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Contact: Karen Martin, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9284 1704 Email:
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Changes to National Planning Policies PDF 116 KB Purpose The purpose of this report is to update Members on the Government's consultation on changes to the planning system published in July 2024, note PCC's response and advise them on the implications for planning in Portsmouth. The opportunity has also been taken to reference on going working papers published by the Government.
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Housing Delivery Test Action Plan PDF 142 KB Purpose To explain and highlight the key findings from the Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (HDT AP) 2023-2024. This HDT AP provides the outcome and action plan resulting from the Government's 2022 Housing Delivery Test, which covers the three year period from 2019 to 2022.
RECOMMENDED - that the Cabinet Member notes the contents of Housing Delivery Test Action Plan 2023-2024, attached at Appendix 1.
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Update Bird Aware Strategy PDF 5 MB Purpose Portsmouth City Council is a member of the Bird Aware Solent Partnership. This paper outlines the steps undertaken to review the work and finances of Bird Aware Solent and seeks approval from the Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and City Development for the revised Bird Aware Strategy and financial model.
RECOMMENDED - that the Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and City Development: i) Notes and endorses the Bird Aware Partnership's Revised Strategy (Appendix A) and supporting financial model. ii) Permits the financial model (Appendix B) of the Revised Strategy to be updated over time, as required by emerging guidance, caselaw and local circumstances, through delegated powers. iii) Permits the financial model to be updated over time, as required by operational need and market influences, through delegated powers.