Agenda item

TRO 3/2021 GB parking zone extension


To consider the public response to the proposed extension of the GB Alverstone Road area residents' parking zone, in the context of the Programme of Consultation on Residents' Parking.


In this report, "RPZ" means Residents' Parking Zone and "TRO" means Traffic Regulation Order.


Appendix A: The public proposal notice ("notice") for TRO 3/2021

Appendix B: Public responses received

            Appendix C: Confirmation of communications (statutory and non-statutory)



2.1             The extension of the GB Alverstone Road area parking zone, including short-term parking restrictions in Priory Crescent and Goldsmith Avenue proposed under TRO 3/2021 is implemented as advertised;


2.2             The proposed reduction of the 2 hours' free parking to 1 hour in the GB parking zone is implemented as advertised under TRO 3/2021;


2.3             It is noted that the proposals under TRO 3/2021 do not affect the temporary waiting and loading restrictions currently enacted on football match days. Those additional restrictions would continue, with the residents' parking restrictions operating at all other times.




1.    The extension of the GB Alverstone Road area parking zone, including short-term parking restrictions in Priory Crescent and

Goldsmith Avenue proposed under TRO 3/2021 is implemented as     advertised;

2.    The proposed reduction of the 2 hours' free parking to 1 hour in the GB parking zone is implemented as advertised under TRO 3/2021;

3.    It is noted that the proposals under TRO 3/2021 do not affect the temporary waiting and loading restrictions currently enacted on football match days. Those additional restrictions would continue, with the residents' parking restrictions operating at all other times.



Kevin McKee, Parking Manager introduced the report.


A deputation was then heard from Mrs R Oliver in support of the recommendations.  Deputations are not minutes but can be viewed here


Written deputations were then read out from:


Ms I, Mr A, Ms W, supporting the proposals and Mr L and Mr G objecting to the proposals.


In response to questions from Councillors, Kevin McKee and Nikki Musson clarified the following points:


The proposal to change the 2 hours' free parking to 1 hour was in response to residents' requests due to parking pressures in the area, particularly when there is a football match on at Fratton Park. However, paragraph 5.3 lists the 7 factors that residents had given for the parking problems. The TRO provides for a 3-hour limited wait around Milton Park to allow for people going to the businesses and amenities in the area.


The Council does issue Business permits that do not have a registration number, so these are transferable. While businesses are saying there is plenty of space to park, the residents' view is clearly different.  The dental practice is adjacent to Frogmore Road and Ruskin Road where there is no parking zone.  This proposal aims to manage the parking better by introducing a three-hour limited wait around Milton Park so cars will not be left there for months at a time, which is then available for residents and customers to local businesses.  In addition, the south side of Goldsmith Avenue backs onto the ME parking zone and people can park there for 22 hours a day unrestricted.


Officers had previously surveyed the GB parking zone and the residents did not want the extension.  Since the introduction of other parking zones around the location they are in support of this extension.


The Cabinet Member requested officers to talk to the businesses concerned to see if a solution can be found.  Officers advised that the two deputations from local businesses had come in late so they had not been able to talk with them however they would respond to the businesses after the meeting.


Opposition members raised concerns that local businesses would suffer as a result of this proposal due to displacement. Opposition members said they would be interested to hear the feedback from businesses and hoped that this could be circulated to them in due course.


Visitor permits were not available however officers advised that they could look at installing some limited wait bays for businesses. This would be discussed with the local businesses. Tweaks can be made to parking zones via TRO once they are in place and all feedback is taken very seriously. However, allowing too many exemptions for non-residents will affect the success of the parking zone.


Not everyone will travel to the businesses by car and officers are always trying to encourage people to travel by a different method of travelling.


Officers wrote to all properties in the area last year however the formal consultation had to be delayed as all businesses closed due to the covid restrictions and there would not have been anyone there to receive the post. Officers waited until the covid restrictions lifted to recommence the formal consultation. Copies of the proposal were sent to every property in the area and were addressed to the resident/business.


Councillor Stagg asked that officers engage with those business who have raised objections in their deputations which was agreed.

DECISIONS: The Cabinet Member agreed:

1.    The extension of the GB Alverstone Road area parking zone, including short-term parking restrictions in Priory Crescent and

Goldsmith Avenue proposed under TRO 3/2021 is implemented as     advertised;

2.    The proposed reduction of the 2 hours' free parking to 1 hour in the GB parking zone is implemented as advertised under TRO 3/2021;

3.    It is noted that the proposals under TRO 3/2021 do not affect the temporary waiting and loading restrictions currently enacted on football match days. Those additional restrictions would continue, with the residents' parking restrictions operating at all other times.


Supporting documents: