
Cabinet Member - The Leader (Culture, Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio) - Friday, 7th February, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Lisa Gallacher, Local Democracy Officer Tel: 02392 834056  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Declarations of members' interests


Public Art Policy pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Purpose of report

To advise members of a new Public Art policy officers wish to introduce to ensure that best practice is applied in the selection, delivery and management of public art across Council owned land and space.




(1)  That the proposed Public Art Policy be adopted and applied to formalise the council's approach to the creation and management of public art.


(2)  To undertake an audit of work currently in the public realm to ensure that the Council has a record of all works that are sited on our land or properties which over time will include a visual survey of each asset in a similar way to the current Monuments and Memorials Policy.


Additional documents:


Large Scale Events Economic Impact Update (information report) pdf icon PDF 98 KB


To update members on the findings from a recently completed independent report on the positive economic impact of large-scale events on Portsmouth.