Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Member for Transport - Thursday, 26th September, 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Allison Harper, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9268 8014  Email:


No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillor Simon Bosher.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


LTP Casualty & Speed Reduction - Grove Road North/Grove Road South/Elm Grove Junction

Purpose of Report

This report seeks a formal decision from the Cabinet Member for Transport to proceed with the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction Scheme on Elm Grove/Grove Road North/Grove Road South junction in Southsea.



It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:


1.    Approves the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction scheme on Grove Road North/Grove Road South/Elm Grove junction in Southsea;


2.    Approves the introduction of the parking and waiting restrictions proposed in TRO PO04-24, with the exception of time-limited parking on the east side of Grove Road South outside Nos. 52 and 50;


3.    Notes the extensive consultation and engagement that has been undertaken on this scheme with both businesses and residents in the surrounding area.

Additional documents:


Bethan Clemence, Transport Delivery Manager presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek a formal decision from the Cabinet Member for Transport to proceed with the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction Scheme on Elm Grove/Grove Road South/Grove Road North junction.


Members' questions

In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:


·         The engagement with businesses had identified that customer parking as well as access to loading was of concern.  This prompted further investigation, and a parking capacity review was undertaken.


·         In relation to the time taken it was noted that there had been two pre-election periods during the consultation period, one for the local elections and one for the general election which had added some delay to the scheme.


Members' comments

Members were in support of the recommendations but were concerned at the overall time it had taken for this to be brought to the Cabinet Member for a decision.



The Cabinet Member for Transport:


1)    Approved the proposed Casualty and Speed Reduction scheme on Grove Road North/Grove Road South/Elm Grove junction in Southsea;


2)    Approved the introduction of the parking and waiting restriction proposed in TRO PO04-24, with the exception of time-limited parking on the east side of Grove Road South outside numbers 52 and 50;


3)    Noted the extensive consultation and engagement that had been undertaken on the scheme with both businesses and residents in the surrounding area.


Portsmouth Car Club Update pdf icon PDF 368 KB

Purpose of Report

To provide an update on Portsmouth's car club, which launched in September 2023.


Gareth James, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the information only report, the purpose of which was to provide an update on Portsmouth's Car Club which launched in September 2023.


Members' questions

In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:


·         They were aware of the Queens Hotel proposals to launch a car club at their proposed development but did not know the details around it.  Transport officers were working closely with planning and development colleagues to ensure that any opportunities for car share schemes were taken forwards.


·         The aspiration was to make the scheme more expansive, and they were working closely with Enterprise to achieve this.  The scheme was performing in line with expectations so they were confident that by 2026 it would be expanding into different parts of the city, if not sooner.


·         Enterprise was planning an extensive two-year marketing plan, which would include social media paid advertising, with discount and incentive schemes as well as traditional marketing to drive up membership and increase the user base.


Members' comments

Members were very supportive of the Car Club scheme but observed the scheme was mainly based in Southsea so there was a need to create a network of car club spaces further into the city.


In relation to the Queen's Hotel scheme, the Chair noted they were proposing 0.66 of a car parking space for each of the 92 flats, equating to 64 car parking spaces.  The architect had developed a similar scheme in Hove with the main source of residents being people downsizing and no longer owning cars, but still wishing to maintain access to a vehicle, so their car club was a good fit for these schemes.


The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report.


Local Transport Plan 4 Annual Monitoring Report 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the second Annual Monitoring Report for 2023/2024 for the Portsmouth Transport Strategy, (Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4)) with updates provided on progress towards the vision and four strategic objectives identified in LTP4.


Additional documents:


Richard Pemberton, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the information only report, the purpose of which was to provide the second Annual Monitoring Report for 2023/2024 for the Portsmouth Strategy, (Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4)) with updates provided on progress towards the vision and four strategic objectives identified in LTP4.


Members' questions

In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:


·         All decisions in relation to the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) were made by the Cabinet as a strategic scheme affecting the Council as a whole.  Any public reporting was done through Cabinet.  The targeted feasibility study work was ongoing with constant dialogue with the Joint Air Quality Unit and the report on this would be taken to Cabinet sometime in 2025.


·         Work on restoring the remaining on-street charging points was ongoing with constant dialogue with the operators and SSEN.  A letter had been written to the Minister asking for help to provide guidance and standards to ensure these are clearly articulated to help with the schemes moving forward.


·         All projects are implemented using a project management approach with monitoring and evaluation built in.  For example, the Active Pompey Neighbourhood (APN) was an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) so monitoring and evaluation were fundamental to this becoming a permanent TRO or abandoned.


The Chair noted the comprehensive report which contained a lot of information and highlighted that the various transport strategies were reviewed, and reports compiled on a regular basis.  He observed that making the information in the reports more accessible using tables and graphs was important as education was a key part of the transport ongoing strategy.


The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report.


Hewett Road Proposed Waiting Restrictions pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide an update on information gathered in relation to the use of the service access for Mayfield School in Hewett Road.  This is following the deferral of the decision on objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to introduce waiting restrictions either side of the service access.

Additional documents:


Barbara Thomas, TRO Lead, presented the report, the purpose of which was to provide an update on information gathered in relation to the use of the service access for Mayfield School in Hewett Road.  This was following the deferral of the decision on objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to introduce waiting restrictions either side of the service access.


Members' questions

In response to Members' questions, officers clarified that consideration of "School keep clear" zigzag markings would be part of the ongoing review of the proposed waiting restrictions.


The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report.


Rail Safety in Portsmouth pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Purpose of Report

A report regarding rail safety in Portsmouth.

Following a Notice of Motion debated by Portsmouth City Council on 17th October 2023 on Rail Safety (see appendix C), the Cabinet Member for Transport was requested to engage with Network Rail to identify areas of the rail network within Portsmouth that require safety improvements, which include possible access point locations onto railway lines.  To bring a report back to full council with an action plan of prevention improvements.

Additional documents:


Hayley Chivers, Transport Planning Manager, presented the information only report, compiled following a Notice of Motion, debated by Portsmouth City Council on 17 October 2023 on Rail Safety.  The Cabinet Member for Transport had been requested to engage with Network Rail to identify areas of the rail network within Portsmouth that required safety improvements, which included possible access point locations onto railway lines and to bring a report back to Full Council with an action plan of prevention improvements.


There were no questions or comments.


The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report.