Agenda item

Council Housing Maintenance and Improvements and Housing IT Business Software 2022/2023


The revised 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 Housing Investment Programme budgets together with the proposed programmes for 2023/2024 to 2027/2028 were approved by the City Council on 15th February 2022.


The Council Housing Repairs & Maintenance Budgets for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 were approved at the Housing and Preventing Homelessness Cabinet Decision meeting on 24th January 2022.


The purpose of this report is to inform members of the spending proposed for the next financial year for revenue and capital funded maintenance and improvement programmes for the City Councils retained housing stock together with Housing IT Business Software, and to seek approval to incur expenditure in respect of the capital schemes and rolling programmes and to show how the budgets have been allocated on an area office basis.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member

1.    That the area programmes and allocation of finance for the funding of the   Revenue Budgets for repairs and maintenance of dwellings be noted.

2.    That the capital budgets listed in Appendix B and Appendix C commencing in 2022/2023 be approved and the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services be authorised under Financial Rules, Section B11 to proceed with schemes within the sums approved.

3.    That the Director of Finance & Resources and Section 151 Officer financial appraisal be approved for the capital programme - global provision.



1.    Noted the area programmes and allocation of finance for the funding of the Revenue Budgets for repairs and maintenance of dwellings.

2.    Approved the capital budgets listed in Appendix B and Appendix C commencing in 2022/2023 and that the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services be authorised under Financial Rules, Section B11 to proceed with schemes within the sums approved.

3.    Approved the Director of Finance & Resources and Section 151 Officer financial appraisal for the capital programme - global provision.

4.    Approved that a report monitoring the delivery of the housing capital programme and the performance of the budget against set spend is brought back to a portfolio meeting during the next financial year.




Meredydd Hughes, Assistant Director (Buildings), introduced the report, talked through the Revenue and Capital Budgets, the allocation of monies to work type and area office location and highlighted some key work streams including continued fire safety works and decarbonisation works.


He also gave an update on the 2021/2022 Budget Plan and the amount of projects worked on. As of March 18th, 23 projects had been completed over the last 12 months, a further 23 were a work in progress and nine were delayed because of changes in resources. Work was completed on 251 blocks across the estate and on nearly 4,200 properties.


Merrick Trevaskis, IT Business Partner, introduced Appendix C, IT Capital Schemes and explained to plan of forthcoming work. 


In response to questions from Councillor Corkery, officers clarified that the Landport Courts project extends over two financial years which is why the figures reported are higher than in the Budget Plan.


The council has a legal obligation to keep a register (held digitally) of asbestos in its properties. It has to inform contractors of asbestos. There is no information where there has not been a survey. If contractors anticipate or come across asbestos the council will carry out a survey. Residents are encouraged to approach Housing if there are concerns as they can advise. Housing have just produced a leaflet on DIY and asbestos for tenants; it is available at Area Housing Offices.


Regarding a longer-term strategy on retrofitting the entire housing stock for Zero carbon, Housing refreshed the asset management plan for the HRA (Housing Revenue Account) last year and will be revising it to assess the costs of decarbonisation. Work on the decarbonisation pilot will feed into the strategy. Housing have been improving properties for some time, for example, with insulation, new windows, heating systems, but the strategy will set out clearer steps.


In response to questions from Councillor Payter-Harris about contingency, officers said that part of the revenue budget and the HRA currently has a £20m reserve which could be dipped into. There is a separate ringfenced capital major repairs reserve and about £20m is available once the commitments in the report have been met. Councillor Payter-Harris suggested bringing back a report during the next financial year to see how the budget is progressing, especially in view of the changing situation, for example, with the supply chain.


The budget is monitored very thoroughly, including the effectiveness of the hardware and software projects in Appendix C, for example, how much the public access computers are used. Officers are happy to share information with members. The computers have been deployed though there were a few delays with scanners due to supplier issues. Phase 2 includes remote desk top usage so people can use them from their own devices. Members thought remote access would benefit residents and would like to be updated on progress.


The conversion in Northern Parade and Phoenix Square refers to the former Kendricks' newsagents, which members were glad to see was progressing.


Summing up, Councillor Sanders was pleased to see the budget tackling the climate and nature emergencies. He noted the severe volatility in the market place due to construction costs and withdrawal from contracts with Gazprom. A budget monitoring report would be helpful. 






1.        Noted the area programmes and allocation of finance for the funding of the Revenue Budgets for repairs and maintenance of dwellings.

2.    Approved the capital budgets listed in Appendix B and Appendix C commencing in 2022/2023 and that the Director of Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services be authorised under Financial Rules, Section B11 to proceed with schemes within the sums approved.

3.    Approved the Director of Finance & Resources and Section 151 Officer financial appraisal for the capital programme - global provision.

4.    Approved that a report monitoring the delivery of the housing capital programme and the performance of the budget against set spend is brought back to a portfolio meeting during the next financial year.



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