Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community - Tuesday, 20th September, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 023 9283 4060  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from Councillor Smith.


Declarations of Members' Interests.


No interests were declared.


Additional funding to support victims of domestic abuse pdf icon PDF 94 KB


For the Cabinet Member for the Safety in the Community portfolio to confirm the allocation of the additional funding of £28,000 for 2022/23 for victims of domestic abuse.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community confirm the allocation of the additional funding of £28,000 for victims of domestic abuse to purchase Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) training and supervision for four new members of staff, in the Family Safeguarding Service, who work with families and children where there is domestic abuse in the home to support ongoing interventions. 


The Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community confirmed the allocation of the additional funding of £28,000 for victims of domestic abuse to purchase Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy training and supervision for four new members of staff, in the Family Safeguarding Service, who work with families and children where there is domestic abuse in the home to support ongoing interventions.



Bruce Marr, Head of Partnership and Planning introduced the report and in response to a question, he explained that


The police had changed their processes to refer all medium risk cases from 999 calls to provider services.  This increased demand significantly and reduced the provider services' capacity to respond appropriately and therefore engagement with victims reduced.


The police have now changed their processes so that referrals are determined within the police Multi Agency Service Hub process to ensure that there is more active consent from the victims.  Numbers have returned to the same levels as previously.



The Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community confirmed the allocation of the additional funding of £28,000 for victims of domestic abuse to purchase Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy training and supervision for four new members of staff, in the Family Safeguarding Service, who work with families and children where there is domestic abuse in the home to support ongoing interventions.



Food Safety Operating Plan 2022 / 2023 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

This report will follow.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community approved the 2022/ 2023 Food Safety Operating Plan.



Steve Bell, Regulatory Services Lead introduced the report.



The Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community approved the 2022/ 2023 Food Safety Operating Plan.



Trading Standards: 'Threats, Challenges and Solutions' 2022-2024 pdf icon PDF 172 KB


1.    The purpose of this report is to inform the Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community as to how Regulatory Services (Portsmouth Trading Standards [PTS]) will approach service delivery challenges for 2022-2024.


2.    Currently, PTS are witnessing increasing levels of consumer vulnerability. The impact of the various and numerous economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have caused extenuating circumstances for consumers and business and unfamiliar and uncertain territory in the trade of even the most basic of consumer goods and services.


3.    PTS role is to protect consumers from adverse transactional experiences. This requires a transparent consumer protection system for businesses, with consumers aware of their rights alongside robust law enforcement. This is increasingly difficult to maintain due to newly emerging and complex markets.


4.    Businesses also rely on advice from PTS, however, this area of service is under pressure in respect to the enforcement necessary, particularly, to tackle rogue practices in this burgeoning area of unfair business activity as they emerge.


5.    This paper highlights the current demands, service capacity and identifies the forecasted threats and challenges presented by new burdens.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community:

 i.        Acknowledges the increasing duties and pressures facing Portsmouth Trading Standards.

ii.        Acknowledges the level of resourcing currently available to Portsmouth Trading Standards to provide the protections the public should reasonably expect.

iii.        Approves the way Portsmouth trading Standards proposes to mitigate the growing threats as set out within the report.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community:

1.    Acknowledged the increasing duties and pressures facing Portsmouth Trading Standards.

2.    Acknowledged the level of resourcing currently available to Portsmouth Trading Standards to provide the protections the public should reasonably expect.

3.    Approved the way Portsmouth Trading Standards proposed to mitigate the growing threats as set out within the report.


Edward Skinner, Regulatory Services Lead introduced the report.


Councillor Fazackarley noted that he had requested further information so that he can discuss funding of the service with his Cabinet colleagues.  He expressed concern regarding the daunting workload faced by the department with such minimal resources.


In response to questions from members, Mr Skinner explained that:


When a complaint is received, it is assessed to determine whether it warrants an investigation.  The bar for this triage will be raised.


If the council fails to fulfil its statutory duties, it risks damage to its reputation and a legal challenge.


There are currently fewer than three full time equivalent (FTE) senior investigators who deal with approximately 30 viable investigations at any one time.  An additional two would increase this to 50.


Members thanked officers for their work and agreed on the importance of adequate funding for this portfolio to keep communities safe and stated that they would all lobby their groups to try to secure more funding.



It was agreed that the cost of two additional members of senior staff would be sent to members.



The Cabinet Member for Safety in the Community:

1.    Acknowledged the increasing duties and pressures facing Portsmouth Trading Standards.

2.    Acknowledged the level of resourcing currently available to Portsmouth Trading Standards to provide the protections the public should reasonably expect.

3.    Approved the way Portsmouth Trading Standards proposed to mitigate the growing threats as set out within the report.