Agenda item

School Funding arrangements 2021-22

Purpose of report



·         Seek approval of the final stage submission to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (EFSA) by 21 January 2021 of the 2021-22 mainstream school revenue funding pro-forma for the Primary and Secondary Phases.


·         Inform the Cabinet Member of the progress towards the initial determination of the schools budget (including individual schools budgets for 2021-22 and to seek the necessary approvals and endorsements required).


RECOMMENEDED that the cabinet member:


(1)  Approve the proposed changes to the mainstream schools revenue funding arrangements as set out in Section 5.


(2)  Approve the school revenue funding pro-forma at Appendix 5 for submission to the ESFA on 21 January 2021.


(3)  Approve the budget to be held centrally for the payment of central licences negotiated nationally for all schools by the Secretary of State.


(4)  Approve the Element 3 Top-up values for Special Schools, Alternative Provision settings, Inclusion Centre and Mainstream Education, Health and Care Plan banding for implementation in April 2021 as set out in Appendix 4.


(5)  Following the funding announcement from the Department for Education, approve the proposed hourly rates to Early Years providers for 2021-22 as set out in section 7 and Table 5.



Following approval by Schools Forum it is recommended that the Cabinet Member:


(6)  Endorse the Growth Fund Criteria for 2021-22 as set out in Appendix 3.


(7)  Endorse the budgets to be held centrally specifically:

·                     Schools Forum

·                     Admissions

·                     Duties retained by the local authority for all schools



The report was introduced by Angela Mann, Finance Manager who drew particular attention to the following:


• Notification that had been received for the additional funding for early years settings and that the total value of the increase to the hourly rate will be paid to providers.


• Recommendation to approve the element 3 top-up values for Special Schools, Alternative Provision settings, Inclusion Centre and Mainstream Education, Health and Care Plan banding for implementation in April 2021 as set out in Appendix 4. Angela advised that as Schools Forum had made a request to defer a decision on this, the recommendation would now be covered in the upcoming report for February 2021.


In response to questions Councillor Suzy Horton agreed that it would be more likely that there would be an increased need for Children's Social Care after going through a pandemic than not.


Alison Jeffery explained that they keep a close eye on the resources that are available in order to be able to respond to the children that may fall into the 'children in need' category (needing a statutory social care intervention) and also those that they may need to provide early stage help to on a targeted basis. This is reviewed on a week by week basis to make sure that there are sufficient resources to meet that need and additional staff have been placed in MASH through the pandemic to meet that demand. This comes from the council's cash limit and not from the direct schools grant. In relation to the funds carry over as detailed in 9.1, this money and the direct schools grant can only be spent in certain ways. The council would not be in a position to refocus it on Children's Social Care but Alison offered reassurance that they don't anticipate being in a position where they cannot meet the need for Children's Social Care support, and there are regular and frequent discussions with the finance colleagues.


Angela Mann added that there are plans for using the balances and that a big commitment will be the new special school that is due to open in September 2022.  Some of the carry forward will also be for the growth fund and will be used over the next 5 years as per the regulations for the dedicated schools grant.


Alison Egerton clarified that the schools specific contingency fund is only available to maintained primary and secondary schools. This is because the fund is made up from a de-delegated amount that maintained schools have contributed to. The guidance relating to how schools can access it is circulated to all schools at the beginning of every financial year. So far no schools have applied to use the fund but if schools feel that they meet the criteria then they can set up a business case which will go to Schools Forum for decision.



DECISIONS: The Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education:


1. Approved the proposed changes to the mainstream schools revenue funding arrangements as set out in Section 5.


2. Approved the school revenue funding pro-forma at Appendix 5 for submission to the ESFA on 21 January 2021.


3. Approved the budget to be held centrally for the payment of central licences negotiated nationally for all schools by the Secretary of State.


4. Following the funding announcement from the Department for Education, approved the proposed hourly rates to Early Years providers for 2021-22 as set out in section 7 and Table 5.


Following approval by Schools Forum the Cabinet Member:


5. Endorsed the Growth Fund Criteria for 2021-22 as set out in Appendix three.


6. Endorsed the budgets to be held centrally specifically:


           Schools Forum


           Duties retained by the local authority for all schools

Supporting documents: