

28/02/2019 - Vehicle Access Policy

Michelle Love, Safer Travel Manager, presented the report on behalf of the Director of Regeneration.  The report sought to bring clarity and fairness, and she set out the changes to the previous policy which included:


·         The amount of space for parallel parking had been increased to 7.2m to reduce the need for manoeuvres on the footway

·         Regulation for of sustainable materials to aid drainage

·         A clear appeals process with a final sign-off date

·         Access roads to garages to the rear of properties


The revised policy, once approved, would be made available on the PCC website.


Councillor Stagg asked about existing forecourts that did not have permeable materials; this could not be required retrospectively and if it has been constructed without permission Colas become involved and can issue a penalty notice. 


In response to Councillor Stagg's question on tree replacement, Michelle Love explained that Colas are responsible for maintaining the register of street trees, to ensure that there are 8,000 trees on the register at the end of each year. Where a resident requires a tree to be removed they pay for the removal and for a new one to be replaced elsewhere.  Portsmouth has 32,000 trees, the majority are the responsibility of PCC (in parks and on the common).


Councillor Chowdhury, Labour Spokesperson, supported the policy of tree replacement in the streets.


Councillor Stagg raised the suggestion that estate agents be aware of the cross-over policy so that prospective buyers do not expect a dropped kerb where the measurements would not make this permissible.  Michelle Love undertook to make contact with the regional forum for local estate agents.



DECISION: The Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation approved the 2019 revision of the Provision of Vehicle Access Policy (Attached in Appendix 2 of the report).