Venue: Virtual Remote Meeting. View directions
Contact: Vicki Plytas 023 9283 4058 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor Luke Stubbs. |
Declarations of Members' Interests Minutes: There were no declarations of members' interests that affected the decisions at this meeting. |
Local Development Scheme Revision The purpose of this report is to outline the revisions to the Local Plan timetable set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS) necessitated by Covid-19 delays.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member
(1) Approves the revised Local Plan timetable set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS) (2) Grants delegated authority to Assistant Director Planning & Economic Growth to make minor amendments to the LDS and Development Plan Document timetables as necessary (3) Notes the progression of other Portsmouth Development Plan Documents and Supporting Planning Policy documents.
Additional documents: Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT)
Ian Magure introduced this item. He advised that he is having to bring an amendment to the timetable for the Local Plan as it is not possible to go ahead as planned because of the COVID pandemic. The ability to continue with effective public engagement has also required review, .Although a revised timetable has been drawn up, it is not possible to state with certainty that this will be achievable as it depends on how long the pandemic continues and further amendments are likely to be needed. To enable plan making to continue, the government updated National Planning Policy Guidance[1] and brought into force new amendment regulations to make the provision to temporarily allow community engagement to take place by 'any means that are reasonably practicable' The revised timetable could result in the adoption of the Local Plan in summer 2022; a broad estimate since the latter stages of the timetable post 'Submission' of the Plan are subject to the Planning Inspectorate's resource availability. This shift into 2022 would also necessitate a change to the overall plan period (which was previously 2016 - 2036). This is because the National Planning Policy Framework[2] requires strategic policies to look ahead over a minimum 15 year period from adoption, in order to anticipate and respond to long-term requirements and opportunities (with some exceptions relating to town centre development). In accordance with the revised timetable, the new Portsmouth Local Plan will need to be supported by a sound evidence base up to at least 2037/38, as appropriate.
DECISION: The Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and City Development
1. approved the revised Local Plan timetable set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS)
2. granted delegated authority to Assistant Director Planning & Economic Growth to make minor amendments to the LDS and Development Plan Document timetables as necessary.
3. noted the progression of other Portsmouth Development Plan Documents and Supporting Planning Policy documents |
Scheme of Delegation The purpose of this report is seek approvals to amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to ensure the Planning Committee time is utilised efficiently to deal with important, strategic or especially contentious applications as quickly as possible.
That the Cabinet Member approves amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to increase the scale threshold of applications that are reserved for Committee approval from 6 or more dwellings to 10 or more dwellings for a period of six months. Minutes: (TAKE IN REPORT) Ian Maguire introduced this report that seeks approvals to amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to ensure the Planning Committee time is utilised efficiently to deal with important, strategic or especially contentious applications as quickly as possible. It is in the public interest for the local planning authority to have effective delegation arrangements in place to ensure that decisions on planning applications that raise no significant planning issues are made quickly and that resources are appropriately concentrated on the applications of greatest significance to the local area. An amendment to Paragraph 53 is considered appropriate. By amending the threshold whereby applications must come to committee from 6+ new dwellings to 10+ new dwellings this will reduce the number of outstanding items awaiting committee consideration by nearly 10%. It will also align the threshold with the prescribed application description of a 'Major' application, making it easier for applicants to understand the determination process.
DECISION: The Cabinet Member for Planning Policy and City Development approved amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to increase the scale threshold of applications that are reserved for Committee approval from 6 or more dwellings to 10 or more dwellings for a period of six months. |