Agenda item

Budget Consultation Process

The purpose of the report is to respond to a notice of motion to Full Council on 19 March 2013 which stated

"The council asks the officers to investigate what means there are to increase public involvement in the budget process and to report to cabinet with all the associated costs involved, including that of officer time."

The report sets out a recommended approach on how best to increase public involvement in the budget process for 2014/15.




Councillor Mason welcomed everyone to the meeting.  A general discussion took place during which the following matters were clarified.


·        With regard to whether the consultation would be meaningful, the Head of Customer, Community & Democratic Services (CCDS) said that she had worked with Councillor Mason and with services across PCC and that the current consultation process was in need to improvement particularly when compared with what other authorities do.  She said that there was a need for a staged approach and that the questions were designed to enable a clear trend analysis to be undertaken.  The Head of CCDS circulated the proposed consultation document that would be included in Flagship magazine subject to the Cabinet Members' decision at this meeting.  The aim was to capture exactly what it was that the public valued and what they did not value.  She said that consultation was pointless if a decision on the matter being consulted upon had already been taken.  She said that she felt that the recommendations contained in the report would provide a way forward.


·         With regard to consultation and feedback, the Head of CCDS said that going forward there should be more information available than has been the case in the past.  Heads of service should be able to provide information on the amount of money being spent and what is being delivered for that money.  The intention was to collect views generally over the coming years and as part of this the intention was to set up a citizens' panel to provide more detailed information and feedback.  The intention was to hone and refine the consultation process but she accepted that the first year of the process would not be able to provide any trend information.  She said that consultation this year would give the opportunity to the public for them to be actively engaged in the budget consultation process.  She explained that the plan was to include information in the Flagship edition which would be delivered to every householder by 3 September 2013.  Neighbourhood forums would also be involved and there were plans to have two public meetings and to put information on the website.


The Cabinet Member for Resources said that the consultation done this year would prove useful in future years when trends were visible.  He said that it was also useful to have an idea of residents' priorities.


The Cabinet Member for Resources said that he was happy with the process for consultation and also with the proposed information that would be published in Flagship magazine.






(1)       A consultation should be held to invite all residents of Portsmouth and council staff to give their views on how the council could become more efficient, the services they are prepared to see reduced, those they are prepared to pay for and which are valued most and would like protected.


(2)       There should also be the opportunity for residents to give some general feedback on the budget setting process.


(3)       The consultation findings will be used to inform the council's budget setting process for 2014/15.  


(4)       Feedback should be invited on four specific questions:


(i)         How do you think the council could become more efficient?

(ii)        Which council services are you prepared to see reduced?

(iii)       Which council services are you prepared to pay for?

(iv)      Which council services do you value most and would like protected?


(5)       Views and suggestions should be invited via an online feedback form, writing and e-mail.


(6)       Public meetings may be held to discuss the budget setting process.


(7)       Neighbourhood forum meetings held throughout this period should also have the opportunity to discuss the budget setting process and invite feedback.


(8)       The September edition of Flagship magazine should be used as the main tool to inform residents about the budget setting process.  This should also be used to promote the consultation and encourage as much feedback as possible from residents. 

Supporting documents: