Issue - decisions

Homelessness Working Group

29/06/2017 - Homeless Working Group

(1)  The Cabinet clarified the future role of the Homeless Working Group, with the disbanding of the group, the role of a Homeless Community Champion is formed and Councillor Paul Godier was appointed to take this role.

(2)  The Cabinet gave support and approval for the following recommendations:

a)    To complete the Safer Portsmouth Partnership complex needs work to understand how services work together (housing, mental health, substance misuse etc) when dealing with individuals with multiple & complex needs,including findings from Scrutiny Panels.

b)    To complete the review of the supported housing provision for the homeless, and use the findings to redesign/recommission services to meet the increased demand and more challenging support needs.

c)    Undertake community asset mapping to maximise the contribution of the voluntary & community sector.

d)    Consider an annual event and/or regular forum that would raise awareness and help co-ordinate the work of voluntary & community sector working groups.

e)    Review current enforcement measures and develop a co-ordinated approach to enforcement between police and PCC to reduce duplication of operational responses.