
Cabinet Member - The Leader (Culture, Regeneration and Economic Development Portfolio) - Friday, 19th July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Lisa Gallacher, Local Democracy Officer Tel: 02392 834056  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Declarations of members'interests


Twinning & International Relations pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Purpose of report


1.1          To provide an update to members of the range of activity which was arranged and organised by officers with our Twin and Sister cities through 2023/24.


1.2          To inform members of the process for future decision-making with regards to twinning proposals and requests.


1.3          To consider an officer request to formalise the existing time and work needed to support the twin and sister city support work to occur with the creation of a 0.6 role.




1)    That the work undertaken by officers with our twin and sister cities throughout 2023/24 be noted and that officers be encouraged to continue  these relationships to the benefit of the delivery of the City Vision


2)    That the process of future decision-making with regards to twinning requests be noted.


3)    That members agree to support the formation of a 0.6 role to formalise the existing staff time and work needed to enable the twin and sister city work to occur.



Additional documents:


BookFest 2024 pdf icon PDF 122 KB


To update the Cabinet Member on the activities of Portsmouth BookFest 2024.


Skills and Labour Market Strategy 2020-2025 update for 2023 pdf icon PDF 97 KB



To reflect on the impact of the Skills and Labour Market strategy on Portsmouth during the 2023 year.


Additional documents:


D Day Story, D Day 80 results, activity and partnerships summary pdf icon PDF 146 KB


Summary of activity from The D-Day Story museum around the 80th anniversary of D-Day. 


Additional documents: