Issue - decisions

DSG budget monitoring report for 3rd quarter 2018-19

14/02/2019 - Dedicated Schools Grant 2018-19 quarter three budget monitoring


The report was introduced by Beverley Pennekett, Finance Manager, who highlighted the following matters:


·         That Portsmouth's share of additional national funding to support Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in schools amounted to £464,668 in 2018-19 and again in 2019-20. The additional allocation in 2018-19 was offsetting the previously forecast overspend in the high needs block.


·         Special school places were expected to overspend by £65,400, which reflected additional places at both the Willows Centre for Children and Mary Rose Academy.




The Cabinet Member noted the projected year-end budget position for the Dedicated Schools Grant as at 31 December 2018, together with the associated explanations contained within the report.