Venue: The Main Auditorium - Portsmouth Guildhall
Contact: James Harris Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Introduction of new councillors Minutes: The councillors newly elected to Portsmouth City Council were introduced in turn by their respective group leaders and in the case of the Portsmouth Independents Party, the deputy group leader. |
Retiring Lord Mayor's Speech Minutes: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Tom Coles, reported on his year in office. |
Retiring Lady Mayoress' Speech Minutes: The Lady Mayoress, Mrs Nikki Coles, reported on her year in office. |
Vote of Thanks to Retiring Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress Minutes:
Proposed by Councillor Suzy Horton Seconded by Councillor Yinka Adeniran
That a vote of thanks be given to the retiring Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the council places on record its sincere thanks to Councillor Tom Coles and Mrs Nikki Coles for their outstanding service to the city as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress during their year of office.
That the Council expresses its deep appreciation of the fine qualities which Councillor Tom Coles had brought to the conduct of the business of this Council, his devotion to duty and the distinction and goodwill with which he carried out the many and various duties of the office of Lord Mayor.
That the Council also places on record its gratitude to Mrs Nikki Coles for the untiring support and help which she has given as Lady Mayoress to the Lord Mayor.
That this resolution be engrossed and be presented to Councillor Tom Coles and Mrs Nikki Coles at this ceremony.
The retiring Lord Mayor was presented with the Council's gift of an engrossed scroll which signified the Council's appreciation of his time in office. |
To elect the Lord Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year Minutes:
The nomination was seconded by Councillor Steve Pitt.
As there were no other nominations, the Lord Mayor put the proposal to the vote, following which it was declared CARRIED that Councillor Jason Fazackarley be duly elected Lord Mayor.
Councillor Jason Fazackarley then left the room with the retiring Lord Mayor to don the Lord Mayor's robes and chain of office. |
Investiture of the new Lady Mayoress Minutes: Helen Mitchell, the new Lady Mayoress, signed a document of office witnessed by the City Solicitor. |
New Lord Mayor takes the Chair Minutes: Councillor Jason Fazackarley took the chair and thereupon made and subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office witnessed by the City Solicitor. |
Presentation of the Keys of the City Minutes: In accordance with the wishes of His Majesty the King, the Lord Mayor received the Keys of the Fortress of Portsmouth into the safe keeping of the city.
These were presented to him by The Defence Driving School. |
Presentation of the Portsmouth Sword Minutes: The Lord Mayor received the Portsmouth Sword, which symbolised the interdependence of the Royal Navy and the City of Portsmouth. The sword was presented to him by the Royal Navy. |
The Lord Mayor returns thanks to the Council Minutes: The Lord Mayor thanked members of the Council for his election and detailed his ambitions for the year. He spoke about his charitable appeal for the coming year which was Abby's Heroes and the Lady Mayoress' charitable appeal which was Pompey in the Community. |
To appoint the Deputy Lord Mayor and Deputy Consort/Lady Mayoress' for the ensuing Municipal Year Minutes: Councillor Kimberly Barrett nominated Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson CBE as the Deputy Lord Mayor for the ensuing municipal year.
This nomination was seconded by Councillor Chris Attwell.
There being no other nominations, the Lord Mayor put the proposal, which was CARRIED, and declared that Councillor Gerald Vernon-Jackson CBE be duly elected as the Deputy Lord Mayor. Councillor Vernon-Jackson made and subscribed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which was witnessed by the City Solicitor.
The Chief Executive announced that Councillor Vernon-Jackson would be supported by his husband, John Jarvis as Deputy Consort. However, due to John's ongoing health issues, he would be supported in this role by Admiral Sir David Steel KBE as a further Deputy Consort. Helena Cole and Dianna Carruthers would be Deputy Lady Mayoresses.
Mrs Helena Cole then made and subscribed a document undertaking to support the Deputy Lord Mayor in carrying out his official duties which was witnessed by the City Solicitor. |
Appointment of Chaplains to the City Council Minutes: The Reverend Canon James McAuley was appointed as Chaplain to the City Council. |
Presentation of Civic Awards Minutes: The Lord Mayor announced and presented Civic Awards to the following recipients:
· Headway Portsmouth sand South East Hampshire · Portsmouth Fairtrade Forum · Paul Banks · Layak Muhit · Liz Jones · Roni Edward (Pamodzi Creatives) · Freya Scobie (Youth Award) |
Presentation of the Freedom of the City of Portsmouth Minutes: Following the granting of the Freedom of the City on Honorary Alderman Frank Jonas BEM at a special meeting of the Council held on 19 March 2024, Honorary Alderman Frank Jonas BEM was formally presented with the resolution and conferred the Freedom of the City.
The Mayor Making concluded and the Council meeting adjourned at 11:32am
The Council meeting reconvened in the Council Chamber at 12:37pm.
Councillor George Madgwick and Councillor Emily Strudwick joined the meeting. |
Declaration of Members' Interests Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Additional documents: Minutes: It was
Proposed by Councillor Steve Pitt Seconded by Councillor George Madgwick
That the minutes of the extraordinary Council meeting held on 19 March 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
These were agreed by assent.
It was
Proposed by Councillor Steve Pitt Seconded by Councillor George Madgwick
That the minutes of the ordinary Council meeting held on 19 March 2024 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
These were agreed by assent. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: The Lord Mayor advised that he was not aware of any apologies for absence. |
To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor may desire to lay before the Council Minutes: The Lord Mayor welcomed newly elected Councillors Richard Adair, Matthew Cordy, Nicholas Dorrington, Spencer Gardner, Rajah Ghosh, Derek North and Lee Tindal to the council and this, their first council meeting.
The Lord Mayor also welcomed Councillors Kimberly Barrett, Stuart Brown, Charlotte Gerada, Ian Holder, George Madgwick, Hugh Mason and Darren Sanders who had all been elected for another term. |
Deputations from the Public under Standing Order No 24. Deputations by members of the public may be made on any item where a decision is going to be taken. The request should be made in writing to the contact officer ( by 12 noon of the working day before the meeting (Monday 13 May 2024 for this meeting), and must include the purpose of the deputation (for example, for or against the recommendations). Email requests are accepted. Minutes: No deputation requests had been received under the provisions of this standing order. |
Leader To note that under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, the current Leader of the City Council will remain in office until May 2026 unless:
a) they resign from the office; b) they are no longer a Councillor; or c) they are removed from office by resolution of the Council
Consequently, should any of the above apply, there will be a need to elect a Leader of the City Council until the Leader's current term of office expires. Minutes: Under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, Council NOTED that the current Leader of the City Council, Councillor Steve Pitt, would remain in office until May 2026, subject to the conditions set out in the agenda. |
The Council will also receive details of the appointments from the Leader (as it is within their gift) for the Health and Wellbeing Board, applying the following criteria;
· Leader of the Council (or nominated representative) · Portfolio Holder responsible for Health & Social Care · Portfolio Holder responsible for Children’s Services · Leader of the largest opposition group (or their nominated representative)
A named standing deputy may also be appointed for each position. Minutes: The Lord Mayor explained that the Leader of the Council was empowered to determine the number of councillors on the Cabinet, their associated portfolios and to select one of the appointed cabinet members to the position of Deputy Leader.
The Leader announced his Cabinet; the details of the Cabinet (with opposition spokespersons provided by the respective Group Leaders) (attached to these minutes as Appendix 1).
The Leader also announced the membership of the Health & Wellbeing Board, which was himself, Cllr Matthew Winnington, Cllr Suzy Horton and Cllr George Madgwick or his nomination from the Portsmouth Independent Party Group.
RESOLVED that Council noted:
(i) the ten portfolios (including the Leader) for the ensuing municipal year as set out in Appendix 1 attached to these minutes; and
(ii) the membership of the Health & Wellbeing Board for the ensuing municipal year. |
Proportional Representation on Panels and Committees Under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the City Council is required at each Annual Meeting to review the representation of different political groups, to determine the allocation of seats to different political groups for the forthcoming municipal year based on the group strengths on the council and to appoint members in accordance with the decisions of the council as to allocation and according to the wishes of the groups as to the identities of the members to be appointed.
The appointment of members is dealt with separately under agenda item 11 below.
The representation of groups must be in accordance with the rules set out in the relevant legislation.
The proposed allocation of seats for 2024/25 and details of the proposed allocation of places on panels and committees will be circulated under separate cover.
Principle 2 within Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 requires the majority of seats on committees and panels to be allocated to the group having the majority of seats on the City Council. A group is defined in the regulations as comprising two or more persons.
The proposed appointments for the 2024/25 municipal year will be presented at the meeting.
(i) That the total number of seats on committees and panels be divided amongst the political groups and individual members as applicable in accordance with Table 1; and
(ii) that any other bodies subject to the political proportionality rules also be appointed in accordance with proportions shown in Table 1. Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor proposed and the Council agreed to take agenda items 10 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15 together regarding proportional representation on committees and panels and consequent appointment of members and standing deputies, chairs and vice-chairs and other appointments.
It was
Proposed by Councillor Steve Pitt Seconded by Councillor George Madgwick
To adopt the overall political balance and allocation of seats schedule circulated in the chamber and to agree the membership of committees and panels, standing deputies, chairs and vice-chairs of committees and panels, including appointments and other appointments.
Table 1 - Proportionality Chart (May 2024)
(1) the total number of seats on committees and panels be divided among the political groups and individual members as applicable in accordance with Table 1 above;
(2) any other bodies subject to the political proportionality rules be appointed in accordance with the proportions shown in Table 1;
(3) the allocation of seats schedule and the appointment of members to committees and panels;
(4) the appointment of standing deputies to committees and panels
(5) the appointment Chairs and Vice-Chairs of committees and the Scrutiny Management Panel and Scrutiny Panels;
(6) Appointments; and
(7) Other Appointments
for the 2024/25 municipal year as detailed below be AGREED.
Appointments and Other Appointments
Hampshire Fire & Rescue Authority
Police and Crime Panel
Local Government Association General Assembly
Twinning Advisory Group
To be chaired by the Portfolio Holder, with the Lord Mayor performing the deputy Chair role.
Current Membership: 6 Members (not required to be politically proportional)
1. (Chair, Cllr Chis Attwell, Central Services Portfolio Holder) 2. Councillor Jason Fazackarley (Vice-Chair, ex-officio Lord Mayor) 3. Councillor Yinka Adeniran 4. Councillor Tom Coles 5. Councillor Ian Holder 6. Councillor Emily Strudwick |
Urgent Business - To receive and consider any urgent and important business from Members of the Cabinet in accordance with Standing Order No 26. Minutes: The Lord Mayor advised that there was no urgent business for consideration under the provisions of this standing order. |
Questions from Members under Standing Order No 17. Minutes: The Lord Mayor advised that there were no questions from members under the provisions of this standing order. |
To approve the following dates for meetings of the Council during 2024/25 municipal year to commence at 2pm unless otherwise indicated
*This date has been changed from the previously agreed provisional date of 18 February at the request of councillors and in agreement with group leaders.
To provisionally agree the following Council meeting dates for 2025/26
Minutes: It was
Proposed by Councillor Steve Pitt Seconded by Councillor George Madgwick
That the dates and times for the Council meetings for the next municipal year (2024/25) as set out in agenda item 18, be approved and that the provisional dates for 2025/26 Council meetings also set out in agenda item 18, be agreed in principle, subject to later ratification.
Upon being put to the vote this was declared CARRIED.
(1) the meetings of the Council be held on the following dates in the 2024/25 municipal year to commence at 2.00 pm unless otherwise indicated:
(2) the following provisional council meeting dates for 2025/26 be agreed in principle subject to later ratification: