The Cabinet:
(1) Noted the results of the feasibility work to strengthen, clad and install sprinklers into Leamington House and Horatia House;
(2) Agreed that it is financially unviable to undertake the works to strengthen, clad and install sprinklers into Leamington House and Horatia House, and as a result;
(3) Agreed that on completion of the permanent rehousing of all households from Leamington House and Horatia House, the two blocks will be removed from charge, decommissioned and secured;
(4) Gave delegated approval to the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services authority to incur costs to carry out decommissioning works of Leamington House and Horatia House and secure both blocks;
(5) Agreed that there is an opportunity for the sites to be redeveloped to create affordable/social housing and regeneration in this area of the City and requests the Regeneration Directorate working with the Housing Directorate to provide a report to Cabinet with an options appraisal for the demolition of Leamington House and Horatia House and redevelopment of the sites in consultation with the local and wider Somers town community and stakeholders;
(6) Noted the loss of social housing units to the Housing Revenue Account and requests that the options appraisal for the development of the Leamington House and Horatia House sites includes the re-provision of a minimum of 272 social housing units to be held in the HRA.