Agenda item

Household Waste Recycling Centre Service Efficiencies


To inform the Cabinet Member for Environment & Community Safety of the key findings of the public consultation held from 16 March 2016 to 25 May 2016 on the future of the Hampshire wide, Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) service, as highlighted in Hampshire County Council's report (appendix 1).


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Environment & Community Safety approves the implementation of the recommendations set out below:


·         In line with the rest of the Hampshire wide network of HWRCs, implement a reduction in opening hours at the Port Solent site of 2 hours per day, with revised opening of 11am - 6pm in the Summer and 11am - 4pm in the Winter, commencing 1st January 2017.

·         In line with the rest of the Hampshire wide network of HWRCs, close our Port

·         Solent site on a Thursday each week, commencing 1st January 2017.

·         In line with the rest of the Hampshire wide network of HWRCs, commence charging residents for non-domestic DIY waste (soil, rubble, plasterboard and asbestos), commencing 1st October 2016.

·         Note that a system of cross border charging is introduced of £2 per visit for non-Hampshire residents to commence no later than 1st September 2017.

·         Note the implementation date of previously approved charging regimes for small and medium sized enterprise (SME) trade waste and DIY charging is 1st October 2016.

·         To approve the list of chargeable non-household waste as set out in paragraph 5.5 of HCC's report (appendix item 1).



Owen Buckwell as Head of Housing & Property and his Assistant Director (Environment) Colette Hill were in attendance. Colette Hill presented their report back following the consultation that that had taken place between 16 -25 March on the future of the Hampshire wide Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) service. Users had been asked to rank their preferences on the options (as set out in the Hampshire County Council report) and the most preferred option was to reduce opening hours and days at the facilities including Port Solent.  She explained Portsmouth City Council's (PCC) shared costs with Hampshire and Southampton councils and that the proposals for PCC were to mirror the times being implemented elsewhere in the local area.


A deputation against the proposals was made by Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson whose points of concern included:

·         It was unclear how many Portsmouth residents had responded to the consultation

·         He did not support the Thursday closure at Port Solent and late morning starts

·         He felt the charging was likely to lead to more fly-tipping in the city

·         Portsmouth should not just follow the Hampshire model, and it was asked what is happening in West Sussex?

·         The Port Solent residents were concerned that there may be queuing by those waiting for the later opening time of 11am


In response Colette Hill reported that there had been 406 users of the facility responding but these were not necessarily Portsmouth residents.  Councillor New stressed that the Havant and Hayling Island tips were also used by local people and these would be under the new regime (as were Waterlooville and Fareham). 


Councillor New reported that the concern regarding fly-tipping had been raised across the county with all stakeholders being brought together to discuss an improved strategy to deal with this.  Colette Hill reported that in the Portsmouth area the figures for fly-tipping had reduced and there was an additional power to impose a £400 fine, officers were aware of the hotspots and cameras were in use here. 


It was hoped that the later implementation of restricted hours which would now come into force on 1 January 2017 would help ease any potential queuing problems and there would be greater awareness by the busier summer period.  The road layout had been looked at to help minimise the impact of any queues, and this would continue to be monitored.


Councillor New then invited the views of the Group Spokespersons.  Councillor Stephen Morgan voiced his concerns regarding the Hampshire lead proposals, he also felt that the charges were not clear to see within the report and the consultation had shown the fly-tipping concerns of residents who did not want an extra charge for using the waste facilities.


Councillor Ashmore was concerned that the costs would rise due to the increased prosecutions for fly-tipping as a consequence of implementing the proposals.


Colette Hill reported that the charges had been appended to the Hampshire report and clarified that these included:


·         £2.50 per bag of soil/rubble or individual ceramic item e.g. toilet

·         £10 per sheet of plasterboard

·         £12 per sheet of asbestos


The full set of charges would be made available on PCC's website.


A recent fly-tipping incident in Hilsea had been publicised, however the rubbish found there would have been accepted as free at the tip.  There had not been an increase in cases since the free collection of 'bulky' items.  There was waste disposal advice given to organisations working with the most vulnerable and work takes place on PCC's housing estates. 


Councillor Lee Mason was also in attendance and he reported that Hampshire CC had already put their charges up at their HWRC sites.


In making his decision, Councillor Rob New, as Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety, explained that whilst he had not wished to bring in reduced hours, the competing budget pressures made this necessary.   Furthermore as the neighbouring facilities were implementing these changes, the knock-on effect would be for the Portsmouth sites to be used as an alternative, at the cost of Portsmouth residents if these were not brought in in parallel.   He did stress that the arrangements would be kept under review, as would the impact on traffic at the Port Solent site.  He was pleased that Hampshire CC had amended the implementation date to 1st January 2017 which would allow more time to undertake a communications campaign.


Councillor New thanked Owen Buckwell, Colette Hill and the Clean City Team for their proactive work.


DECISIONS: the Cabinet Member for Environment & Community Safety approved the implementation of the recommendations which were:


In line with the rest of the Hampshire wide network of HWRCs, implement a reduction in opening hours at the Port Solent site of 2 hours per day, with revised opening of 11am - 6pm in the Summer and 11am - 4pm in the Winter, commencing 1 January 2017.


In line with the rest of the Hampshire wide network of HWRCs, close our Port Solent site on a Thursday each week, commencing 1st January 2017.


·         In line with the rest of the Hampshire wide network of HWRCs, commence charging residents for non-domestic DIY waste (soil, rubble, plasterboard and asbestos), commencing 1st October 2016.


·         Noted that a system of cross border charging is introduced of £2 per visit for non-Hampshire residents to commence no later than 1September 2017.


·         Noted the implementation date of previously approved charging regimes for small and medium sized enterprise (SME) trade waste and DIY charging is 1 October 2016.


·         Approved the list of chargeable non-household waste as set out in paragraph 5.5 of HCC's report (appendix item 1).

Supporting documents: