Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Allison Harper, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9268 8014 Email:
No. | Item | ||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Brian Madgwick. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Car Club TRO 137/2023 PDF 682 KB Purpose of Report To provide an update on the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation for the introduction of designated car club parking bays within four wards in Portsmouth; Central Southsea, Eastney and Craneswater, St Jude and St Thomas.
To seek approval for the proposed car club bay locations to be taken introduced in the first phase of the Portsmouth Car Club Scheme, following the TRO.
It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Provides formal consent for a Traffic Regulation Order to be made to introduce car club parking bays in the following locations:
a. Talbot Road, east side, adjacent to No 92 Manners Rd (in place of a permit holder parking place);
b. Devonshire Square (southern section), north side, outside the Co-op store (in place of a permit-holder parking space);
c. Festing Road, east side, outside No 7 (in place of a permit holder parking space);
d. Craneswater Park, south side, opposite No 34, (in place of a permit-holder parking place);
e. Clarence Road, east side opposite "High Mead";
f. Victoria Road South, east side, outside No 79a (in place of a permit-holder parking place);
g. Kings Road, north side, from a point 12 metres west of its junction with South Street westwards for 5.5 metres (in place of a permit holder/Pay & Display parking space);
h. Cottage Grove, north side, opposite No 50 Green Road (in place of a time limited/permit holder parking space);
2. Defers a decision on the proposed Car Club parking bays in Francis Avenue, Kimberley Road, Kent Road and High Street;
3. Notes that an information report will be brought back to the Cabinet Member for Transport after six months of operation to update on scheme progress.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Kirsty Routledge, Principal Transport Planner presented her report and advised the purpose of the report was to provide an update on the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation for the introduction of designated car club parking bays within four wards in Portsmouth; Central Southsea, Eastney & Craneswater, St Jude and St Thomas. Also, to seek approval for the proposed car club bay locations to be introduced in the first phase of the Portsmouth Car Club scheme following the TRO consultation.
Deputations Clare Seek made a deputation in favour of this item. Deputations are not minuted but can be viewed here:
Agenda for Cabinet Member for Transport on Friday, 7th July, 2023, 10.00 am Portsmouth City Council
Members' Questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· Another meeting would be needed to approve the additional deferred parking bays named in the report, if they are taken forwards in the future, or any new parking bays. · The two cars in the scheme that is running at Wimbledon Park sports centre are parked off road. · In addition to the £6.70 per hour hire charge, there is a nominal feed per mile driven. A fuel card is provided in the vehicle and members will be responsible for ensuring there is a minimum amount of fuel in the vehicle for the subsequent hirer. · The first 8 vehicles will be Euro 6 petrol cars with the 2 at Lakeside proposed to be battery electric vehicles. This is purely down to the current charging infrastructure in the city and it is hoped that all car club vehicles will become battery electric vehicles in the future. · The 6-month report will include utilisation data from Enterprise and we will also request high level data about where the users of each vehicle are located to ascertain the distance to use a vehicle. An organisation called CoMo also runs an annual survey on combined and collective transport.
Members' Comments Members were very supportive of the scheme overall and considered that it may help ease parking problems in the city over time. They were pleased that a report would be bought back for consideration after 6 months of operation.
Members considered using the reduction in emissions solely as a basis for approval of the car club scheme was not viable, considering that the vehicles being proposed initially, would be petrol and not electric.
Members also highlighted that for many residents, taxis are a viable alternative to owning a car particularly when visiting the supermarket for example as they are a door-to-door service.
The Chair observed that the number of privately owned vehicles in the city keeps rising so this may provide a solution and alternative for residents. On the basis of a report being bought back in 6 months, the Chair approved the recommendations in the report.
Decision 1. The Cabinet Member agreed formal consent for a Traffic Regulation Order to be made to introduce car club parking bays in the following locations:
· Talbot Road, east side, adjacent to No 92 Manners Road ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Clean Air Zone - Yearly Operational Review 29th November 2021 - 29th November 2022 Purpose of Report The purpose of the report is to provide an update on the first-year operation of Portsmouth's Clean Air Zone, between 29th November 2021 and 29th November 2022. This report does not include air quality outcomes due to Government data not being available until at least Autumn 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: Bethan Mose, presented her information only report and advised the purpose of the report was to provide an update on the first year operation of Portsmouth's Clean Air Zone, between 29th November 2021 and 29th November 2022. She noted the report did not include air quality outcomes due to Government data not being available until at least Autumn 2023.
Members' questions In response to a member question, the Chair advised he considered the money for this scheme to achieve the Clean Air Zone, may have been better allocated directly to the council and could have been spent on significantly reducing the price of buses so more people could choose to leave their cars at home. The money could have funded a scrappage scheme to remove some of the worst offending, oldest and most polluting vehicles in the area. More support could have been provided to taxi drivers, particularly those with wheelchair accessible vehicles and more could have been done help families to use bikes where they couldn't currently afford to purchase them.
Members considered the car scrappage scheme would have had some impact as well as helping taxi drivers. The one-off funding would not have been available to continue the reduction in bus fares in the long term and that would have had revenue implications into the future.
Decision The Cabinet Member noted the information only report.
Exclusion of Press and Public “That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act, 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act, 1985, the press and public be excluded for the consideration of the following item on the grounds that the report(s) contain information defined as exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972”.
The public interest in maintaining the exemption must outweigh the public interest in disclosing the information.
Under the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) England Regulations 2012, the reasons for exemption of the listed item is shown below.
Members of the public may make representation as to why the item should be held in open session. A statement of the Council’s response to representations received will be given at the meeting so that this can be taken into account when members decide whether or not to deal with the item under exempt business.
(NB The exempt/ confidential committee papers on the agenda will contain information which is commercially, legally or personally sensitive and should not be divulged to third parties. Members are reminded of standing order restrictions on the disclosure of exempt information and are invited to return their exempt documentation to the Local Democracy Officer at the conclusion of the meeting for shredding).
Minutes: Decision: The meeting was in formal exempt session in relation to appendix C of agenda item 6 (Supported Bus Services) but would remain open until such time as any reference was made to the aforementioned appendix.
Supported Bus Services PDF 814 KB Purpose The purpose of this paper is to seek approval for the award of contracts for supported bus services.
It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Transport:
1. Approves the award of the contracts (that is to approve funding for the 12, 13, 14, 18, 22 and 25 bus services from 3rd September 2023 to 5th September 2026) as detailed in section 9 of this report; and
2. Agrees to the award of the contracts (as set out in Exempt Appendix C) and delegates authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with Cabinet Member for Transport and Section 151 Officer, to finalise the required contracts;
3. Notes that the Cabinet Member for Transport and Opposition Spokespersons will be consulted on any proposed future changes. Additional documents:
Minutes: Simon Bell, Principal Public Transport Officer presented his report and advised the purpose of the report was to seek approval for the award of contracts for supported bus services and referred to the recommendations.
Cllr Darren Sanders made a deputation in favour of this item. Deputations are not minuted but can be viewed here:
Agenda for Cabinet Member for Transport on Friday, 7th July, 2023, 10.00 am Portsmouth City Council
Members' questions In response to Members' questions, officers clarified:
· Service 22 had been supported by the council for many years and previously as service 24. Service 12 was picked up by the council pre-Covid. The pandemic had a big impact on some of the less frequent services and service 25 was introduced to cover other services (15,16 & 6) which were merged into one. The ridership is increasing but the way residents travel, work and shop has an impact and numbers have not returned sufficiently for the operators to run them commercially. · The contract has a 3-month clause to terminate if required or to make revisions. If the Council does not step in and support these essential services, they would no longer operate
Members' comments The chair stated it was really important to maintain a good bus service across the city and it was the right thing to do to support these services.
Members considered that decisions should be made on a whole city basis rather than on individual routes as bus companies are making money on other routes and not using the surplus profits to subsidise the less profitable routes. Good reliable services are essential so they were in support of the report.
The meeting moved into closed session at 10:42 to discuss the exempt appendix C.
The meeting recommenced in public session at 10:52.
The Chair noted there is no money in the Council budget specifically for supporting bus services so it is funded from underspends elsewhere in the transport portfolio. The Chair approved the recommendations in the report.
Decision The Cabinet Member:
1. Approved the award of the contracts (approved funding for the 12, 13, 14, 18, 22 and 25 bus services from 3rd September 2023 to 5th September 2026) as detailed in section 9 of the report; 2. Agreed to the award of contracts (as set out in Exempt Appendix C) and delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Transport in consultation with Cabinet Member for Transport and Section 151 Officer, to finalise the required contracts; 3. Noted that the Cabinet Member for Transport and opposition spokespersons will be consulted on any proposed future changes.