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Apologies Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillors Ryan Brent and Chris Dike.
Declarations of Members' Interests Minutes: None. For transparency, Councillor Suzy Horton declared a non-prejudicial interest in that she is Vice-Chair of Governors at Craneswater Junior School.
School Funding Arrangements 2024/25 PDF 490 KB Purpose of report
The purpose of this report is to:
§ Seek endorsement of the final stage submission to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (EFSA) by 22 January 2024 of the 2024-25 mainstream school revenue funding pro-forma for the Primary and Secondary Phases.
§ Inform the Cabinet Member of the progress towards the initial determination of the schools budget (including individual schools budgets for 2024-25) and to seek the necessary approvals and endorsements required.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member:
1) Approves the proposed changes to the mainstream schools revenue funding arrangements as set out in Section 5 and Appendix 2.
2) Approves the school revenue funding pro-forma at Appendix 3 for submission to the ESFA on 22 January 2024.
3) Approves the use of the carry forward on the Schools Specific Contingency for the same purpose in 2024-25 as set out in Section 6.
4) Endorses the de-delegated unit values in relation to the School Improvement, Monitoring and Brokerage Grant of £10.42 for each Primary pupil.
5) Approves the budget to be held centrally for the payment of central licences negotiated nationally for all schools by the Secretary of State.
6) Endorses the use of the 2023-24 underspend on the Growth Fund for use for the same purpose in 2024-25.
7) Endorses the Growth Fund and the proposed increase to the Lump Sum payments for primary and secondary schools, specifically: i) Primary - £138,300 ii) Secondary - £173,130.
8) Endorses the budgets to be held centrally specifically as set out in Appendix 1: i) Schools Forum ii) Admissions iii) Duties retained by the local authority for all schools iv) Centrally employed Teachers' pay and pensions grants.
9) Approves the place numbers for Special Schools, Inclusion Centres and Alternative Provision Settings as set out in Section 9 and Appendix 4 of the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Angela Mann, Finance Manager, introduced the report and informed the Cabinet Member that the report follows a previous report (considered at the Cabinet Member decision meeting held on 14 December 2023) and includes information for submission to the Education and Skills Funding Agency by 22 January 2024, values for Growth funding in line with decisions made by Schools Forum and notes the progress towards determining individual schools budgets. She explained that the budget for High Needs provision will be considered at the next Children Families and Education Decision meeting.
The Cabinet Member thanked officers for all the work on the report including as a result of late information coming from the government following changes to the funding available.
DECISIONS - the Cabinet Member: 1) Approved the proposed changes to the mainstream schools revenue funding arrangements as set out in Section 5 and Appendix 2 of the report. 2) Approved the school revenue funding pro-forma at Appendix 3 of the report for submission to the ESFA on 22 January 2024. 3) Approved the use of the carry forward on the Schools Specific Contingency for the same purpose in 2024-25 as set out in Section 6 of the report. 4) Endorsed the de-delegated unit values in relation to the School Improvement, Monitoring and Brokerage Grant of £10.42 for each Primary pupil. 5) Approved the budget to be held centrally for the payment of central licences negotiated nationally for all schools by the Secretary of State. 6) Endorsed the use of the 2023-24 underspend on the Growth Fund for use for the same purpose in 2024-25. 7) Endorsed the Growth Fund and the proposed increase to the Lump Sum payments for primary and secondary schools, specifically: a. Primary - £138,300 b. Secondary - £173,130. 8) Endorsed the budgets to be held centrally specifically as set out in Appendix 1 of the report: a. Schools Forum b. Admissions c. Duties retained by the local authority for all schools d. Centrally employed Teachers' pay and pensions grants.
9) Approved the place numbers for Special Schools, Inclusion Centres and Alternative Provision Settings as set out in Section 9 and Appendix 4 of the report.