Agenda item

Building Safety Regulatory Reform


The report is for information only and the purpose is to provide the Cabinet Member for Housing and Preventing Homelessness with a summary of the proposed Building Safety regulatory reform and an update regarding the Building Services plans to prepare for the legislation.



The Cabinet Member noted the report. The report is for information only and is not subject to call-in.


Steve Groves, Head of Building Maintenance, presented the report, highlighting the main points of the Building Safety Bill and the Fire Safety Bill, and next steps being undertaken by the Directorate. The planned maintenance programme, due to come to a Cabinet meeting in March 2021, will demonstrate a continuous focus on fire safety, for example, installation of sprinklers and fire doors. Officers will review structure and roles in Housing as the bills proceed through Parliament.


Councillor Sanders had requested the report to show how upcoming laws on making buildings safe will impact on the council and tenants; as a landlord, tenants' safety is paramount for the council.


Councillor Corkery, Labour Spokesperson for Housing and Preventing Homelessness, knew of residents who were anxious about blocks with unsafe cladding. However, it was important to be aware of the potential conflict between residents' safety and their privacy. Although landlords need access to inspect residents' homes as part of the proposals of both bills, their right to privacy needs to be kept in mind. Therefore, community engagement needs to explain to residents why the changes are important so that they comply. It is also important to promote the tenant voice; Grenfell Tower residents' concerns had been ignored and this must not happen again. Residents' Associations are a good way for residents to engage in management and control of their homes, although membership of associations has declined recently; meetings could perhaps be held virtually. Councillor Sanders noted that attendance at the residents' associations in Horatia and Leamington Houses had declined though attendance in blocks in Landport and Buckland was good.


Mr Groves said the the scope of resident engagement was not very clearly defined in the Building Safety Bill. One of the aims of the Advisory Residents' Panel is to set out best practice. Officers will link with local authorities who are "early adopters" so that the council can be at the forefront of best practice. Officers always try to engage with residents over their concerns.


Councillor Sanders acknowledged the concerns over residents' privacy but pointed out some residents of Horatia and Leamington Houses had had gas canisters in their flats, despite being told not to because of the fire risk. With regard to the reference in paragraph 3.15 in the report to residents keeping their properties in good repair, the level of repair required is not specified. However, Mr Groves advised that as landlords the council has a responsibility to maintain properties but residents have a responsibility to let the council know when repairs are needed, to check smoke alarms work and to report problems.


Councillor Sanders noted that some blocks have staff on site and asked what would happen in other blocks as there may be some unnecessary fear amongst residents, involving residents has been long overdue and if Grenfell Tower residents had been listened to the tragedy might not have happened. It is unclear if the proposals in the bills would be extended to low-rise blocks but making plans now is very sensible. The current administration had been very keen on installing sprinklers but progress had been delayed due to Covid-19. The first priority of a landlord is to keep residents safe.


The Cabinet Member noted the report and requested that a progress report be brought back to a Cabinet portfolio meeting when more information is available, perhaps once or twice a year.



The Cabinet Member noted the report. The report is for information only and is not subject to call-in.

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