Agenda item

Monitoring Group report

The purpose of this report is to inform SACRE of the findings and discussions that took place during the meeting of the SACRE monitoring sub-group on 22 February 2023. 


Members shared ways to widen the membership of the group and the Terms of Reference for the monitoring group were discussed. The group received updates on professional RE education, monitoring the effectiveness of RE and an update of results from the GCSE examination series in 2022.  Further updates on the 2021 census results on religion, the monitoring survey for RE and Collective Worship and the recent website monitoring activity for Local Authority schools was discussed.




1.    That SACRE notes the findings of the monitoring group meeting and requests SACRE volunteers to join the Monitoring Group in the Summer term 2023.


2.    That SACRE notes the amended Terms of Reference for the Monitoring Group and approves them (attached as Appendix A).



Justine Ball, SACRE Professional Advisor, introduced the report which had been circulated with the agenda. 


Volunteers for Monitoring Group

Justine Ball reminded members of the SACRE that volunteers willing to join the Monitoring Group would be very welcome and that anyone interested should contact the Clerk. 


Portsmouth GCSE results

Chris May, Hampshire Secondary Teaching and Learning Adviser for RE commented there are not many schools with GCSE entries in Portsmouth.  He was working closely with one school to build up its RE curriculum and encourage more entries and he hoped there would be greater numbers of RE GCSE entries going forward. 


National Campaign to recruit RE specialist teachers

Justine Ball noted that national campaigns to tackle the lack of numbers of RE specialist teachers by the Association of University Lecturers in RE (AULRE) and the National RE Council were gaining traction.  Chris May added that a recent webinar for prospective teachers was attended by 100 people, and he hoped that was a reflection that the campaign is beginning to work. 


School website monitoring

Justine Ball explained that following a review of LA school websites and the Monitoring Group had an interesting discussion on what could and should be on school websites and noted that they are not required to have all their policies on their website.  A lot of positive information about RE was available on many websites and many also referenced progression.  There was less information on the right to withdraw, collective workshop and British Values but this is not mandatory. 


In response to a question by Pastor Chris Thomas (Group A) about how British Values links to RE, Justine Ball acknowledged they are separate but form part of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development which is an essential part of whole school life.  It was explained that all schools are required to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  The Chair commented that she does not like the word tolerance and prefers encouraging more active interest and engagement in different faiths and beliefs.


It was noted that some websites are harder to navigate than others.  Overall, this had been a useful exercise and will be repeated at some stage in the future.


Ofsted Reports

Justine Ball noted that two schools had been inspected recently and one reported that its RE deep dive had been a positive experience.  


Survey on RE and Collective Worship

Justine Ball reported that this survey had been sent out just before the last Monitoring Group meeting and aimed to monitor the number of children being withdrawn for parts or all of RE and/ or Collective Worship.  It is intended to bring the fill results to the next SACRE meeting.


Census 2021 results

Justine Ball reported that a Census 2021 breakdown for religion in Portsmouth had been published in November 2022.  This information is being used when visiting RE leaders to ensure that curriculum planning and delivery reflects the locality.


Monitoring Group Terms of Reference (ToR)

Justine Ball informed the SACRE that the ToR had been attached to the agenda with slight suggestions highlighted in red type.  The Clerk noted that the ToR had last been agreed in 2017 and it was good practice to review them periodically.




a)    SACRE noted the Monitoring Group meeting report.


b)   SACRE requested volunteers to join the Monitoring Group in the Summer term 2023.


c)    SACRE approved the Terms of Reference for the Monitoring Group as amended (attached as Appendix A).




i)     Volunteers willing to join the SACRE Monitoring Group (3 Teams meetings per year) to contact the Clerk at


ii)    School Website Monitoring Survey will be undertaken again in the Spring 2024.


iii)  Results of the survey on RE and Collective Worship (including withdrawals) to be brought to the next full SACRE meeting in June 2023.


Pastor Chris Thomas (Group A) asked for the SACRE's appreciation for all the work of the Monitoring Group to be recorded.  This was agreed.



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