Issue - decisions

Housing Pets Policy at Rosalyn House, Southsea

09/06/2017 - Housing Pets Policy at Roslyn House, Southsea

David Sambells, as Area Housing Manager, presented the report on behalf of the Director of Property & Housing Services.  He explained the background with Roslyn House having been a no pets block before 2005 and the challenge to this in 2015 after which surveys of the residents there had been undertaken.  The second, telephone survey had been undertaken to ensure a better response, and this had resulted in 30 of the 54 tenants (including leaseholders) wanting a no pets policy for the block, representing 55.6% for this to be reinstated (27.8% against and 16.6% no response). He reported that during the consultation the other issues that had arisen were: what would happen to the existing pets (2 cats, 2 dogs) who could stay but not be replaced, and visiting pets which would be tolerated if they were well behaved but could not stay overnight.  It was also noted that assistance dogs and guide dogs are permitted (this is already stated in the policy) but that there is more suitable permanent accommodation available within the Council's housing stock which would be offered to people with assistance/ guide dogs.


A deputation was made by Mr Mitchell as a resident of Roslyn House, who spoke in favour of the proposed change to a 'no pets' policy there. He stated that the general assumption had been that this was a no pets policy and one tenant had allergies and there had been nuisance caused by animals, with barking for long periods and fouling of the communal area to the detriment of the garden. This had led to the 47 signature to the Council.


Councillor Wemyss, as Cabinet Member for Housing, apologised for the delay in bringing forward this report, and supported the recommendation to designate Roslyn House a no pets block.  He did however feel it would be hard to enforce a restricting on visiting pets but asked that if there were further problems that this be brought to the attention of the Housing Service so steps could be taken to address this.


Councillor Tom Wood, as Spokesperson, agreed that this was a reasonable way forward.


DECISION: that Roslyn House be listed as a 'no pets' block in the Appendix attached to the Local Authority Housing Pets Policy.