Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Green Recovery - Wednesday, 24th November, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions

Contact: Jane Di Dino 023 9283 4060  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


No apologies were received.


Declaration of Members' Interests


No interests were declared.


Portsmouth City Council membership of UK100 pdf icon PDF 94 KB


To provide information about Portsmouth City Council's membership of UK100.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Climate Change & the Green Recovery note this report.

Additional documents:


Kelly Nash, Corporate Performance Manager introduced the report and in response to a question explained that there will be a number of framework protocols in place to monitor the council's progress.   


The report was noted.


Portsmouth Climate Festival pdf icon PDF 106 KB


To provide information about the activity undertaken as part of Portsmouth Climate Festival and set out proposed next steps.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Climate Change & the Green Recovery note the report.



Kelly Nash introduced the report and in response to questions explained that:


The aspiration is to hold this festival annually.  The council will consider how the reach could be improved, how to plan and promote the event a little sooner and encourage the events to be held in a more diverse range of locations.


The report was noted.






Portsmouth carbon maturity assessment pdf icon PDF 77 KB


To provide information about the recent Carbon Maturity Assessment carried out for Portsmouth City Council by City Sciences and set out how this information will be used to inform further developments.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Climate Change & the Green Recovery note the report.


Additional documents:


Kelly Nash introduced the report and in response to questions, she and Andrew Waggott Energy Services Team Leader clarified the following points:


The motion that was passed recently at Full Council focussed on the audit of emissions and this is an audit of the strategic development looking at strengths and weakness that the council can play to.  The audit of emissions is quantification of the actual sources and what we need to do drive those down.  These are complementary with the audit of emissions feeding into this assessment.  An action plan for things agreed in the motion will come to a future meeting. 


Regarding the gaps highlighted in the motion in terms of the council's citywide leadership role, this has been played through with colleagues on the Climate Action Board.  The way that board operates is currently being reviewed.


The council is looking to join up with large organisations, anchor institutions and employers to identify actions that are required. 


Shaping Portsmouth is supporting the council with how it can work more effectively with small and medium sized enterprises.


It is hoped that the Portsmouth Climate Festival can be a centre piece of the council's engagement strategy. 


The council plays an active part in regional groupings that have a climate element to them and a big part in the development of the green print for the area.


Portsmouth City Council secured approximately £70 million for domestic energy retrofit in the private sector in Portsmouth and a consortium which is largely based around here, West Sussex and South Hampshire authorities.


The council is trying to set the agenda working with a consortium of 20 local authorities on that work.


There is no statutory duty to put energy efficiency measures into private homes but it is something that we've identified as being a strength of ours. And we're trying to build on that strength.


The Climate Emergency Strategy will be reviewed in February. 



Information on how carbon considerations were being built into the Local Plan, particularly around requirements on developers to build to particular standards would be sent to members.


The report was noted.




Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme pdf icon PDF 699 KB


1.    To update Cabinet on the delivery of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), funded by Salix using money from the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), which enables funded carbon and energy reduction measures to be installed in the Council-operated, corporate buildings portfolio.


2.    To detail the latest progress made and grant monies spent; the numbers and types of interventions made, including solar panels, batteries, heating controls, building management systems (BMS), LED lighting and insulation measures.


3.    To show in detail, at the time of writing the report, the monetary, carbon and energy savings that have been made by the project.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Climate Change & the Green Recovery note the report.


Andrew Waggott introduced the report and in response to questions, explained that:


The report states that an estimated 50 jobs would be supported through the delivery of the funding.  This includes anyone associated with the project but does not necessarily mean that 50 jobs were created.


The scheme was extended in September because there are not enough people working in the area.


It is likely that there will be more opportunities to continue this work.


The council has a significant amount of data regarding electricity and gas consumption and carries out regular visits of its properties and so has built up a list of possible future projects.  The funding has strict criteria regarding the type of projects that can be carried out.


The report was noted.



Approach to Estate Decarbonisation pdf icon PDF 156 KB

This report will follow.


Andrew Waggott introduced the report and in response to questions, he and Kelly Nash explained that:


Electric vehicle charging points have been installed in the carpark at Lakeside at the tenants' request.


Councillor New will email the Leader with some opportunities for reducing the carbon emissions at Lakeside.


The report was noted.