Agenda item

Adult Social Care response to Covid-19


The report is for information only and the purpose is to update the Cabinet Member on the Adult Social Care response to the Covid-19 pandemic that was presented to the Health, Wellbeing & Social Care Portfolio meeting on 7 July 2020.



The Cabinet Member noted the report. The report is for information only and is not subject to call-in.


Andy Biddle, Director of Adult Care, introduced the report, which considered key matters ASC has faced since the decision meeting on 7 July. Having a senior officer in charge of personal protective equipment (PPE) was very successful; no providers had gone without PPE and they had given positive feedback. New guidance on hospital discharge was issued in August which took effect from 1 September. Government funding had been provided without an end date to cover care costs; however, the new scheme has an expectation that care costs will only be funded through the NHS for up to six weeks post-discharge from hospital. About half of those discharged needing support will need care and reablement. During the six weeks financial and needs assessments must be undertaken. As at 20 August there had been no Covid-19 cases in PCC care homes for 115 days; advice is taken from Public Health and the NHS when considering changes, for example, allowing visits. It remains to be seen if issues around testing in care homes will be resolved after 7 September as the DHSC have advised.


In response to questions Mr Biddle said there was fragility in the care sector both locally and nationally. Government funding has been in the form of short-term grants and a green paper on longer-term sustainable funding for adult social care, mentioned around three years ago, has not materialised. Nursing home placements have decreased both locally and nationally since Covid-19, placing extra strain on providers. However, Portsmouth has good dialogue with local providers and holds regular meetings with them to understand the pressures in the market. There is an open invitation for providers to talk to ASC individually. Providers are reimbursed if they have to buy PPE. ASC is currently reviewing to understand providers' financial position following the end of the Minimum Income Guarantee in October 2020. A report expected from the Social Care Taskforce this month is expected to consider the sustainability of the sector.


Members noted the great partnership working with the independent sector in Portsmouth and that it should be sustained to help provide stability. The ongoing uncertainty around guidance and funding is a great concern to providers.


Richard Webb, Finance Manager, said that there is currently a significant

forecast cost from packages of care put in place under the temporary COVID arrangements. As the situation is still changing it is difficult to accurately forecast this cost. In terms of the corporate position, the S151 Officer has reported this to Cabinet and again the position is still subject to change. When considering ASC's financial position account, again this is still subject to change due to the temporary funding arrangements, the changes to funding since 1 September, how many of the assessed clients are self-funding, how social distancing requirements will affect respite and day care, and a possible second wave so it is too early to state the position for the next and ongoing years. A more detailed position will be available later in the year.


The backlog of assessments is due to both Covid-19 and increased demand because of other factors. Some people did not want home visits and it is difficult to do remote assessments. The guidance on discharge from March to 1 September meant no assessments were completed for people being discharged from hospital. There is also increased demand in referrals for support, more so than this time last year. How resources for recovery will be allocated is for the Cabinet Member to decide.


Councillor Winnington noted that the long-term impact on health of having Covid-19 may not be known for months and this is just one of many unknowns. Finances are constantly shifting and there has never been a situation like the current one. Some government funding may be allocated to ASC but by no means will it fill the void of lost income.


The Cabinet Member noted the report. The report is for information only and is not subject to call-in.

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