Agenda item

Pre-Submission Portsmouth Local Plan

To receive and consider the attached report and recommendation from Cabinet held on 15 May 2024.


The Pre-Submission Local Plan (Appendix 1) is enclosed as Agenda Supplement 1.


Appendices 2 - 5, comprising four draft supporting documents that will form part of the consultation process:


·       Sustainability Appraisal and its Non-Technical Summary (Appendix 2)

·       Habitat Regulations Assessment (Appendix 3

·       Policies Map (Appendix 4) and;

·       Integrated Impact Assessment (Appendix 5)


are included in Agenda Supplement 2.


Council Agenda Item 5 (Cabinet minute 43)


The Lord Mayor advised that under Standing Order 60 he would use his discretion to allow officers with the relevant technical expertise present to speak, should the need arise.  This would only be used when he judged it necessary for them to do so to provide any technical knowledge required to inform the debate.


The minute was opposed by Councillor Hugh Mason in order to allow debate.


It was therefore


Proposed by Councillor Hugh Mason

Seconded by Councillor Steve Pitt


That the recommendations contained in Cabinet minute 43, Pre-Submission Portsmouth Local Plan, be approved.


Under Standing Order 1, the Lord Mayor proposed that Standing Order 38 be suspended to disapply a time limit for Group Leaders to speak, mirroring the process at the budget meeting which set the Council Tax each year.


This was seconded by Councillor Darren Sanders.


Following a vote, this was agreed by the majority of members present.


Under Standing Order 1, the Lord Mayor proposed that Standing Order 47(b) be suspended to remove the time limit on the proposer's right of reply, mirroring the process at the budget meeting which sets the Council Tax each year.


This was seconded by Councillor Steve Pitt.


Following a vote, this was agreed by the majority of members present.


Under Standing Order 1, the Lord Mayor proposed that Standing Order 29 be suspended to allow a question put to the Cabinet Member to be referred by them to one of the officers with the relevant technical expertise present to reply, if appropriate for them to do so.


This was seconded by Councillor Dave Ashmore.


Following a vote, this was agreed by the majority of members present.


As an amendment it was


Proposed by Councillor Simon Bosher

Seconded by Councillor Benedict Swann


To add 'and opposition spokespersons' after "with the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy & City Development" in recommendation 3.


Council debated the item.


Following the debate, Cllr Hugh Mason, proposer of the Cabinet recommendations, agreed to subsume the amendment standing in the name of Councillor Simon Bosher into the recommendation.


Council voted on the Cabinet recommendations which, incorporated the subsumed amendment in the name of Cllr Simon Bosher.


In accordance with Standing Order 48b, eight councillors stood to request a recorded vote.


The following members voted in favour


Councillor Richard Adair

Councillor Dave Ashmore

Councillor Yinka Adeniran

Councillor Chris Attwell

Councillor Kimberly Barrett

Councillor Stuart Brown

Councillor Simon Bosher

Councillor Peter Candlish

Councillor Cal Corkery

Councillor Chris Dike

Councillor Nick Dorrington

Councillor George Fielding

Councillor Spencer Gardner

Councillor Charlotte Gerada

Councillor Raj Ghosh

Councillor Graham Heaney

Councillor Ian Holder

Councillor Suzy Horton

Councillor Lee Hunt

Councillor Mark Jeffery

Councillor Abdul Kadir

Councillor George Madgwick

Councillor Leonie Oliver

Councillor Darren Sanders

Councillor Mary Valley

Councillor Matthew Winnington


The following member voted against


Councillor Benedict Swann

Councillor Brian Madgwick

Councillor Hugh Mason

Councillor Steve Pitt

Councillor Asghar Shah

Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson







The following members abstained from voting


Councillor Matthew Cordy

Councillor Jason Fazackarley

Councillor Raymond Dent

Councillor Derek North

Councillor Russell Simpson

Councillor Lee Tindal

Councillor Emily Strudwick


The recommendations in Cabinet minute 43, incorporating the subsumed amendment in the name of Councillor Simon Bosher, were therefore APPROVED and declared CARRIED.


It was therefore RESOLVED that Council:



1.    Approve the draft Pre-Submission Portsmouth Local Plan and its Policies Map for public consultation under Regulation 19 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 subject to any minor changes that are deemed necessary prior to the start of the consultation being agreed by the Assistant Director of Planning & Economic Growth in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy & City Development;


2.    Approve the draft Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment including derogations supporting the draft Pre-Submission Local Plan for public consultation under Regulation 19 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 subject to any minor changes that are deemed necessary prior to the start of the consultation being agreed by the Assistant Director of Planning & Economic Growth in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy & City Development;


3.    Delegate authority to the Assistant Director of Planning & Economic Growth in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy & City Development and opposition spokespersons to make any minor changes arising from the consultation and submit the Pre-Submission Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities under regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 for examination along with the Pre-Submission representations and the core document library;


4.    Note that if major changes are required to the Pre-Submission Local Plan that a further public consultation and decision by the City Council will be required; and


5.    Note that the final Local Plan will be brought back to Full Council prior to formal adoption following the independent examination undertaken by an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.

Supporting documents: