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Issue - decisions

Health and Care Portsmouth Operating Model

06/02/2019 - Health and Care Portsmouth Operating Model

The Cabinet:

(1)       Support the establishment of a single operating model for Health & Care Portsmouth between PCC and CCG;

(2)       Support the establishment of a sub-board on behalf of PCC and PCCG for its commissioning of adult and children’s health, social care and public health services, with detail of this proposal to be addressed in a separate report to Governance, Audit and Standards Committee in March;

(3)       Support the integration of PCCG and PCC functions into joint roles: Chief of Health & Care Portsmouth, Director of Children’s’ Services and Director of Public Health; and a review of other enabling functions to assess the benefits of further integration to support delivery of the Health & Care Portsmouth operating model – specifically financial management, business intelligence, communications/engagement, community sector partnership development;

(4)       Direct the respective Accountable/Chief Executive Officers, working within their scheme of delegations and constitutional powers, review the management and staffing structures currently in place in order to align this capacity with the new Health & Care Portsmouth

(5) Agreed that the Chief Executive of PCC should work with the accountable officer of the CCG to consider further opportunities for integration, consistent with the NHS long term plan, and present such proposals to the health and wellbeing board at the earliest opportunity.