Issue - decisions

School Funding Arrangements for 2018/19

22/03/2018 - School Funding Arrangements for 2018/19



The report was introduced by Beverley Pennekett, Interim Finance Manager. She explained that some late information had been received on Friday afternoon from the DfE, revising the pupil datasets in respect of free school meal eligibility.  As a result, the expected level of funding was not now being distributed to schools and officers were proposing some changes to the recommendations.  This report was also due to be considered by the Schools Forum on Wednesday. 


The Interim Finance Manager explained that as a result of re-running the data, an additional £59,400 had become available for distribution.  There were three proposals of what this money could be used for, which she outlined.   The Interim Finance Manager added that the Cabinet Member may wish to discuss this with the Schools Forum at their meeting this week to get an indication of preference but this would need to come back to the Cabinet Member for the final decision.


The Cabinet Member said in light of the amended information she thought it would be most sensible for the Schools Forum to consider the three options at their meeting on Wednesday.  Following that meeting a special Education Cabinet meeting would be scheduled for the Cabinet Member to make the final decision. 


Councillor Hockaday thanked officers for all their hard work in preparing this report especially as the information from the DfE had been received late in the day.



The Cabinet Member:

a.     Following late publication of revised pupil data invited Schools Forum to indicate whether they wish to:

                        i.      Increase the primary IDACI Bands E and F factors by an amount to be determined, thus moving the Portsmouth funding formula towards the National Funding Formula.

                       ii.      Increase the primary free school meals factor by an amount to be determined, thus increasing funding available to deprived schools which is contrary to the National Funding Formula.

                     iii.      Increase the growth fund by £59,400 from £342,600 to £402,000, providing greater flexibility to support in-year growth to mainstream schools who meet the growth fund criteria but who have not been identified at the time of setting the budget.  *


b.  Approved the determination of the 2018-19 schools budget (including the individual schools budgets) shown at Appendix 1, together with the supporting explanations contained within this report.


c.  Approved the 2018-19 Element 3 Top-up rates for the Resourced Units and Alternative Provision settings as set out in Appendix 5.


d.  Approved the decision that any carry-forward balances from 2017-18 be used to assist with the continued introduction of the funding reform changes and fund any potential financial pressures arising during 2018-19.


e.  Approved the local funding arrangements in respect of the 2, 3 and 4 year old early years provision for 2018-19; which will comply with the requirements of both the regulations and the operational guide.


f.    Noted the submission of the disapplication request to the DfE with regards to the University Technical College, as set out in paragraph 6.13.


g.      Noted the de-delegated unit values for 2018-19 as shown at Appendix 3.

* Note - a special decision meeting will be arranged in relation to a) i, ii and iii above following the Schools Forum meeting on Wednesday 17 January 2018.