Agenda and decisions

Cabinet Member for Environmental Services - Monday, 11th March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Jane Di Dino, Local Democracy Officer - Tel: 023 9283 4060.  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence.


Declarations of Members' Interests.


Waste Disposal Contract 2030 + Options Appraisal pdf icon PDF 136 KB


This report has been written jointly by the Tripartite Authorities of Portsmouth City Council, Hampshire County Council and Southampton City Council (from this point forward, known as the ‘Parties’).

This report sets out the proposed programme of work required to complete an options appraisal to determine the optimal approach for delivering the Parties’ statutory duties for waste disposal beyond the expiry of the current shared arrangements post December 2030.

As one of the most significant statutory areas of delivery and spend for the Parties, and also an area that carries both significant risk and opportunity, it is critically important that this process commences early to allow sufficient time to assess and develop the options available.

The report sets out the work programme, the resources, and the funding necessary to complete this work as well as the rationale for it.

This report is being considered separately by each of the Parties via their appropriate decision-making process to ensure full support for the proposed programme.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Environmental Services:

1.     Approve the proposed programme and governance arrangements to jointly undertake the initial project appraisal to inform and direct the arrangements for managing waste disposal beyond expiry of the current contract after December 2030.

2.     Give authority to the Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods and Building Services as a member of the Strategic Tripartite Board to deliver the options appraisal work set out in this report, within the scope of the below approvals, including procurement of external contractors and expenditure.

3.     Approve and commit to supporting the resource requirements to deliver the programme.

4.     Approve in principle the proposed programme budget.

5.     Approve the procurement of external expertise and resources to provide the necessary technical input to the options appraisal.

6.     Approve any minor amendments that may be required to the Tripartite Agreement to support this programme.


Additional documents:





1.     Approved the proposed programme and governance arrangements to jointly undertake the initial project appraisal to inform and direct the arrangements for managing waste disposal beyond

expiry of the current contract after December 2030

2.     Gave authority to the Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods and Building Services as a member of the Strategic Tripartite Board to deliver the options appraisal work set out in this report, within

the scope of the below approvals, including procurement of external contractors and expenditure  

3.     Approved and commit to supporting the resource requirements to deliver the programme.

4.     Approved in principle the proposed programme budget.

5.     Approved the procurement of external expertise and resources to provide the necessary technical input to the options appraisal.

6.     Approved any minor amendments that may be required to the Tripartite Agreement to support this programme.

7.     Requested that updates are brought to the Environment Services member briefings as the work progresses.