Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Karen Martin, Tel: 023 9284 1704 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillor Ryan Brent. He had hoped to attend but was not able to be present as a result of last minute work commitments.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of members' interests. |
Portsmouth Local Plan PDF 184 KB Purpose of report
The purpose of this report is to set out the next steps for the emerging Portsmouth Local Plan and to seek your opinion on how you and other Councillors would like to be engaged in its formulation. The report also sets out changes to legislation and national planning policies that affect the Local Plan and the main risks to the project.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member:
1) Approves the upcoming schedule of Member workshops on the Local Plan and decides who will attend them.
2) Notes emerging changes to legislation and national planning policies that affect the Local Plan and the main risks to the project.
Minutes: The report was introduced by Ian Maguire, Assistant Director Regeneration and Lucy Howard, Head of Planning Policy. The Head of Planning Policy informed members that the report set out the next steps of the Portsmouth Local Plan, particularly in relation to maximising cross party involvement and engagement. It is recommended that a series of workshops are set up with invitations being issued to elected members including ward councillors.
Councillor Lee Hunt commented that this was an important process and that the policies would comprise the Local Plan. Feedback has been received from the administration including the Leader of the Council, had not been received from the other two major groups and he was concerned about attendance at the planned workshops.
Councillor George Madgwick commented that there had been several instances this year where political groups have not been represented. He added that he supported cross party working but members need to attend meetings.
The Assistant Director Regeneration informed those present that as part of Councillor Brent's apologies, he had stated that in terms of the report he supported cross-party working.
DECISIONS - that the Cabinet Member:
1) Approved the upcoming schedule of Member workshops on the Local Plan and decided that invitations will be issued to ensure cross party input and engagement in the progression of the Local Plan.
2) Noted emerging changes to legislation and national planning policies that affect the Local Plan and the main risks to the project.