Agenda item

15/00380/FUL - Electricity Sub Station Western Parade Southsea - Change of use of part of building to form cafe (Class A3) to include external alterations and single storey extensions after removal of existing canopy (report item 7)


The City Development Manager introduced the report and advised that works had commenced on site and a number of changes were proposed to the wording of the planning conditions as detailed in the supplementary matters list.


June Thomson, a local resident explained that she supports the application because the derelict building is an eye sore and attracts anti-social behaviour; this development would enhance the area.


Michael Norse, a local resident also spoke in support of the application and explained that the current building is dark and waste is often dumped around it.


Matthew Milne, representing Carlton House Residents' Association circulated letters from Southern Water and residents and asked the committee to note the following points:

·         He objects to this application because the combined foul and water system is already at full capacity.  Despite the sewerage system flooding in 2000, 2002 and 2013, Southern Water informed residents it had no plans to upgrade it.

·         Southern Water is not on the list of consultees.


Alexandra Newbury, a resident of Western Parade included the following points in her representation:

·         There used to be public conveniences at this site, so she would be surprised if there was a sewerage problem.

·         The derelict building attracts trouble and children kick balls against the metal doors.

·         Castle Road Residents' Association and all the fellow dog walkers she has spoken to are also in favour of the application.


Alistair Ritchie, a local resident asked the committee to consider the following points:

·         The current permission for two kiosks is sufficient.

·         The proper location for a café/ restaurant has not been considered.

·         The mural is an attraction.

·         The public conveniences would close at 9am if the project goes ahead.

·         The building would be empty after the café closes.

·         It would be the first café in the green zone.

·         There are 3 cafes/ restaurants within 100m.

·         The business would have a significant impact on parking for residents.

·         The proposal suggests that the night-time chefs would provide security but there are no windows in the kitchen.

·         The five proposed air conditioner units and smokers hanging around outside would create a noise nuisance.


Mr Hogan, the Principal Director asked the committee to note the following points:

·         He managed the Tenth Hole Tea Rooms in Southsea which was very successful and had a good relationship with the neighbours.

·         There would not be large delivery lorries as local suppliers would be used.

·         There would be 18 members of staff and apprentices. 

·         Staff would be encouraged to use public transport and those who have to drive would not be allowed to park nearby.

·         The photographs circulated show that there are parking spaces available during the day.

·         People often park in the area when visiting the beach.

·         Many customers would walk to the premises.

·         Anti-social behaviour would not be permitted.

·         The chefs would do most of their work between 15:00 and 23:00.


Mrs Hogan asked the committee to note the following points:

·         Her husband and father work together.

·         Rachel Lyon's mother is pleased with the plan to put a plaque on the wall to commemorate her daughter.

·         It would be an attractive, low-level building that fits into the area.

·         Steps would be taken to prevent damage to the building overnight.

·         Businesses in the area open later than this one is proposing to do.


Mr Ponsford, the applicant asked the committee to note the following points:

·         There are unused parking spaces in the immediate area during the day.  .

·         There will be no opening windows on the side facing Western Parade.

·         They are working with Environmental Health to ensure minimal noise and odour levels.

·         Southern Water explained that the water from this premises would be taken towards Castle Road; in the opposite direction to Carlton House.


Councillor Luke Stubbs included the following points in his representation:

·         He reads applications that are submitted from all over the area and noted that although concerns about potential flooding are raised, no application has been refused on that grounds.

·         There are parking spaces available most of the time. 

·         This business would bring more business to the area.

·         The current building is an eyesore and detracts from other properties.

·         It would be good use of the building and would improve the area.

·         The concerns raised regarding other businesses in the area are not relevant.  It is t the committee's role to try to grow the economy.


Councillor Michael Andrewes included the following points in his representation:

·         He objects to the application because of the adverse impact on amenities of the neighbours and on parking and the loss of the Common which is a grade two park.

·         This road is on the edge of a parking zone, so residents cannot park in nearby roads.

·         99% of residents in Carlton House are against the application.

·         Noise would emanate from smokers outside, deliveries, rubbish collection.

·         He asked the committee to consider adding a condition that the business must close at 19:00.


In response to questions, the City Development Manager explained that Southern Water determines if a business can connect to its system.  In the absence of technical information, the potential impact on that system would not a reason for refusal.


Members' Questions.

Members sought clarification regarding the sale of alcohol, advertising, the amount of open space that would be lost, the circulation of documents, the parking regime and the provision of cycle storage.


Members' Comments.

Members discussed flood risk, parking, potential disturbance and the mounting of a commemorative plaque on the building.


RESOLVED that the application be granted permission subject to the conditions set out in the City Development Manager's report.