Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Member - The Leader (Culture, Leisure and Economic Development Portfolio) - Friday, 15th March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Lisa Gallacher, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9283 4056  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Steve Pitt, Leader and Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure, and Economic Development, who was unable to attend due to a medical issue.  Councillor Pitt had delegated authority to Councillor Hugh Mason, Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and City Development, to exercise the powers and functions under the Culture, Leisure & Economic Development portfolio for the duration of this meeting.


Declarations of members' interests


Councillor Mason declared a personal interest in that he is the Council's appointed trustee on the Kings Theatre Trust.  


Parks Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 115 KB


            To seek approval for annual changes to the fees and charges levied for the use of Parks facilities for the financial year 2024-2025.



That the fees and charges be approved in accordance with the attached schedules (Appendix A).

Additional documents:


Adrian Rozier, Parks Development Manager introduced the report. 


In response to questions the following was clarified:


·       When there is a discounted rated on site hire fees, if a charity rate is offered the events team will follow up to ensure this is followed through with the named charity. If there is a concern the events team might have they will double check and random check also take place; they will directly approach the charity to ask they confirm that they have received the money that they are expecting. If that has not been applied the events team get in touch with the event organisers to raise that directly with them.

·       The Great Salterns course has quite high water levels and improvement works are carried out to keep the ditched clear to assist with the drainage.      


DECISION: That the fees and charges be approved in accordance with the attached schedules (Appendix A).



Library and Archive Service Charges 2024 pdf icon PDF 182 KB


To review the charges levied by Portsmouth Library and Archive Service in respect of room and equipment hire; charges for Inter-Library Loans and Music Set hire and specialist services provided by the Portsmouth History Centre.




(1)  That the proposals provided in Appendix 1 for the increases in room and equipment hire charges for the Menuhin Theatre on the Third Floor Central Library; hire of IT Training Suites at Carnegie, Cosham and Central Library and increases to Inter-Library Loan and Music Set charges are agreed and implemented from 1 April 2024. The reason for increases is to ensure full cost recovery of these services.


(2)  That the proposal for the Archive Service charges to remain as they are (see Appendix 2) is agreed for implementation from 1 April 2024.


Additional documents:


David Percival, Library and Archive Services Manager introduced the report.


Members felt that the proposals were very sensible. In response to a question from the Chair, Mr Percival said he believed that the archive charges were adequate and were in line with other local authorities.  He added that as part of the history centre strategy they are looking to broaden access to the service.   



1.      Agreed that the proposals provided in Appendix 1 for the increases in room and equipment hire charges for the Menuhin Theatre on the Third Floor Central Library; hire of IT Training Suites at Carnegie, Cosham and Central Library and increases to Inter-Library Loan and Music Set charges and that they are implemented from 1 April 2024. The reason for increases is to ensure full cost recovery of these services;

2.      Agreed that the proposal for the Archive Service charges remain as they are (see Appendix 2) for implementation from 1 April 2024.



Museum Admission Charges Increases pdf icon PDF 124 KB


To update Members on increases in Museums Service admission fees and charges. 





(1)  To approve the admission charges as referred to in this report and as listed in Appendix 1.


(2)  That the Director of Culture, Leisure and Regulatory Services is given the authority to offer pricing in line with these fees and charges for bespoke requests. 


Additional documents:


Cathy Hakes, Head of Museums, introduced the report.


In response to questions Ms Hakes said that


The Leisure card holders receive a discount on attractions but she would make a note to look into how to help visitors who visit the city who are unemployed afford the museums.


A bespoke request could be if someone wanted a particular kind of party that had associated costs for example opening after hours, particular catering supplies or entertainment.   



1.    Approved the admission charges as referred to in this report and listed in Appendix 1.

2.    Agreed that the Director of Culture, Leisure and Regulatory Services is given the authority to offer pricing in line with these fees and charges for bespoke requests.




Tourism and Visitor Economy Update 2023-24. pdf icon PDF 169 KB


(1)  To update on activity and results related to the Tourism and Visitor Economy Strategy 2023-28 and associated Visit Portsmouth Tourism Marketing Communications Plan 2023-24 and agree the new marketing plan for 2024-25.


(2)  To agree ongoing charges related to Visit Portsmouth Membership and other web and print advertising.   





(1)  To approve the Tourism Marketing and Communications Plan 2024-25.


(2)  To approve the charges for membership and other advertising as outlined in the report and associated appendices. 


Additional documents:


Jane Singh, Visit Portsmouth Tourism and Marketing Manager introduced the report.


Councillor Vallely commented that she could not fault any of the work of the team and felt that the Local Guide was inspired.


In response to a questions Ms Singh clarified the following:


The team are aware that digital marketing is an area that they need to keep on top of due to technological changes and advancements. They are continuing to grow partnerships and continue to present themselves as 'team Portsmouth' at a range of marketing events so that everyone continues to pull together.


With the large outdoor campaigns at Waterloo Station, they look at how many people will pass in front of them which will create a certain number if impressions.  The company that they are working with most recently are looking at some interesting technology which shows what people are looking at on the advert, so they know what draws their focus, and also some work with mobile technology to find out what the people who view the adverts then search for. The digital campaign that is run in house can tell how many people are engaging with that directly although it is difficult to know how that translates into visits.


There is a cruise programme which Shaping Portsmouth, the International Port, key partners and Ms Singh are part of.  Through Shaping Portsmouth every cruise ship coming in is welcomed and the Port provide a free shuttle bus for the passengers who do not wish to go on any excursion to explore the city. They are also working directly with excursion companies to offer more excursions that visit the city.


Throughout the year the team run ad-hoc digital campaigns to encourage people to visit in the shoulder seasons. This is a good time for the group market this means they can get cheaper accommodation out of season.




(1)   Approved the Tourism Marketing and Communications Plan 2024-25. 

(2)  Approved the charges for membership and other advertising as outlined in the report and associated appendices.




Revenue Funding Grants 2024 - 2025 pdf icon PDF 116 KB



To seek approval for the proposed funding levels for the Revenue Grant payments to cultural organisations for the financial year 2024/25.



That the Revenue Grant payments as outlined are agreed for the financial year 2024/25.


Additional documents:


Claire Looney, Commissioning and Partnership Manager introduced the report.


In response to question, the following matters were clarified:


The grants are given on an annual financial year basis the Council get part year reporting but not full year reporting until after the end of the financial year. The organisations need that money at the beginning of the financial year to be able to survive. Officers are considering if there is an opportunity to bring an interim report back to the portfolio to provide a summary of how those organisations have delivered against the service level agreements (SLA) or to share this through the Members' Information Service.


Most of the organisations listed would welcome more money if possible but they are pragmatic and realise that local authority budgets are under significant pressure and are grateful for the strategic support the council is able to provide.  The Bournemouth Symphany Orchestra and others in the list receive additional funding from the Arts Council. The Bournemouth Symphany Orchestra run a range of community programmes and support music hub works across the city.  As part of the SLAs, all organisations are required to provide activity directly into the communities. 


Many of the funding levels are based on historical agreements.  Where the Council have perceived that an organisation has the capacity to do things of a more commercial nature, grants have been reduced over time, as they have the capacity to earn income themselves. Grant levels are reviewed rigorously by the Cabinet Member and officers on an annual basis. 


Members agreed that a detailed report through another route would be useful.




The Revenue Grant payments as outlined for the financial year 2024-25 were agreed.



Hotwalls Artist Studios Annual Update (information report) pdf icon PDF 132 KB


To share information and key highlights from the provision and operation of the Hotwalls Artists Studios through 2023/24.



Amy Standing, Events and Operations Officer introduced the report.


Members felt that the changes to the streetscape made the area more appealing and the change to the tenants was welcomed.  


The Cabinet Member noted the information report.



Seafront Arts Programme (information report) pdf icon PDF 107 KB


To update on the progress of the creative enhancement programme for the Southsea Coastal Scheme.


Harry Scott, Seafront Arts Programme Officer introduced the report.


In response to a question, Mr Scott said that there will be a mix of invited artists but primarily it will be open call artist opportunities.  The aspiration is to have a combination of local and national artists.


The poem which will be integrated into the area of the scheme in front of Southsea Castle, is being written by an artist with connections to the city.  


Members felt that the concept was very good, and they were pleased that artist heritage was being put on show.   


The Cabinet Member noted the information report.



Accessible Beach Huts Update (information report) pdf icon PDF 108 KB


To provide an update on the progress of the Accessible Beach Hut capital project.



Mark Collings, Seafront Operations Officer introduced the report.


In response to questions Mr Collings clarified the following:


There is a matted path currently to the west of the new beach huts which can take wheelchair users to the crest of the beach.  This will be replaced as a separate project this year as it has deteriorated. Officers are working in other areas of the seafront on allowing people in wheelchairs to gain access to the water in floating wheelchairs.  The challenge is getting the floating wheelchairs out of the water on a shingle beach which is steep and changes with each tide.


Officers are considering options for helping to get the floating wheelchairs in and out of the water.  Staffing costs would be high but they are also considering a winch recovery system where family members may be able to assist.   


Members felt that this was great work and noted the proposed June launch.


The Cabinet Member noted the information report.



The Detectives, Conan Doyle Collection (information report) pdf icon PDF 171 KB


(1)  To update Members on the successful delivery of The Detectives Project, £100,000 funded by the Arts Council in August 2021 – January 2024. Funding was sought from the Arts Council's Library fund, looking at Health and Wellbeing and Culture and Creativity, part of the Universal Libraries Offer.


(2)  This project is a part of the Conan Doyle Collection and leads on from the previous successes of working with past volunteers, looking at ways to develop and support future volunteers.



Laura Weston, Education and Learning Co-ordinator introduced the report and added that the project had worked with 46 individual detectives.  


Members felt that the project was inspirational and was a great use of the collection.


In response to a question, Ms Weston said that as part of the Arts Council bid a robust evaluation was required.  There were two sections to look at; culture and creativity, which the project delivered very well, and health and wellbeing. An external company was needed to give an impartial view and evaluate exactly what the health and wellbeing benefits were to the volunteers.  It was put out to tender and Flying Geese were excellent in their application and interview and delivered a robust evaluation of the project.    


The Cabinet Member noted the information report.


The Cabinet Member thanked all officers for their reports.