Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Member for Central Services - Friday, 4th October, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Lisa Gallacher, Local Democracy Officer Tel 02392 834056  Email:


No. Item




There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Members' Interests


There were no declarations of interest.


Shopmobility update pdf icon PDF 137 KB


To provide an update of Portsmouth Shopmobility scheme


Catherine Ramsay, Business Development Manager, introduced the report.


Councillor Attwell said he was mindful that there was no satellite station in the north of the city


Councillor Attwell said that the marketing has made a difference in the numbers of people signing up to Shopmobility.  In response to a question Ms Ramsay said that they are asking new users of the service how they heard about the service and some have said this was through the poster sites, so that has made a difference.  They are also trying to establish where people who hire scooters are going and how they are being used so that can be used to decide on more satellite areas. 


Councillor North said that market day in Cosham is on a Monday and this might be a good day to have a pop up tent to advertise the service. Ms Ramsay said this would be a helpful way to try and engage with people in the north of the city.  


The Cabinet member noted the report and thanked Catherine and her team for their excellent work.


Twinning Activity Update pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Report to follow.


Claire Looney, Commissioning and Partnership Manager presented the report.


With regards to future activity, she advised of the following updates since the report had been written:

·       A package of 25 pictures created by pupils across the city made their way to Maizuru as part of the international young persons' exhibition and they had confirmed receipt of these. 

·       Maizuru advised they will be sending a number of students to Portsmouth in March 2025.  This is part of a long-standing relationship to help pupils from their city improve their English.  Officers have reached out to Mayfield School, which is where they pupils visited previously, and they are happy to host them so they can have a taste of an English school, and the school will hold a Japanese themed day.

·       Officers have also been working students undertaking a teaching qualification at the University of Portsmouth about how to facilitate placements with schools in Caen and potentially Duisburg.  

·       The annual virtual Christmas meeting is being planned where a number of the twin and sister cities attend with the Lord Mayor and have conversations about Christmas traditions and the Lord Mayor is invited to choose the theme for discussion.



The Cabinet Member thanked Claire and her colleague Carol on all the important twinning work they carry out on a limited budget. He also wished the groups from Caen, who are taking place in the Great South Run this year, every success. 




The Cabinet Member noted the report.