Venue: Council Chamber - The Guildhall, Portsmouth. View directions
Contact: Karen Martin, Tel: 023 9284 1704 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Terry Norton. |
Declarations of Members' Interests Minutes: Councillor Horton declared a non-prejudicial interest in that she is Vice-Chair of Governors at Craneswater Junior School. Councillor Tom Coles declared a non-prejudicial interest in that he is a member of the Penbridge Academy Board.
Consultation on Revised Travel Assistance Policies PDF 91 KB Purpose To seek approval to consult on making changes to the Travel Assistance Policy for children of statutory school age (5-16) and the Travel Assistance Statement for post-16 learners.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education agrees to:
a) Consult on revised draft Portsmouth travel assistance policies for children of statutory school age and post-16 learners
b) Delegate to the Director of Children, Families and Education responsibility for preparing and issuing updated policies taking account feedback during the consultation period.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The report was introduced by Alison Critchley, Head of Sufficiency & Resources, who outlined the three main proposed changes to the Travel Assistance Policies.
The Cabinet Member thought the proposals were fair and would make the policies clearer.
DECISIONS - the Cabinet Member agreed to:
1) Consult on revised draft Portsmouth travel assistance policies for children of statutory school age and post-16 learners. 2) Delegate to the Director of Children, Families and Education responsibility for preparing and issuing updated policies taking account feedback during the consultation period.
Education Advisory Board PDF 92 KB Purpose
To provide the background and rationale for dissolving the Education Advisory Board (EAB) and how the responsibilities of the EAB will be covered in the future.
RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education:
a) Dissolves the Education Advisory Board (EAB) and transfers the EAB responsibilities to the Cabinet Member and the EYCP scrutiny panel b) Receives regular updates from officers on school improvement and standards through the Lead Member Briefings and that an annual report in the Autumn (covering the items in paragraph 3.5 of the report) is prepared for a Cabinet Member Decision meeting.
Minutes: The report was introduced by Mike Stoneman, Deputy Director, Education, who outlined the history of the Education Advisory Board (EAB) and the reasons for dissolving it.
Councillor Coles thought the recommendation was more of a merger than a dissolution. The Cabinet Member agreed it would lead to a more efficient use of time. She had asked Education officers to check with the EAB's representatives from the Dioceses and education organisations so that they were of the recommendation. The Cabinet Member also commented on the continually updated report that came to the EAB on provision for education during the pandemic and the LA response to it as invaluable historical document.
DECISIONS - the Cabinet Member agreed to:
1) Dissolve the Education Advisory Board (EAB) and transfers the EAB responsibilities to the Cabinet Member and the EYCP scrutiny panel. 2) Receive regular updates from officers on school improvement and standards through the Lead Member Briefings and that an annual report in the Autumn (covering the items in paragraph 3.5 of the report) is prepared for a Cabinet Member Decision meeting.
Dedicated Schools Grant Budget 2023-24 PDF 223 KB Purpose The purpose of this report is to inform the Cabinet Member of the initial determination of the Dedicated Schools Grant budget (including individual schools budgets) for 2023-24 and to seek the necessary approvals and endorsements required.
RecommendED the Cabinet Member:
a) Approve the initial determination of the Schools Budget for 2023-24 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.
b) Approve the 2023-24 Element 3 Top-up values for Special Schools, Inclusion Centres, Alternative Provision settings and Mainstream schools, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.
c) Approve the proposal that any carry forward of balances from 2022-23 to be used to assist with the revenue costs associated with the planned increase in high needs places, specifically The Wymering School, the continued introduction of the funding reform changes and fund any potential financial pressures arising during 2023-24.
Minutes: The report was introduced by Angela Mann, Finance Manager.
Councillor Coles agreed balances should be carried forward for high needs places and was pleased to see a good amount of SEND (special educational needs) spending. He thanked officers for the effort they had made with the budget.
The Cabinet Member said officers had done a good job in challenging circumstances. The budget had been to Schools Forum for rigorous examination.
DECISIONS - the Cabinet Member agreed to:
1) Approve the initial determination of the Schools Budget for 2023-24 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report. 2) Approve the 2023-24 Element 3 Top-up values for Special Schools, Inclusion Centres, Alternative Provision settings and Mainstream schools, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report. 3) Approve the proposal that any carry forward of balances from 2022-23 to be used to assist with the revenue costs associated with the planned increase in high needs places, specifically The Wymering School, the continued introduction of the funding reform changes and fund any potential financial pressures arising during 2023-24.
The Cabinet Member thanked officers for their reports.