Agenda item

Council Housing Maintenance and Improvements and Non-Dwelling Capital 2024/2025

Purpose of Report

The Council Housing Repairs and Maintenance Revenue Budget for 2024/2025 was approved within the Council Housing Budget (including rents) 2024/2025 at the Housing and Tackling Homlessness Cabinet Decision meeting on 26 January 2024.


The Council Housing Repairs & Maintenance Capital Budget (Major Repairs Dwellings) for 2024/2025 was approved within the Portsmouth City Council - Budget & Council Tax 2024/2025 and Medium-Term Budget Forecast 2025/26 to 2027/28 by the City Council on 13 February 2024.


The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the spending proposed for the financial year 2024/25 for revenue and capital funded maintenance and improvement programmes for the City Council's retained housing stock together with the HRA Assets (Non-Dwelling) capital scheme (including Housing IT Business Software) and to seek approval to incur expenditure in respect of the capital schemes and rolling programmes.


The report will also update the Cabinet member on the year end position on the delivery of the 2023/24 Repairs & Maintenance programmes, the forecast spend against the approved budget and to highlight any future issues.




1.    The Cabinet Member notes the allocation of finance for the funding of the Revenue Budgets for repairs and maintenance of dwellings listed in Appendix A.


2.    The Cabinet Member approves the allocation of capital budgets listed in Appendix B and Appendix C for 2024/2025, and the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services be authorised to seek approval from the Director of Finance and Resources (Section 151 Officer) under Financial Rules, Section B11, to proceed with schemes within the sums allocated.


3.    The Cabinet Member notes the year end position and progress of the 2023/24 Repairs and Maintenance budget plan and capital spend.


4.    The Cabinet Member requests that a mid-year report is brought to provide an update as to in year revenue expenditure and progress of the HRA capital programme.


Adam Hardwick, Assistant Director Building Services, Alan Denford, Housing Finance Manager, and Merrick Trevaskis, IT Business Partner, presented the report, the purpose of which was to inform Members of the spending proposed for the financial year 2024/25 for revenue and capital funded maintenance and improvement programmes for the City Council's retained housing stock together with the HRA Assets (Non-Dwelling) capital scheme (including Housing IT Business software) and to seek approval to incur expenditure in respect of the capital schemes and rolling programmes.


The report was also to update the Cabinet Member on the year end position on the delivery of the 2023/24 Repairs and Maintenance programmes, the forecast spends against the approved budget and to highlight any future issues.


Resident Consortium

There were no comments or questions.


Members' questions

In response to members' questions, officers clarified:


·         The service needed to prioritise and target their work, particularly on the capital side.  The scope of the service was around the asset management strategy and providing clarity on what may or may not be repaired and would provide clarity to residents and service providers in their understanding of the scope.


·         There was a detailed service criteria for service providers on Voids to ensure the right repair is completed at the right time.  For instance the guidance on when to replace a kitchen or bathroom whilst still maintaining these to a good standard, had led to a reduction in replacements, resulting in cost savings but ensuring good standards for the next tenant coming in.


·         The Charles Dickens heat network replacement would be with a gas powered system.  For the scale of installation, there were no alternative renewable energy sources that could be used without leading to additional works to the building.  The Charles Dickens heat network was in Barkiss, Nickelby, Copperfield and Pickwick Houses.


·         The service had been undertaking numerous surveys of all blocks which was still ongoing. The reports were due back in the next couple of months and the programme of works would then be reviewed and resourced accordingly.


·         Part of the reason for the increase in the Building Safety Budget was to allow for additional works in relation to cladding. The service was registered with the Government Cladding scheme and would be making an application for funding to cover the replacement costs and offset the internal expenditure.


·         Nontraditional properties had been chosen for decarbonisation works as they were often hard to treat properties with the inherent construction types.  The aim was to increase the EPC energy rating to at least a C.  Nontraditional properties are typically post-war system built of concrete or steel framed.


·         The whole housing stock was being assessed within the Asset Management Strategy and would consider many aspects including energy efficiency.


·         Management of temporary accommodation and the provision of white goods sits within the Housing General Fund despite there being a contribution within the HRA for white goods in temporary accommodation.  The Housing Needs and Temporary Accommodation Team would be asked to provide members with further information in writing in relation to this aspect.


·         The Stamshaw Youth Project Hub was a partnership between the Careers and Youth Service and would provide youth activities in the evenings in line with the play and youth offer already existing.  There will also be an offer developed by the careers service to support young people into employment and to understand what apprenticeship opportunities are available.  The funding was for ages 14 - 19 and then up to 24 for those with learning disabilities.


Members' comments

Members were keen to be kept up to date on any changes to the service criteria such as for Voids.


Members noted the Council had signed up to a journey to Net Zero and that it was important to always consider alternative renewable energy sources that may cost more in the short term but would be better in the long term for the environmental cost.


Members observed the service was run very well with a lot of good work going on including to maintain the housing stock and to ensure people have a decent place to live.


Chair's Comments

The Chair noted the following points:


·         local authorities don't have the financial freedom to fund all the projects they would like to.


·         The system in PCC had been changed to put the residents and workers at the heart of the system meaning less cuts than other local authorities.


·         It would be useful to have more information regarding energy alternatives with their associated costs going forward.


·         The Council priorities were ensuring people have a safe, green home and to plan for future decent communities.


·         He was pleased to see a damp and mould budget now included.


·         He was pleased to see the money for the Adventure Playgrounds and the provision of youth services in housing estates but noted there was not enough youth provision in the rest of the city.


·         Cladding replacement of housing blocks was crucial to keep residents safe.



The Cabinet Member:


1)    Noted the allocation of finance for the funding of the Revenue Budgets for repairs and maintenance of dwellings listed in Appendix A;


2)    Approved the allocation of capital budgets listed in Appendix B and Appendix C for 2024/2025, and the approved that the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services be authorised to seek approval from the Director of Finance and Resources (Section 151 Officer) under Financial Rules, Section B11, to proceed with schemes within the sums allocated;


3)    Noted the year end position and progress of the 2023/24 Repairs and Maintenance budget plan and capital spend;


4)    Requested that a mid-year report be brought to provide an update as to in year revenue expenditure and progress of the HRA capital programme.


Supporting documents: