Graham Smith, Group Accountant introduced the report and explained the revenue cash limit anticipated overspend is £2.4million in 2017-18. The whole of the overspend is attributable to social care and safeguarding. This is accounted for by the number and cost of client placements and in particular external residential placements.
In response to a question from Councillor Wood, Mr Smith said that the projected £2.4 million overspend was in line with what officers had predicted at the end of quarter 1. The variability of the placement costs is a concern as this fluctuates. Sarah Newman, Deputy Director of Children's Social Care added that there will be increased responsibilities for local authorities from April 2018 for care leavers. Mrs Newman did not think that the council had received a response from central government but usually with increased responsibilities additional funding does follow. The Council has received money from the Public Health Transformation Fund to work with families in an intensive way to keep them at home and to address problematic behaviours with young people being at home.
In response to a concern raised by Councillor Wood, the Cabinet Member said he had been in conversation with the S151 officer and he believed that when new burdens are placed on a local authorities they will be in a position to receive additional funding to counteract those additional responsibilities. He reassured Councillor Wood that as Cabinet Member he would lobby to ensure that children's social care is being adequately funded and demand is met. He added that Portsmouth is not in a unique position and this is a national issue.
The Cabinet Member:
(1) Noted the Children and Families Portfolio forecast budget position, at the end of September 2017, of £2.4m in excess of current approved cash limit provision.
(2) Supported the ongoing process of budget review and implementation of proposals to reduce the projected overspend position and deliver a balanced budget within the area of Children's Social Care.
(3) Noted the capital programme spending is currently in line with the approved capital budget.