Agenda item

The Registry, St Michael'sRoad, Portsmouth 20/01009/FUL

Temporary change of use from student halls of residence (C1) to interim accommodation for the homeless (Sui Generis).




The Principal Planning Officer presented the report.

The Principal Planning Officer drew attention to the Supplementary Matters which reported that:



Crime Prevention Design Advisor

The main Committee report noted 'no comments received', they can now be reported as follows, in summary:

This premises will house a fairly large number of persons , CCTV will be an essential tool for maintaining the safety and security of residents, staff and visitors.


The National Planning Policy Framework makes clear the Governments continuing commitment to "create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine quality of life or community cohesion and resilience".


The proposal is to house up to 41 persons, some with complex needs, within this building.  During the period 1st October 2020 to 12th November 2020 we received 25 reports of incidents relating to the premises. The Registry lies on the edge of the city centre, there are nearby open spaces. Our concerns centre on the possible problems caused by the residents of this accommodation both, within the accommodation and within the local area. Hampshire Constabulary recognises the need for accommodation for the homeless to assist with their journey back to a more normal lifestyle. Effective management / support of the residents is key to reducing the opportunities for crime and disorder. At paragraph 3.5 of The Information and Management Plan advises "trained supported workers would be on site 24/7, with an initial three workers being on site at all times individuals would have their own bedroom and share bathroom, kitchen and communal space facilities." The plans show an office with facilities, but I am unable to find the bedrooms. To that end, space within the building to provide bedrooms for use by onsite staff should be annotated on plans. To provide for the safety and security of residents and visitors, the external doors should be fitted with an electronic door access system. The system should provide for fob access for residents and staff and audio and visual access for visitors.


If entry is gained into the building it is possible to access all parts of the building, this increases the vulnerability of the building to crime and anti-social behaviour. To reduce the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system should be installed within the building. Cameras should be deployed to provide images of the external doors, stairwells, lifts, other common access ways, the office and communal facilities. The plans show a basement housing the cycle store, gym and laundrette, basements are isolated places which increases the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. To reduce the opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour CCTV cameras should be deployed within the basement. To summarise our position, Hampshire Constabulary broadly supports this application. However, this support is conditional upon the residents being at the appropriate stage of their recovery to reside within this style of accommodation, the provision of effective onsite support for the residents at all times and the fitting of appropriate physical security measures.


The Officer recommendation is unchanged, however an additional condition is proposed relating to Security Surveillance.


Security Surveillance


Within four weeks of the granting of the development hereby permitted, details inclusive of location and type of CCTV surveillance measures shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  They shall be installed as approved within one month of their approval, and shall thereafter be retained as approved unless agreed in writing otherwise.


Reason: In the interest of amenity in accordance with Policy PCS23 of the Portsmouth Plan.


Members' Questions

In response to questions from members, officers explained that:


·         The premises will be occupied 24 hours a day by individuals.

·         There is not a barrier directly outside of the premises and the case officer said this was outside the ownership of the landowner and would be a highways issue.


Members' Comments

Members were happy to accept this application.  Members felt that this was a sensible use of the building and having this facilities close to the Civic Offices and services for the homeless was very sensible. 




(1)  To grant conditional planning permission as set out in the Officer's Committee report and supplementary matters list. 


(2)  That delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director of Planning & Economic Growth to add/amend conditions where necessary.