Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Allison Harper, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9268 8014 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
The Chair amended the order of the agenda and heard agenda item 5 - The Hard Interchange Construction Date before agenda item 4 - ETRO 63/2023 Experimental Buse Gate & Loading Restrictions, Commercial Road & Lake Road. For ease of reference the minutes will remain in the original order. |
TRO 322B/2023 Disabled Persons Parking Places - Kirpal Road and Renny Road Purpose of Report To consider the public response to the proposed disabled bays in Kirpal Road and Renny Road, Portsmouth.
RECOMMENDATIONS In relation to the proposal promoted under TRO 322B/2023, it is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Rejects the implementation of a Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Kirpal Road as part of TRO 322B/2023;
2. Approves the implementation of a Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Renny road;
3. Notes that the remainder of TRO 322/2023 came into operation under TRO 322A/2023 on 17 February 2024, except for the Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Garnier Street (outside No.48) which will not now be removed. Therefore, any proposals approved following this report will be brought into operation under TRO 322B/2023. Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet Member for Transport:
· Approved the implementation of a Disbled Person's Parking Bay in Kirpal Road as part of TRO 322B/2023;
· Approved the implementation of a Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Renny Road;
· Noted that the remainder of TRO 322/2023 came into operation under TRO 322A/2023 on 17 February 2024, except for the Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Garnier Street (outside No.48) which will now be removed. Therefore, any proposals approved following this report will be brought into operation under TRO 322B/2023.
Minutes: Denise Bastow, Parking Office Manager, presented the report, the purpose of which was to consider the public response to the proposed disabled bays in Kirpal Road and Renny Road, Portsmouth.
Deputations Cara Jewell made a deputation in favour.
Deputations are not minuted but can be viewed here: Agenda for Cabinet Member for Transport on Thursday, 29th February, 2024, 4.00 pm Portsmouth City Council
Members' Questions In response to Members' questions, it was clarified that:
· The property had two vehicles and 3 disabled badges. There was space for one vehicle to park off the street, but the applicant often struggled to access parts of her vehicle due to how far over the neighbour's car was parked on the shared drive.
· The closed area at the end of the street was a layby with space for one car.
· It was believed the road had about 12 work vehicles and four taxis parking in the available spaces.
The Chair noted that between 2011 - 2021 the numbers of cars registered in Portsmouth increased by 17,000. He was of the view that a disabled parking bay should be provided in Kirpal Road as it had been designed as a work and housing area leading to an extra pressure on parking.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
· Approved the implementation of a Disbled Person's Parking Bay in Kirpal Road as part of TRO 322B/2023;
· Approved the implementation of a Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Renny Road;
· Noted that the remainder of TRO 322/2023 came into operation under TRO 322A/2023 on 17 February 2024, except for the Disabled Person's Parking Bay in Garnier Street (outside No.48) which will now be removed. Therefore, any proposals approved following this report will be brought into operation under TRO 322B/2023.
ETRO 63/2023 Experimental Bus Gate & Loading Restrictions, Commercial Road and Lake Road Purpose of Report To consider the objections to making permanent the experimental Bus Lane, prohibition of right turn and waiting and loading restrictions in Lake Road and Commercial Road.
RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Considers the objections to the making permanent of the experimental Bus Lane, prohibition of right turn and waiting and loading restrictions in Lake Road and Commercial Road;
2. Approves that the provisions of the Portsmouth City Council (Lake Road and Commercial Road)(Bus Lane, Waiting and Loading Restrictions)(No 63)(Experimental) Order 2022 be made permanent. Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet Member for Transport:
· Considered the objections to the making permanent of the experimental Bus Lane, prohibition of right turn and waiting and loading restrictions in Lake Road and Commercial Road;
· Approved that the provisions of the Portsmouth City Council (Lake Road and Commercial Road) (Bus Lane, Waiting and Loading Restrictions)(No 63)(Experimental) Order 2022 be made permanent.
Minutes: Matthew Crowder, Parking Operations Team Leader, presented the report, the purpose of which was to consider the objections to making permanent the experimental Bus Lane, prohibition of right turn and waiting and loading restrictions in Lake Road and Commercial Road.
Members' Questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· This was an ETRO that had been in place since June 2023 and had been excluding delivery vehicles since that date.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport:
· Considered the objections to the making permanent of the experimental Bus Lane, prohibition of right turn and waiting and loading restrictions in Lake Road and Commercial Road;
· Approved that the provisions of the Portsmouth City Council (Lake Road and Commercial Road) (Bus Lane, Waiting and Loading Restrictions)(No 63)(Experimental) Order 2022 be made permanent.
Pavement Replacement at The Hard Interchange - Construction Date Purpose of Report To agree a date when the contractor can gain access to begin construction works for the replacement of the pavement at the Hard Interchange.
RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport approves the proposed access date of the 10th June 2024, after which construction can then start. Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet Member for Transport approved the proposed access date of the 10th June 2024, after which construction can then start.
Minutes: Barni Fry, Principal Project Manager, presented the report, the purpose of which was to agree a date when construction works can begin to replace the pavement at the Hard Interchange.
Members' comments The report had allowed for the D-Day celebrations to take place before commencing the works and members agreed they should commence as soon as possible afterward.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport approved the proposed access date of the 10th June 2024, after which construction can then start.
Solent Future Transport Zone Update Purpose of Report To provide a progress update on the Solent Future Transport Zone (FTZ) programme.
Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the information only report.
Minutes: Gareth James, Transport Strategy Team Leader, presented the information only report, the purpose of which was to provide a progress update on the Solent Future Transport Zone (FTZ) programme.
Members' Questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· A decision report on Micro-consolidation would be brought to the next Cabinet Member for Transport decision meeting in March 2024.
· Mobility Credits methodology needed to be easily replicated across the different Local Authorities to promote consistency of approach. Those under 30 were considered to have been suffering from not having adequate access to education and employment opportunities and so were particularly targeted for mobility credits.
· The costing of Mobility Credits with the implications for the budget, was quite straight forward to calculate as it was the number of participants x £50. The Micro-mobility scheme was currently undergoing a procurement process and the budgetary implications were more complicated.
· More detail on Dynamic Demand Responsive Transport could be provided by Peter Shelley as this would be funded by BSIP.
· The trial on the Medical Logistic 'drones' was currently undergoing testing to provide a greater understanding of how drones could be integrated into NHS supply chains and what processes would be required to facilitate this.
Members' Comments
· It would be useful to have an overview of all the features and benefits of all the items for distribution to Councillors.
The Cabinet Member for Transport noted the information only report.
GC Shearer Road Area - Potential Residents Parking Zone - Formal Consultation Purpose of Report To present the results of the formal consultation carried out in the GC Shearer Road area on the proposed residents parking zone detailed in TRO/10/24.
RECOMMENDATIONS That the Cabinet Member for Transport considers the representations made following the formal consultation for GC Residents Parking Zone and:
1. Approves the implementation of the zone as advertised under Traffic Regulation Order 10/24 but with minor amendments detailed below;
2. Extend the parking bays on the north and south side of Hampshire Street to meet the eastern kerb but retain double yellow lines on the eastern side between the two bays as described in paragraph 3.23;
3. Note that a 5m E-scooter parking bay has been installed outside the Co-op on New Road under TRO 24B/22;
4. That following the implementation of the effectiveness of the zone is monitored and if the Director of Economy, Planning & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member considers it necessary that changes are proposed. Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet Member for Transport considered the representations made following the formal consultation for GC Residents Parking Zone and:
· Approved the implementation of the zone as advertised under Traffic Regulation Order 10/24 but with minor amendments detailed below:
- Extend the parking bays on the north and south side of Hampshire Street to meet the eastern kerb but retain double yellow lines on the eastern side between the two bays as described in paragraph 3.23;
· Noted that a 5m E-scooter parking bay had been installed outside the Co-op on New Road under TRO 24B/22;
· Noted that following implementation the effectiveness of the zone would be monitored and if the Director of Economy, Planning and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member considers it necessary that changes would be proposed.
Minutes: Kevin Mckee, Senior Advisor, Parking Programmes, presented the report, the purpose of which was to present the results of the formal consultation carried out in the GC Shearer Road area on the proposed residents parking zone detailed in TRO/10/24.
Deputation Dave Ashmore read out comments from Councillor Stuart Brown.
Dave Ashmore gave a deputation in favour.
Deputations are not minuted but can be viewed here: Agenda for Cabinet Member for Transport on Thursday, 29th February, 2024, 4.00 pm Portsmouth City Council
Written deputations from Lee Mills, Nicola Beckett, Sarah Leslie & Stacey Chow, local residents, were printed and circulated to the Chair and opposition spokespersons prior to the decision meeting for their consideration.
Members' Questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· In relation to enforcement of zones and unsafe parking, it was noted that number plate recognition vehicles are being purchased to direct CEOs to those vehicles that shouldn’t be parked in the zone, leading to more efficient use of CEO resources. The number of CEOs has also increased.
Members' Comments
· Residents should not be provided with parking permits for commercial work vehicles not registered to their address.
· Creating parking zones often moves the problem to adjacent areas and members considered we may be creating parking zones for the sake of it. It would be useful to carry out reviews of those already in place.
· Members noted residents are often in agreement with a parking zone but not the hours suggested.
The Chair agreed with the recommendation but noted the aspiration that, to achieve no net loss of parking spaces, the lost parking spaces could be replaced by shrinking the overlong bus stop on New Road. The Chair was advised this would require a further Traffic Regulation Order.
DECISION The Cabinet Member for Transport considered the representations made following the formal consultation for GC Residents Parking Zone and:
· Approved the implementation of the zone as advertised under Traffic Regulation Order 10/24 but with minor amendments detailed below:
- Extend the parking bays on the north and south side of Hampshire Street to meet the eastern kerb but retain double yellow lines on the eastern side between the two bays as described in paragraph 3.23;
· Noted that a 5m E-scooter parking bay had been installed outside the Co-op on New Road under TRO 24B/22;
· Noted that following implementation the effectiveness of the zone would be monitored and if the Director of Economy, Planning and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member considers it necessary that changes would be proposed.