Agenda item

14/01672/FUL - Former Allders Warehouse, Cross Street, Portsmouth - Construction of Four-Storey Building Comprising 85 Flats, Construction of 5 Two-And-A-Half Storey Houses And Associated Access, Car Parking and Landscaping (Following Demolition of The Existing Building)


The City Development Manager reported that the applicant has submitted a drawing showing how an additional 10 on-street parking spaces could be provided in Cross and Prince George Streets.


Comments have also been received from the Landscape Group generally supporting the proposed landscaping scheme and suggesting improvements. The applicant has submitted an amended landscaping scheme to reflect the comments which the Landscape Group have agreed.


Amended plans have also been received amending the layout of the proposed disabled persons units to be provided as part of the affordable housing. These drawings have been prepared following discussions with the applicants architects and the Council's Housing team and Occupational Therapists. To allow further amendments if required delegated authority is sought to amend or add conditions if required.


Following this officers recommended an additional recommendation:

Recommendation 3: that delegated authority be granted to the City Development Manager to update or amend planning conditions to include references to amended plans. The monitoring fee within recommendation 1 should also be removed from the recommendation.


The following condition (and an associated informative) be added to secure the provision of the on-street parking:

25) The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the additional on-street parking spaces shown on Drawing No. Cross-PHP-Potions Rev.B (dated 6/3/15) have been provided.


Reason: To secure the provision of additional off-site parking to mitigate the potential highway impacts of the development, in accordance with policies PCS17 and PCS23 of the Portsmouth Plan.


Informative: The applicant is advised that the requirements of Condition 21 can only be secured through the completion of a legal agreement pursuant to Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 between the developer and the City Council as Local Highway Authority.

A deputation was heard from Mr Monaghan objecting to the application whose points included:

·        One of the proposed entrances to the site is opposite the children's playground which is unacceptable and dangerous. Entrance should be kept in Cross Street and the second entrance is not necessary.

·        2.5 metre wall at the back of his property around the perimeter of the site and this is proposed to be reduced to 2 metres - unclear why this needs to be changed.

·        Proposal includes planting trees up against his boundary wall and the fallout of the trees will go into his garden.

·        Proposed four storey building will cause a lack a lack of privacy for his property.

·        This is overdevelopment on a massive scale.

A deputation was heard from Mrs Ford, objecting to the application whose points included:

·         Mrs Ford realises that the site needs to be developed but feels that the proposed development will create a sense of enclosure and a loss of privacy.

·         She showed the committee some photos showing views from various windows in her property and due to the close proximity of the properties in the Admiralty Quarter development she already needs to keep her some of her blinds at shut as people can see into the rooms. This development would mean all rooms in her property could be looked into.

·         Proposed access arrangements unsafe.

·         Parking issues will be even worse than they are currently.

·         Increased pressure on the sewer network, the main drain already has collapsed outside her property causing a foul smell.


A deputation was heard from Mr Nash, Manager of Bellway Homes on behalf of the applicant whose points included:

·         Mr Nash believed that the new scheme is visually interesting and will fit in much better than the scheme that has the extant permission. 

·         The design was supported by the Design Review Panel at a pre application stage.

·         The extant permission was approved before the recession but this is now unviable to build particularly as this had basement parking.

·         Speed control on Prince George Street due to the 90 degree bend, therefore the speed of traffic would not be that high and cause any safety issues with the new entrance.

·         More sustainable with a better mix of dwellings, than on the extant permission.

·         Proposal is 11 metres lower than the extant permission.

·         Refuse storage would be fully provided for in the scheme.


Members' questions
In response to a question, officers confirmed that the access locations to the site had not changed from the extant permission. A question was raised about the proposed additional on street parking and removal of the yellow lines.  Officers advised that a separate consultation would be needed for a TRO. If a TRO is required to allow a development to proceed there should be a "Grampian" condition in place preventing the development proceeding until the TRO is approved.

Members' Comments

Members felt that the issue raised by Mrs Ford regarding the sewer system was a major concern and asked that officers follow this up with Portsmouth Water outside of this meeting with an update provided at the next meeting. Members felt that this scheme was an improvement on the extant permission. 

(1) That delegated authority be granted to the City Development Manager to grant conditional planning permission subject to the applicant first entering into a legal agreement pursuant to S106 to secure:

- 27 units of affordable housing;

- a financial contribution of £15,480.00 to mitigate the impact of the proposed residential development on the Solent Special Protection Areas;

- a financial contribution of £75,000.00 towards off-site public open space improvements in lieu of on-site provision;

- the implementation of the travel plan associated with the proposed development;

- a financial contribution of £5,500.00 towards the monitoring of the travel plan associated with the proposed development;

- a financial contribution of £1,500.00 towards the costs of implementing a Traffic Regulation Order to enable the provision of additional on-street parking bays in Cross and Prince George Streets

- the preparation and implementation of an Employment and Skills plan to cover the construction phase of the development.

(2)  That delegated authority be granted to the City Development Manager to refuse planning permission if the legal agreement has not been completed within two months of the date of the resolution pursuant to Recommendation 1.

(3) That delegated authority be granted to the City Development Manager to update or amend planning conditions to include references to amended plans.

The following condition (and an associated informative) be added to secure the provision of the on-street parking:

25) The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the additional on-street parking spaces shown on Drawing No. Cross-PHP-Potions Rev.B (dated 6/3/15) have been provided

Informative: The applicant is advised that the requirements of Condition 21 can only be secured through the completion of a legal agreement pursuant to Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 between the developer and the City Council as Local Highway Authority.