Agenda item

253 Twyford Avenue, Portsmouth PO2 8NY 20/00375/ FUL

Change of use from mixed purposes - retail (Class A1) and residential (Class C3) - to purposes falling within Class C3 (Dwellinghouse) or Class C4 (House in Multiple Occupancy), with associated alterations to shopfront and installation of rooflight.



The Planning Officer presented the report. Peter Hayward, Island Highway & Transport Consultants, was present for this item. The planning officer reminded the committee that this application was deferred from the December meeting as a resident who had objected to the application had not received written notification that they could make further deputations. 

The Planning Officer drew attention to the Supplementary Matters which reported that:



Since the publication of the Committee Report, the proposed floor plans have been amended to provide dedicated ensuites for all four of the bedrooms.


(HMO SPD-OCT 2019)                  

Area provided:                        Required standard:


Lounge           22.5m2                       11m2

Bedroom 1    11.3m2                       6.51m2

Ensuite B1     2.97m2                       3.74m2

Kitchen/Dining room            22.5m2           24m2


Bedroom 2    16.7m2                       6.51m2

Ensuite B2     3.1m2                         3.74m2

Bedroom 3    12.3m2                       6.51m2

Ensuite B3     3.3m2                         3.74m2

Bedroom 4    15.3m2                       6.51m2

Ensuite B4     3.2m2                         3.74m2

WC                 1.7m2                         undefined


Total               114.87m2                  76m2



While all of the ensuites are undersized, that is compared to the size for shared facilities. Given that they are for single use by the occupant of each individual room and the otherwise acceptable layout they are considered to be acceptable. All of the bedrooms are well over the guidance of 6.51sqm following this amendment and the communal space is unchanged. The amended floorplans are therefore considered to provide an acceptable standard of accommodation for 3-6 residents sharing.


Since the publication of the Committee Report, an Appropriate Assessment has been completed and Natural England have been consulted and responded; they concur with the Councils conclusion that no mitigation is required for the development.


A matter of replacement windows has been brought to officers' attention, on the north elevation (Gruneisen Road).  The site has been re-visited and there are indeed new windows, either ill-fitting or boarded-up.  The Applicant has explained: 'The properties have had no builders on site since last summer whilst a planning decision is made, as some of the works carried out will be dependent on whatever decision is made.  There are remedial, works to the roof, exterior, replacement windows all still to be carried out along with the internal works. The property has been boarded in an effort to keep it water tight after the ground floor windows were ordered at incorrect sizes. As the property has been entered on numerous occasions by teenagers, our client fitted the incorrect windows as he felt it would be more of a deterrent than just the boarding.'


I am assured that if and when planning permission is granted and the consent implemented, correctly-fitting windows will be installed and the property will return to a normal appearance, as well as being productively inhabited.



Further written deputations were read out as part of the officer presentation from:

·         Mrs Daisy Cobb on behalf of local residents

·         The Applicant - Applecore Design Agency - (Carianne Wells)


Deputations are not included in the minutes but can be viewed on the livestream on the following link Planning Committee, 26 January 2021 on Livestream


Members' Questions

In response to questions from members, officers explained that:

·         With regard to the large window on the northern elevation that officers advised that a condition may be necessary so they can properly control what happens there.  A smaller bathroom window would be more appropriate.

·         Officers said with regard to the windows that the main problem was the window on the ground floor next to the door and the explanation was that the wrong windows were ordered but were fitted anyway.  Officers would not want these for the longer term and he did not believe the owner would want that.  The applicant would be required to resolve this to meet the building regulations.

·         Under the parking standards SPD this property would require two car parking spaces.

·         251 Twyford Avenue had an under supply of 0.5 car parking spaces.  This application would have less demand on car parking spaces due to the removal of the commercial element.

·         The cycle storage will be at the rear of the property and there is a condition on the application for secure weatherproof bicycle storage.



Members' Comments

Concern was raised with the quality of the work so far to the property.  Members also commented that the proposal would have an adverse impact to the street scene.  There were also concerns with the adverse impact on the already overcrowded streets with parking.  Other members thought that this was a good use for this derelict site and felt it should be approved. Members noted that the application for 251 Twyford Avenue had been refused by the committee earlier today and this application is next door therefore the same issues apply and some members felt it was right to refuse. Officers explained that the application for 251 Twyford Avenue was for a 3 bedroom property so there was a discrepancy on the residential side only for parking.  This application is a 4 bedroomed existing dwelling so there is a different parking demand.



To grant conditional planning permission as set out in the Officer's Committee report and supplementary matters list subject to an amendment to condition 3 requiring details of the weatherproof bicycle storage to be approved by the local planning authority prior to first occupation; and an additional condition regarding full details of the two first floor windows: the front bedroom window facing Twyford Avenue, and the ensuite window facing Gruneisen Road.