
Schools Forum - Wednesday, 4th December, 2024 4.30 pm

Contact: Jane Di Dino 023 9283 4060  Email:


No. Item




Declarations of Interest


Minutes of the Previous Meetings - 22 May and 9 October 2024 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the meetings held on 22 May and 9 October 2024 be agreed as a correct record.

Additional documents:


Matters Arising


Membership Update


Dedicated Schools Grant 2024-25 Quarter 2 Budget Monitoring pdf icon PDF 184 KB


The purpose of this report is to inform Schools Forum of the projected revenue expenditure of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for the current financial year 2024-25 as at the end of September 2024.


RECOMMENDED that the Schools Forum note the forecast year end budget position for the Dedicated Schools Grant as at 30 September 2024, together with the associated explanations contained within this report. 


School Funding Arrangements 2025/26. pdf icon PDF 343 KB


The purpose of this report is to provide Schools Forum with an update on the latest developments in respect of the future schools revenue funding arrangements for the financial year 2025-26.


RECOMMENDED that Schools Forum:

1.    Note the Department for Education's proposed changes to school revenue funding arrangements for 2025-26 as set out in the report.


2.    Endorse the proposals for implementing the local funding formula arrangements as set out in the report to:

·         Implement the National Funding Formula rates for both primary and secondary schools in 2025-26 as set out in appendix 1.

·         Implement a minimum funding guarantee (MFG) at the top of the range published by the DfE subject to affordability, for 2025-26 as set out in paragraph 5.15.

·         The methods of managing affordability as set out in paragraphs 5.17 to 5.20.

3.    Approve the Growth Fund values set out in paragraph 5.9 and the criteria as set out in appendix 2 and the proposed revision in paragraph 5.10.


It is recommended that maintained schools approve the de-delegation of funding to support the Education Functions as set out in section 7.


Additional documents: