Agenda item

SACRE Monitoring Group report

Purpose of report:

The purpose of this report is to inform SACRE of the findings and discussions that took place during the meeting of the SACRE Monitoring Group on 24 May 2023. 




a)    That SACRE notes the findings of the Monitoring Group meeting.


b)    That SACRE asks for the withdrawal survey to be repeated in the Spring of 2024 and to be discussed in the May 2024 SACRE meeting.


c)    That an initial meeting be set up to discuss widening visits to Mosques for teachers.


d)    That advice be provided for the Monitoring Group to consider regarding Ramadan and support for schools.



Justine Ball, SACRE Professional Advisor, introduced the report which had been circulated with the agenda.  She informed the SACRE that the Monitoring Group had met on 24 May 2023 and that those present had reviewed the Terms of Reference, considered the most recent Ofsted reports which mentioned RE, discussed teacher training and vacancies, explored national and local initiatives for RE, considered wider visits to Portsmouth mosques and Ramadan advice for teachers and then discussed the recent withdrawal from RE and Collective Worship survey completed in Portsmouth.


RE and Collective Worship Withdrawal Survey

Justine Ball noted that 19 schools had responded to the survey and that no children were withdrawn from the whole of RE. She explained that very low numbers of children were partially withdrawn from RE and Collective Worship, that the schools knew the reasons for withdrawal and the reasons were varied but often due to the religious belief of the family. Schools were very positive about the support they receive for RE and Collective Worship and the Monitoring Group asked that the survey is repeated in the Spring term of 2024. She informed the SACRE that nationally the number of withdrawals for RE and Collective Worship seem much higher than in Portsmouth.


It was clarified that all families have a right to withdraw their children from part of all or RE and/ or Collective Worship.  This is separate from the process whereby a Local Authority school can apply to the SACRE for an exemption from the requirement to provide Collective Worship that is "wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character" in respect of some or all the pupils in a school. A school would apply for this exemption in circumstances where, for example, their pupils are predominantly from non-Christian faiths. This does not remove the requirement to hold a daily act of Collective Worship.


It was noted that the Portsmouth SACRE has a Determination Policy which is available on the Council's website at: DeterminationsPolicyupdated.pdf (


Ofsted reports mentioning RE

Justine Ball informed the group that there were a small number of Ofsted inspections in the local area recently but that there was only one Ofsted report that had specifically mentioned RE. The comments were very positive and especially so on the importance of visits to places of worship. It was noted by the group that RE can play a large role in the outcomes of an Ofsted inspection and that diversity within modern Britain is an important part of the Ofsted framework and is being noted by inspectors.  She added that anecdotally, it was becoming clear that schools are more conscious of the costs of school visits. 


Teacher training and recruitment

Chris May informed the SACRE that few candidates are coming forward for training as RE or RS teachers and that this a national concern. It was noted that although there are not any secondary vacancies for RS specialist teachers in Portsmouth, Secondary schools generally are struggling to recruit across all subject areas. He explained that he had recently attended the Association of University Lecturers in Religious Education (AULRE) conference in Birmingham and there had been much discussion of these topics.


Chris May noted that UCAS (the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service in the UK) had recently sent emails to all third year students studying appropriate subjects encouraging them to consider teaching RS or RE as a career.  He also noted that Culham St Gabriel's Trust and other national bodies are continuing their work in supporting training specialist RE teachers.


Mosque visits for teachers and Ramadan advice

Justine Ball explained that a lunchtime visit to the Muslim academy in Buckland is to be set up with the help of some of the Group D Councillors.  She noted that this would be a good starting point for other initiatives to encourage visits to other places of worship.


Sue Bowen (Group B) informed the SACRE that part of her job involves helping advise governing bodies on the recruitment headteachers to church schools.  She explained that this process always involves asking candidates to perform an act of Collective Worship, usually based on a theme of the Christian values of the school.  For the last six months however, they have been invited to use the theme of diversity and that as this has generated some very interesting results among the children, she will be continuing to use this theme.


Taki Jaffer (Group D) noted that when the links between religions are seen, like the overlapping circles in a Venn Diagram, very impressive outcomes can be the result.  The Chair agreed, adding that diversity goes to all faiths and none.



a)    Note the findings of the Monitoring Group meeting.

b)   Ask for the withdrawal survey to be repeated in the Spring of 2024 and then be discussed at the Summer term SACRE meeting.

c)    Note that an initial meeting be set up to discuss widening visits to Mosques.

d)   Note that advice be provided to the Monitoring Group on Ramadan and support for schools for consideration.



Supporting documents: