Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Allison Harper, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9268 8014 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Agenda item 8 - TRO 148/2023 - Various Roads Waiting Restrictions was moved to the beginning of the meeting and Agenda item 10 - Residents Parking Zones - Evaluation and Feedback was considered last. For ease of reference the minutes will remain in the same order as the agenda.
Portsmouth International Port Business Update Purpose of Report An information report on the performance of Portsmouth International Port for the financial year of 2023/2024. Additional documents: Minutes: Mike Sellers, Port Director, presented the information only report, the purpose of which was to provide an update on the performance of Portsmouth International Port for the financial year 2023/24.
Members' questions In response to members' questions, it was clarified:
· The Camber Right of Way (RoW) enquiry is currently with the Secretary of State and planning inspector for a decision. If the RoW was granted it would impact on all the commercial operations around the Port.
Members' comments Members welcomed the report and noted the Port team should be proud of the work that has been done and noted the positive increase in Cruising business.
The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report which was for information only.
Southern Railway (Govia Thameslink Railway) Timetable on West Coastway Line from June 2024 Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Southern Rail West Coastway timetable following completion of the consultation period. Additional documents: Minutes: Richard Pemberton, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the report, the purpose of which was to provide an update on the Southern Rail West Coastway timetable following completion of the consultation period.
Members' comments Members were pleased the decision had gone in the right direction and the Chair recommended a letter should be written to Southern Rail to thank them for the positive outcome.
The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report which was for information only.
On-Street Residential Charge Point Scheme (Phase 3) Purpose of Report This report is seeking approval for Portsmouth City Council to go to tender for the third phase of the On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS).
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport approves Portsmouth City Council to go to tender for the third phase of the On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) in line with procurement strategy and programme laid out in the report, developed in consultation with the Portsmouth City Council Procurement Team. Additional documents:
Minutes: Gemma White, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek approval for Portsmouth City Council to go to tender for the third phase of the On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS)
Members' questions In response to members' questions, officers clarified:
· The EV Charging Strategy document would be bought to a decision meeting in June 2024 for a decision on adoption of the strategy.
· Further guidance on EV charging from the Government was expected but had not yet come through.
· The current contractors would be able to tender for the next phase. The tender was for 320 new sites, but the contract would allow, once the existing contract expires, for the existing charge points to be taken on by the new supplier.
· The Government funding had been awarded based on the timescale provided to them. The application was commenced by officers ensuring they have full oversight and control of the process being done properly and, within the timeline, to deliver by March 2025. If this hadn’t been the case, there would be a danger of losing the money.
· There are currently 98 charging points across the city.
· The forthcoming EV strategy is based on evidence, data and forecasts on the predicted uptake in Portsmouth to ensure it meets the demands and that car parking spaces are not being removed without a demonstrated need.
Members' comments The Chair noted he wanted to learn from what has happened to the existing EV charging stations and to make sure Southern Electric were happy with the next phase. He noted the need for a national standard and system.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport approved Portsmouth City Council to go to tender for the third phase on the On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) in line with procurement strategy and programme laid out in the report, developed in consultation with the Portsmouth City Council Procurement Team.
Portsmouth Parking Strategy Purpose of Report To provide an update on the results of the parking strategy consultation and to approve the Portsmouth Parking Strategy and adopt this strategy as a supplementary document of the Portsmouth Transport Strategy (Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4).
Please note: Appendix A - Portsmouth Parking Strategy to follow
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Notes the results of the Portsmouth Parking Strategy consultation;
2. Approves the content of the Portsmouth Parking Strategy (Appendix A) to be adopted;
3. Delegates authority to the Assistant Director for Economy, Planning and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to enable any required updates to be made to the parking strategy actions, to ensure they remain effective for the delivery of the policies and objectives of the adopted strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: Richard Pemberton, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the report, the purpose of which was to provide an update on the results of the parking strategy consultation and to approve the Portsmouth Parking Strategy and adopt this strategy as a supplementary document of the Portsmouth Transport Strategy (Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4)).
The Chair requested that the objective of 'protecting parking spaces in residential areas' was included in the strategy and was advised this was covered under Policy F under the heading 'How it will be delivered'.
Officers also noted that the statistic in relation to the increase in car registrations in the city of 17,000 between 2011 - 2021 was covered in the introduction and agreed to insert the statistic in the Foreword.
Members' questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· The smart parking technology that had been installed in various parts of the city, including Museum Road, did not work and was being removed as and when any resurfacing work was carried out. They had been put in by a private company as a trial and been funded by that company.
· Alternative forms of parking technology were being investigated.
· Figures from DVLA statistics differentiates between cars and light goods vehicles. The growth rate for vans was considerably higher than for cars.
· The survey under Policy F - RPZs, was from a manual coding exercise looking at every free text response. The 35% was not of all respondents but was 35% of a small subset (153 responses). Officers noted it is difficult to truly categorise free text responses, so they were grouped under similar themes.
· There had been 2086 responses to the survey of which 153 provided a written reason for disagreement of Policy F.
· The insurance regime for Car Clubs in the UK was not as easy as for other countries in Europe. Enterprise did not consider this an insurmountable problem for Car Clubs in the UK. This would be covered in more detail in the Car Club report due in June 2024.
Members' comments Members stated they would be interested in the comparisons with our statistical neighbours as well as the comparison with the national average.
Members noted the car parking issue is only going to increase when taking into consideration new housing developments in the city.
Members noted that parts of PO7 are classed as being within the Portsmouth boundary.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Noted the results of the Portsmouth Parking Strategy consultation;
2) Approved the content of the Portsmouth Parking Strategy (Appendix A) to be adopted.
LTP4 Implementation Plan Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the updated Local Transport Plan (LTP4) Implementation Plan 2022/23 - 2024/25 following the approval of the 2024/25 budget at the Full Council meeting on 13 February 2024.
This report notes the following funding allocations by Full Council on 13 February 2024 as part of the council's 2024/25 Capital Programme which contribute to the delivery of the adopted Portsmouth Transport Strategy (LTP4).
· £1,520,000 for the 2024/25 LTP4 implementation plan. · £1,165,000 for the 2025/26 LTP4 implementation plan. · £50,000 for Transport Junction Improvements. · £60,000 for One Way Roads. · £1,200,000 for the Eastern Road Active Travel Corridor - Harbourside Park Phase. · £600,000 for the Wheelchair Accessible Taxis - Lease Rental Scheme.
A two-year funding allocation has been awarded for the LTP4 programme. This funding will allow for the forward planning of scheme delivery and ensure teams are sufficiently resourced to be able to successfully implement the future works.
This report details the proposed programme of LTP4 implementation plan funded transport schemes to be delivered with the 2024/25 funding year.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Approves and adopts the attached Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) funded schemes 2024/25 (Appendix A) as part of Portsmouth's LTP4 Implementation Plan 2022/23 - 2024/25;
2. Delegates authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and the Section 151 Officer to update the Local Transport Plan 4 Implementation Plan with the attached proposed Local Transport Plan funded scheme list (Appendix A);
3. Delegates authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and the Section 151 Officer to agree any minor amendments to the Implementation Plan that may be required to take account of future funding changes and relevant national policy guidance, including reprofiling of indicative scheme delivery timescales;
4. Notes that the funded Transport Infrastructure Programme and other revenue and externally funded highways and transport work programmes contribute to the delivery of the LTP 4 and the implementation plan 2022/23-2024/25 will be updated to include these;
5. Notes the attached LTP4 Implementation Plan scheme reprofile 2022/25 (Appendix B). Additional documents:
Minutes: Jo Eldridge, Transport Delivery Lead, presented the report, the purpose of which was to seek approval for the updated Local Transport Plan 4(LTP4) Implementation Plan 2022/23 - 2024/25 following the approval of the 2024/25 budget at the Full Council meeting on 13 February 2024. The report detailed the proposed programme of LTP4 Implementation Plan funded transport schemes to be delivered with the 2024/25 funding year.
The report noted the following funding allocations by Full Council on 13 February 2024 as part of the Council's 2024/25 Capital Programme which contributes to the delivery of the adopted Portsmouth Transport Strategy (LTP4):
· £1,520,000 for the 2024/25 LTP4 Implementation Plan · £1,165,000 for the 2025/26 LTP4 Implementation Plan · £50,000 for Transport Junction Improvements · £60,000 for One Way Roads · £1,200,000 for the Eastern Road Active Travel Corridor - Harbourside Park Phase · £600,000 for the Wheelchair Accessible Taxis - Lease Rental Scheme
Members' questions/comments There were no questions or comments.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Approved and adopted the Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) funded schemes 2024/25 (Appendix A) as part of Portsmouth's LTP4 Implementation Plan 2022/23 - 2024/25;
2) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and the Section 151 Officer to update the Local Transport Plan 4 Implementation Plan with the proposed Local Transport Plan funded scheme list (Appendix A);
3) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and the Section 151 Officer to agree any minor amendments to the Implementation Plan that may be required to take account of future funding changes and relevant national policy guidance, including reprofiling of indicative scheme delivery timescales;
4) Noted that the funded Transport Infrastructure Programme and other revenue and externally funded highways and transport work programmes contribute to the delivery of the LTP4 and the implementation plan 2022/23-2024/25 will be updated to include these;
5) Noted the LTP4 Implementation Plan scheme reprofile 2022/25 (Appendix B).
TRO 148/2023 - Various Roads Waiting Restrictions Purpose of Report To consider the public response to the proposed parking restrictions in two locations in Portsmouth, and to determine whether or not the proposals should be brought into effect.
In this report, TRO means Traffic Regulation Order.
Appendix 1: The public proposal notice for TRO 148/2023 Appendix 2: Kimberley Road - Public views submitted Appendix 3: Campbell Road - Public views submitted Appendix 4: Site Plans for Kimberley Road and Campbell Road Appendix 5: TRO 148 2023 - Various Roads - Integrated Impact Assessment
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Approves the proposed reduction of 2 metres length of the parking bay in Kimberley Road (MG Parking Zone) in order to install a dropped kerb;
2. Approves the proposed removal of 5 metres of parking bay in Campbell Road (MD Parking Zone) in order to install a dropped kerb;
3. Notes that the remainder of TRO 148/2023 is being brought into operation under TRO 148A/2023 and is in the process of being implemented;
4. Notes any proposals approved following this report will be brought into operation under TRO 148B/2023. Additional documents:
Minutes: Barbara Thomas, TRO Team Lead, presented the report, the purpose of which was to consider the public response to the proposed amendment to parking restrictions in two locations in Portsmouth, and to determine whether or not the proposals should be brought into effect.
Deputation A deputation was made in favour of the application by Mike Stead, I- transport on behalf of the applicants, Mr & Mrs Robins, for Campbell Road.
Deputations are not minuted but can be found here - Agenda for Cabinet Member for Transport on Wednesday, 20th March, 2024, 4.00 pm Portsmouth City Council
Members' questions In response to members' questions, it was clarified:
· There would be no net loss of parking spaces with the installation of the dropped kerb in Campbell Road.
Members' comments The Chair considered the application for Kimberley Road. The property already had a white line and dropped kerb allowing for off street parking and he did not agree with removing more public parking spaces to allow the resident to access their garage and put in more hardstanding.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Did not approve the proposed reduction of 2 metres length of the parking bay in Kimberley Road (MG Parking zone) in order to install a dropped kerb;
2) Approved the proposed removal of 5 metres of parking bay in Campbell Road (MD Parking zone) in order to install a dropped kerb;
3) Noted that the remainder of TRO 148/2023 was being brought into operation under TRO 148A/2023 and was in the process of being implemented;
4) Noted that any proposals approved following this report would be brought into operation under TRO 148B/2023.
TRO Hewett Road - Waiting Restrictions (Ref.PO14/24) Purpose of Report To consider the public response to the proposed waiting restriction (Double Yellow Lines) on Hewett Road opposite the properties Nos 103 - 109 and determine whether or not to introduce the restrictions as advertised.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport approve the proposed "no waiting at any time" restriction (a length of 25 metres on Hewett Road opposite the properties Nos 103 - 109) as advertised. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair noted he had met with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors at Mayfield School who were not aware of the application. Having visited the site, the Chair did not consider it needed 25 metres of double yellow lines.
Barbara Thomas confirmed she had discussed the application with colleagues in Education to see if a shorter time period or shorter length would be more appropriate. She recommended the matter be deferred to allow time for this information to be worked through and bought back to a later decision meeting.
The Chair agreed and noted he had spoken with the Caretaker who considered the restriction would be needed from 7am to 4-5pm and probably for only 2 metres either side of the white line.
Residents Parking Zones - Evaluation and Feedback (Information Only) Report to follow. Additional documents: Minutes: Kevin McKee, Senior Advisor, presented the report, the purpose of which was to acknowledge that some residents have requested reviews of existing Residents Parking Zones (RPZ) and which set out the main areas which had been highlighted and could be considered in such a review. A further report with more detailed proposals on how to assess those issues, would be brought to a future decision meeting.
Members' questions In response to Member's questions, officers clarified:
· Officers needed to review the current work programme and priorities as all staff are committed and the accelerated residents parking programme is being bought in with additional resources to deliver it. It will be bought back as part of a decision paper.
· Consideration would be given on how to ensure the visitor permit scheme was not being abused in order to bypass buying a second or third permit.
Members' comments The Chair advised he had seen the new ANPR vans which would be able to drive down the roads of Resident Parking Zones checking for vehicles which should not be parked in the zone.
The Chair noted he thought it may be appropriate to consider making the first permit free in the future, should budgets allow, now more areas were included, thereby bringing down unit costs.
The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the report, which was for information only.
TRO 23B-24 Disabled Persons Parking Bays - Wadham Road Purpose of Report To consider the public response to the proposed disabled bay in Wadham Road, Portsmouth.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Approves the implementation of a Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Wadham Road; 2. Notes that the remainder of the TRO Ref PO23-24 came into operation as a Part A TRO on 18 March 2024. Therefore, any proposal approved following this report will be brought into operation as a Part B TRO Ref PO23-24. Additional documents:
Minutes: Denise Bastow, Acting Parking Manager, presented the report, the purpose of which was to consider the public response to the proposed disabled bay in Wadham Road, Portsmouth
Members' questions There were no questions or comments.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Approved the implementation of a Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Wadham Road;
2) Noted that the remainder of the TRO Ref PO23-24 came into operation as a Part A TRO on 18 March 2024. Therefore any proposal approved following this report would be brought into operation as a Part B TRO Ref PO23-24.
Future Transport Zone - Portsmouth Micro-consolidation Purpose of Report This report provides an update on the Solent Transport Future Transport Zone (FTZ) Portsmouth micro consolidation project. It outlines the approach to appointing an operator and next steps for final site selection.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport;
1. Delegates authority to the Assistant Director of Economy, Planning and Transport, in consultation with the Assistant Director for Procurement and the Cabinet Member for Transport and Opposition Spokespersons for Transport, to award and enter into an operating agreement with the operator that the selection process outlined in this report, indicates will best meet the requirements of the FTZ micro consolidation project in Portsmouth;
2. Delegates authority to the Assistant Director of Economy, Planning and Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, and Opposition Spokespersons for Transport, to select one site for the operator to run the micro-consolidation project from, subject to receiving planning consent, noting that the two potential sites, namely Cascades Shopping Centre and The Bridge Shopping Centre, were shortlisted following a rigorous site selection process as detailed in this report. Additional documents:
Minutes: Gareth James, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the report, the purpose of which was to provide an update on the Solent Transport Future Transport Zone (FTZ) Portsmouth micro consolidation project and which outlined the approach to appointing an operator and next steps for final site selection.
Members' questions In response to members' questions, officers clarified:
· The scheme would be reviewed after a period of time in operation.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Economy, Planning and Transport, in consultation with the Assistant Director for Procurement and the Cabinet Member for Transport and Opposition Spokespersons for Transport, to award and enter into an operating agreement with the operator that the selection process outlined in the report, indicates will best meet the requirements of the FTZ micro consolidation project in Portsmouth;
2) Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Economy, Planning and Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Opposition Spokespersons for Transport, to select one site for the operator to run the micro consolidation project from, subject to receiving planning consent, noting that the two potential sites, namely Cascades Shopping Centre and The Bridge Shopping Centre, were shortlisted following a rigorous site selection process as detailed in the report.
Portsmouth Park & Ride Contract Re-tender Purpose of Report This report outlines the procurement strategy for re-tendering the Portsmouth Park & Ride service beyond September 2024.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Approves the implementation of the procurement strategy to re-tender the contract by the Transport Service, with support from Procurement, Finance and Legal Services;
2. Agrees, in respect of the current service, an interim payment in agreement with the existing contractor for provision of the service from April 2024 until commencement of the new contract. Additional documents:
Minutes: Paul Walker, National Bus Strategy Delivery Manager, presented the report, the purpose of which was to outline the procurement strategy for re-tendering the Portsmouth Park & Ride service beyond September 2024.
There were no questions or comments.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
1) Approved the implementation of the procurement strategy to re-tender the contract by the Transport Service, with support from Procurement, Finance and Legal Services;
2) Agreed, in respect of the current service, an interim payment in agreement with the existing contractor for provision of the service from April 2024 until commencement of the new contract.